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“I had you under security before, and Palmer got to you.”

Mira as psychologist and profiler and Eve as primary had helped put Palmer away. His revenge spree after his prison escape the previous winter had nearly cost Mira her life. Could have cost both of them, Eve remembered, when he'd abducted Mira and caged her in a basement to lure Eve to his sick New Year's Eve celebration.

“He didn't serve you a tea party, either, and you stood up.”

“He just wanted me to suffer and die. In this case… where is Nixie?”

“I've got Trueheart riding her. I didn't know where you wanted to set up with her.”

“Where do you think she's most comfortable?”

Eve stared, blank. “Ah, I don't know. She did okay in the parlor last time.”

“A stu

“I don't know that either, exactly. She hangs with Summerset a lot, but he's all over the damn house. Like termites. She and Trueheart were hanging out in the game room before.”

“Game room?”

“Roarke's got a damn room for everything. Fancy toys, you know, arcade stuff.” She gave a shrug, though she had to admit, privately, she got a charge out of the deal. “A lot of classic game stuff.”

“Child friendly, then. That sounds very good.”


When Eve didn't turn back to the door, Mira asked, “How do you feel she's coping?”

“Had a nightmare last night. A real screamer. Thought they were coming for her, hiding in the closet, under the bed.”

“Natural enough. I'd be more concerned if she wasn't afraid. If she was repressing.”

“Like I did.”

“You coped in your own way.” And because they'd come quite a distance in the last two years, Mira touched a hand to Eve's arm. “And still do. This child has a firm foundation, which has been broken out from under her. But that foundation will mean she'll most likely have an easier time regaining her footing. With counseling, with care, and a return to normalcy.”

Eve gathered herself. “There's a thing. The situation she's in, the one I was in, they're nothing alike. Not even close. But-”

“A young traumatized child.”

“She had murder done around her. I did murder.”

“Why do you call it murder?” Mira's voice sharpened. “You know very well it was nothing of the kind. You were a child fighting for her life. If one of those men had found Nixie, and through some miracle she'd been able to kill him, save herself, would you call it murder? Lieutenant.”

“No.” Eve closed her eyes, bore down before the image could form. “No. I know I did what I had to, like she did what she had to. I killed, she hid.”

“Eve.” Her tone gentle now, Mira laid a hand on Eve's cheek. “Eve. You had nowhere to hide.”

“No, I had nowhere.” She had to step away from that touch, from that quiet understanding, or dissolve. “It's good she did. Good she was smart enough to do what she did, strong enough to crawl through blood to survive.”

“And so did you, so were you smart enough and strong enough. And terrified enough. You can't help seeing yourself, as you were, when you deal with her.”

“I did see myself. When I found her, huddled in that bathroom, blood all over her. For a minute, I saw myself in that fucking freezing room inDallas. And I nearly walked away from her. Hell, I nearly ran away from her.”

“But you didn't. And what you felt is normal. What similarities you see-”

“I'm projecting. I know the term.” She felt temper rise up in her, shoved it back. “I'm handling it. I'm telling you because I figure you should know there's a thing. Off and on.”

“And I expect you to tell me if it becomes too much to handle. For your sake as well as hers. At this point, I believe your empathy with her is helpful-for her. She senses it, and it adds to her sense of safety. You're not just an authority figure. You're her savior.”

Eve turned to the door, opened it. “She saved herself.”

After going back inside, Eve had to stand for a moment, orient herself and bring the location of the game room into her head.

“If you need to talk about this further-”

“I'll let you know.” She closed the door on it. “This way. We keep her on monitor. Got a homer on her.”

“No precaution is overdone, in my opinion.”

“On authority figures, I talked with her legal guardians. Li

“I'll do what I can. It would be good for Nixie, certainly, to see them, to talk to them. And it would help them as well.”

Eve paused. She could hear the beeps and bells of machines. They'd left the door to the game room open. “Listen, before you go in. Grabbing up Newman like that. It was ass covering, and a logical step. But it was strutting, too. Daylight, in front of witnesses. Pulling off something that risky, it's going to juice you up. Coolheaded, cold-blooded, organized pla

“Those who, even routinely, perform in risky professions or situations get the adrenaline kick. It's part of the reason they do what they do.”

“And the more they get out of Newman, the bigger the rush.”


Eve let out a deep sigh. “She's dead, isn't she? As soon as they determine they've gotten all the information out of her, there's no reason to keep her alive.”

“Unfortunately, I agree. You couldn't have saved her.”

“I could've thought ahead. I could've ordered this protection lockdown sooner on all co

She gestured toward the room. “They're in there. You can tell by the insanity of noise.”

“You should come in with me. She needs to see you routinely,” Mira continued when Eve instinctively stepped back. “To remember me in co

“All right. Jeez.”

Nixie was standing on a stool and pushing the buttons for the flippers on a pinball machine. The one, Eve noted, with cops and robbers-Roarke's particular favorite.

Trueheart was cheering her on, and looked about two years older than his charge.

“You got it now, you got it! Blast 'em good, Nix. In pursuit, armed suspects! You rock.”

The tiniest smile tugged at her cheeks, but her eyes were focused, her brow knitted in fierce concentration.

Eve smelled popcorn, and saw a bowl of it on one of the tables. The wall screen was on, volume up to scream, with one of Mavis's videos blaring. Mavis Freestone herself, in little more than a sparkle of paint, cavorted on that screen with what looked to be a number of mostly naked pirates. Black patches weren't just worn over the eye in Mavis's world, Eve observed.

She recognized the song-so to speak. Something about having your heart sunk and your love shipwrecked.

“I'm not sure that video, however entertaining, is appropriate for a girl Nixie's age.”

“Huh?” Eve looked back at Mira. “Oh, well, shit. Am I supposed to turn it off?”

“Never mind.” Mira patted Eve's hand, and waited until Nixie lost the ball.

“I still didn't get high score.”

“Beat the pants off of me,” Trueheart reminded her.

“But I can't beat Roarke. Maybe he cheats.”

“Wouldn't put it past him,” Eve said. “But I've watched him on that thing. You just can't beat him.”

She'd hoped the casual, somewhat cheerful tone would keep Nixie in the game mood. But as soon as the kid stepped down from the stool, she stared at Eve, the question in her gaze clear.

“No.” Eve spoke tersely now. “Not yet. When I get them, you'll be the first to know.”

“Hello, Nixie.” Mira stepped up to the machine. “You may not have gotten high score, but that looks very impressive to me.”