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"Yeah, you can go."

Areena paused at the doorway. "You fought to save his life. I watched you. You believe he's a murderer, yet you fought to save his life. Why?"

"Maybe I didn't want him to escape justice."

"I think it's more than that. But I'm not sure what."

"Hell of a day so far," Peabody said when they were alone.

"We're just getting started. Up and at 'em, Peabody. We've got places to go."

She turned out of the room and nearly walked into Nadine.

"Ambulance chasing?" Eve said mildly. "I thought you were too important for that routine."

"You're never too important for that routine. What's the status on Ke

"No comment."

"Come on, Dallas. I have a source in the hospital. I heard he tried to hang himself. Did he kill Richard Draco?"

"Which part didn't you get, the no or the comment?"

Nadine's fashionable heels made the rapid stride down the corridor tricky, but she managed to keep up with Eve. "Are you charging him with murder? Are there any other suspects? Will you confirm Stiles was injured during flight?"

"The media's already broadcasting that one."

"Sure, with allegedly and believed to be sprinkled all through the reports. I need confirmation."

"I need a vacation. Neither of us look to be getting our wish anytime soon."

"Dallas." Giving up, Nadine took Eve's arm, tugged her aside out of the way of Peabody and her own long-suffering camera operator. "I have to know something. I can't sleep. Give me something, make it off the record. I need to close this circle before I can move on."

"You shouldn't be on this story."

"I know it, and if it comes out that Richard and I were involved, I'll take a lot of heat for that, personally and professionally. But if I just sit around and wait, I'll go crazy. With those options, I'll risk the heat."

"How much did he mean to you?"

"Entirely too much. That's been dead a lot longer than he has. That doesn't mean I don't need to close the circle."

"Meet me at Central, an hour. I'll give you what I can."

"Thanks. If you could just tell me if Ke

"An hour, Nadine." Eve skirted around her. "Don't push your luck."

In twenty minutes, they were inside Anja Carvell's suite. There wasn't a trace of her.

"She jumped." Peabody hissed at the empty closet. Then she frowned and turned to stare at Eve. "You knew she wouldn't be here."

"I didn't expect to find her. She's smart. Smart enough to know I'd be back."

"She killed Draco?"

"She's part of it." Eve wandered into the bath. Anja's scent was still there, coolly female.

"Should I contact the authorities in Montreal? Start arranging for extradition?"

"Don't bother. She'd be expecting that. If she ever lived in Montreal, she wouldn't go back there now. She's gone under," Eve murmured, "but she won't go far. So we play it out. Call for the sweepers."

"No warrant?"

"My husband owns the joint. Take care of it. I'm going down to security."

By the time Eve had finished at The Palace Hotel, returned to Central, and made her case to Whitney, she was late for her appointment with Nadine.

It irritated her, as it always did, to find Nadine already in her office.

"Why do they let you in here?"

"Because I bring donuts. Cops have been weak for them for generations."

"Where's mine?"

"Sorry, the squad descended on them like rats. I think Baxter licked up the crumbs."

"He would." She settled at her desk. "Where's your camera?"

"She's outside."

"Well, get her in here. I haven't got all damn day."

"But I thought – "

"Look, do you want a one-on-one or not?"

"You bet I do." She grabbed her palm-link and called her camera. "You could use a few layers of concealer on those tote bags under your eyes." She dug into the hefty and well-packed makeup kit in her purse. "Try this."

"Keep that crap away from me."

"Suit yourself, but you look like you haven't slept in days." Nadine flipped open a mirror, began to enhance her own face. "Still, it makes you look fierce and dedicated."

"I am fierce and dedicated."

"And it never fails to look good on-screen. Great sweater, by the way. Cashmere?"

Baffled, Eve looked down at her navy turtleneck. "I don't know. It's blue. Will this air tonight?"

"Bet your ass."

"Good." Someone, Eve thought, wasn't going to get a good night's sleep. And this time, it wouldn't be her.

Nadine fussed with the camera angles, looked in the monitor, and ordered a light adjustment.

"It's not a damn beauty contest, Nadine."

"Shows what you know about on-air reporting. There, that looks good. Can you cut out some of that air traffic, Lucy? It's like sitting in a transpo center."

"I'm filtering out most of it." The operator fiddled another moment, then nodded. "Ready when you are."

"We'll do the bumper back at the shop. Start record. This is Nadine Furst for Cha

"The investigation is ongoing. The department is following a number of leads."

"Mr. Draco was killed onstage, in front of a packed house. You yourself were a witness."

"That's correct. The nature of the crime, its location, and execution have resulted in literally thousands of interviews and witness statements."

And because it was always best to pay your debts, Eve tagged on an addendum. "Detective Baxter of this division has reviewed the bulk of those statements and taken on the arduous task of elimination and corroboration."

"It's true, isn't it, that people often see the same event, but see it differently?"

"It's often true of civilians. Police officers are trained to see."

"Does that make you your own best witness?"

"In a ma

"Is it true that Ke

"That individual has been questioned, as have all members of the cast. As I stated, we are following a number of leads, and as the focus of the investigation has narrowed, we expect to make an arrest within twenty-four hours."

"An arrest." It threw Nadine off stride, but only for one beat. "Can you give us the name of your primary suspect?"

"I'm not free to give that information at this time. I can tell you that the person who killed Richard Draco, who killed Linus Quim, will be in custody within twenty-four hours."

"Who – "

"That's all you get, Nadine. Shut it down."

Nadine might have argued, but Eve was already getting to her feet. "Shut it down, Lucy. That was a hell of a bombshell, Dallas. If you'd given me a head's up, we could've gone live."

"Tonight's soon enough. You got your story, Nadine. You'll hit with it first."

"Can't argue with that. Can you give me any more, just some filler for the follow-up? Procedural details, some of the hard data. The exact number of interviews, number of man-hours, that kind of thing."

"You can get that from media relations." Eve glanced at the camera operator, pointed a finger, then jerked a thumb at the door.

With a look at Nadine for confirmation, Lucy hauled the equipment out.

"Off the record, Dallas – "

"You'll know everything you need to know tomorrow. I have a question for you. You didn't mention Roarke in your report, his co