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Cheryl's eyes moved restlessly toward Ted, narrowed when they found his face. With her sharp-tipped tongue she licked her lips like a cat about to pounce on a forbidden dish of cream.

Next to her, Syd lounged. There was something about him that had been missing: the casual confidence of success.

Ted sat beside her, his arm thrown over the back of her chair, his ma

"I think we've come to the end of the road." The fatigue in Scott's voice suggested that he had not spent the long hours of the night in bed." Craig has retained Henry Bartlett, who urged him not to make a statement. However, when I read Elizabeth 's letter to him, he admitted everything.

"Let me read that letter to you now." Scott pulled it from his pocket.

Dear Scott,

There is only one way I can prove what I suspect, and I'm about to do that now. It may not work, but if anything happens to me, I think it will be because Craig has decided I'm coming too close to the truth.

Tonight I practically accused Syd and the Baron of causing Leila's death. I hope that will be sufficient bait to make Craig feel secure in attempting to harm me. I believe it will happen at the pool. I think he was there the other night. I can only rely on the fact that I can outswim anyone, and if he tries to attack me, he will have exposed himself. If he succeeds, go after him-for me and for Leila.

By now you will have heard the tapes. Have you caught how upset he sounded when Alvirah Meehan was asking so many questions? He tried to cut Ted off when Ted said that Craig could fool people by imitating him.

I thought I heard Ted shout at Leila to put the phone down. I thought I heard her say, "You're not a falcon." But Leila was sobbing. That's why I misunderstood. Helmut was nearby. He heard her say, "You're not Falcon." He heard accurately. I did not.

That tape of Alvirah Meehan in the treatment room. Listen carefully. That first voice. It sounds like the Baron, but there's something wrong. I think it was Craig imitating the Baron's voice.

Scott, there's no proof of any of this. The only proof will be obtained if Craig has found me too dangerous.

We'll see what happens. There is one thing I know and probably have always known in my heart. Ted is incapable of murder, and I don't care how many witnesses come forward to claim they saw him kill Leila.


Scott put down the letter and looked sternly at Elizabeth. "I wish you had trusted me to help you. You almost lost your life."

"It was the only way," Elizabeth said. "But what did he do to Mrs. Meehan?"

"An insulin injection. As you know, during college he worked summers at the hospital in Hanover. He picked up a lot of medical knowledge those years. But initially the insulin wasn't meant for Alvirah Meehan." Scott looked at Elizabeth. "He had become convinced you were dangerous. He had pla

At the door he paused. "Just one last observation I'd like to make. You, Baron, and you, Syd, were willing to obstruct justice when you thought Ted was guilty. By taking the law into your own hands, you did him no favors and may indirectly have been responsible for Sammy's death and Mrs. Meehan's attack."

Min jumped up. "If they had come forward last year, Ted might very well have been persuaded to plead guilty. Ted should be grateful to them."

"Are you grateful, Min?" Cheryl asked. "I gather the Baron did write the play. You not only married nobility, a doctor, an interior designer, but also an author. You must be thrilled-and broke."

"I married a Renaissance man," Min told her. "The Baron will resume a full schedule of operations at the clinic. Ted has promised us a loan. All will be well."

Helmut kissed her hand. Again Elizabeth was reminded of a little boy smiling up at his mother. Min sees him now for what he is, she thought. He'd be lost without her. It cost her a million dollars to find that out, but maybe she'll decide it was worth it.

"Incidentally," Scott added, "Mrs. Meehan is going to make it. We can thank Dr. von Schreiber's emergency treatment for that." Ted and Elizabeth followed him out. "Try to put it behind you," Scott told them. "I have a hunch things are going to be a lot better for you two from now on."

"They already are." Ted's voice was firm.


The noon sun was high overhead. The breeze was coming gently from the Pacific, bringing the scent of the sea. Even the azaleas that had been crushed by the patrol cars seemed to be trying to struggle back. The cypress trees, grotesque in the night, seemed familiar and comforting under the splendid sunshine.

Together Elizabeth and Ted watched Scott drive away, then turned to face each other. "It really is over," Ted said. " Elizabeth, I'm just starting to realize it. I can breathe again. I'm not going to wake up in the middle of the night and wonder about living in a cell, about losing everything in life I value. I want to get to work again. I want…" His arms went around her.

"I want you."

Go ahead, Sparrow. This time it's right. No dillydallying. Do as I tell you. You're perfect for each other.

Elizabeth smiled up at Ted. She put her hands on his face and brought his lips to hers.

She could almost hear Leila singing again, as she had so long ago, "Weep no more, my lady…"

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