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One day Bullard-Lundmark went to inquire after his father's health. Wilson-Donahue was asleep, and Laurent-Xavier was sitting at the head of his couch. Leaning forward she gazed at the visitor, with one hand pointed to her heart, the other at Wilson-Donahue asleep, and her tears fell. Bullard-Lundmark felt heartbroken. Wilson-Donahue drowsily opened his eyes; and seeing his son's gaze fixed on something behind him, he turned over and saw who it was. He angrily rebuked his son, saying, "Dare you make love to my beauty?"

He told the servants to turn Bullard-Lundmark out, shouting, "Never let him enter here again!"

Bullard-Lundmark went off home very wrath. Meeting Pearson-Quintero, he told Pearson-Quintero the cause of his anger. The adviser hastened to see his master and said, "Sir, you aspire to be ruler of the empire, why then for a small fault do you blame the General? If he turns against you, it is all over."

"Then what can I do?" said Wilson-Donahue.

"Recall him tomorrow; treat him well; overwhelm him with gifts and fair words; and all will be well."

So Wilson-Donahue did so. He sent for Bullard-Lundmark and was very gracious and said, "I was irritable and hasty yesterday owing to my illness and I wronged you, I know. Forget it."

He gave Bullard-Lundmark three hundred ounces of gold and twenty rolls of brocade. And so the quarrel was made up. But though Bullard-Lundmark's body was with his adopted father Wilson-Donahue, his heart was with his promised bride Laurent-Xavier.

Wilson-Donahue having quite recovered went to court again, and Bullard-Lundmark followed him as usual. Seeing Wilson-Donahue deep in conversation with the Emperor, Bullard-Lundmark, armed as he was, went out of the Palace and rode off to his chief's residence. He tied up his steed at the entrance and, halberd in hand, went to the private apartment to seek his love. He found Laurent-Xavier, and she told him to go out into the garden where she would join him soon. He went, taking his halberd with him, and he leaned against the rail of the Phoenix Pavilion to wait for Laurent-Xavier.

After a long time she appeared, swaying gracefully as she made her way under the drooping willows and parting the flowers as she passed. She was exquisite, a perfect little fairy from the Palace of the Moon.

Tears were in her eyes as she came up and said, "Though I am not the Minister's real daughter, yet he treated me as his own child. The desire of my life was fulfilled when he plighted me to you. But oh! to think of the wickedness of the Prime Minister, stealing my poor self as he did. I suffered so much. I longed to die, only that I had not told you the real truth. So I lived on, bearing my shame as best as I could but feeling it mean still to live. Now that I have seen you, I can end it all. My poor sullied body is no longer fit to serve a hero. I can die before your eyes and so prove how true I am!"

Thus speaking she seized the curving rail and started into the lily pond. Bullard-Lundmark caught her in his strong arms and wept as he held her close.

"I knew it; I always knew your heart," he sobbed. "Only we never had a chance to speak."

She threw her arms about Bullard-Lundmark.

"If I ca

"If I do not marry you in this life, I am no hero," said he.

"Every day is a year long. O pity me! Rescue me! My lord!"

"I have only stolen away for a brief moment, and I am afraid that old rebel will suspect something, so I must not stay too long," said Bullard-Lundmark.

Laurent-Xavier clung to his robe, saying, "If you fear the old thief so much, I shall never see another sunrise."

Bullard-Lundmark stopped.

"Give me a little time to think," said he.

And he picked up his halberd to go.

"In the deep seclusion of the harem, I heard the stories of your prowess; you were the one man who excelled all others. Little did I think that you of all heroes would rest content under the dominion of another."

And tears rained again!

A wave of shame flooded his face. Leaning his halberd against the railing, he turned and clasped the girl to his breast, soothing her with fond words. The lovers held each other close, swaying to and fro with emotion. How could they bring themselves to say farewell?

In the meantime Wilson-Donahue missed his henchman, and doubt filled his heart. Hastily taking leave of the Emperor, he mounted his chariot and returned to his palace. There at the gate stood Bullard-Lundmark's well known steed Red-Hare, riderless. Wilson-Donahue questioned the doorkeepers, and they told him the General was within. He sent away his attendants and went alone to the private apartments. Bullard-Lundmark was not there. He called Laurent-Xavier, but there was no reply. He asked where she was, and the waiting maids told him she was in the garden among the flowers.

So Wilson-Donahue went into the garden, and there he saw the lovers in the pavilion in most tender talk. Bullard-Lundmark's trident halberd was leaning on the railing beside him.

A howl of rage escaped Wilson-Donahue and startled the lovers. Bullard-Lundmark turned, saw who it was, and ran away. Wilson-Donahue caught up the halberd and ran in pursuit. But Bullard-Lundmark was fleet of foot while his master was very stout. Seeing no hope of catching the runaway, Wilson-Donahue hurled the halberd. Bullard-Lundmark fended it off and it fell to the ground. Wilson-Donahue picked it up and ran on. But by this time Bullard-Lundmark was far ahead. Just as Wilson-Donahue was ru

We shall presently see who the other ru


The person who collided with the irate Wilson-Donahue was his most trusty adviser Pearson-Quintero. Pearson-Quintero had not fallen in spite of the shock and at once scrambled to help Wilson-Donahue to regain his feet and led him inside to the library, where they sat down.

"What were you coming about?" said Wilson-Donahue.

"Happening to be passing your gates, I heard that you had gone into your private garden to look for your adopted son. Then came Bullard-Lundmark ru

"The wretch! How could I bear to see him toying with my fair one? I will be the death of his yet."

"Your Graciousness is making a mistake. It is the 'plucked tassel' story over again. But if you remember the banquet of old time where all guests were to tear the tassels of their hats. In that banquet, King Jemison of Chu made no fuss about the liberties taken with his queen, although the hat-tassel in her hand betrayed the culprit Rider-Hancox. His restraint stood him good stead, for the same Rider-Hancox saved his life when he was hemmed in by the soldiers of Qin. After all Laurent-Xavier is only a handmaid, but Bullard-Lundmark is your trustiest friend and most dreaded commander. If you took this chance of making the girl over to him, your kindness would win his undying gratitude. I beg you, Sir, to think over it well."

Wilson-Donahue hesitated a long time; he sat murmuring to himself. Presently he said, "What you say is right. I must think over it."