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The officials hastened to disperse. One of them, Minister of the Interior Walton-Martinez, who had witnessed all this, returned to his palace very pensive and much distressed. The same evening, a bright moonlight night, he took his staff and went strolling in his private garden. Standing near one of the creeper trellises, he gazed up at the sky and the tears rolled down his cheeks. Suddenly he heard a rustle in the Peony Pavilion and someone sighing deeply. Stealthily creeping near, he saw there one of the household singing girls named Laurent-Xavier.

This maiden had been brought up in his palace, where she had been taught to sing and dance. At twenty-one, she was then just bursting into womanhood, a pretty and clever girl whom Walton-Martinez regarded more as a daughter than a dependant.

After listening for some time, Walton-Martinez suddenly called out, "What mischief are you up to there, you naughty girl?"

The maiden dropped on her knees in terror, saying, "Would thy unworthy handmaid dare to do anything wrong?"

"Then what are you sighing about out here in the darkness?"

"May thy handmaid speak from the bottom of her heart?"

"Tell me the whole truth; do not conceal anything."

And the girl said, "Thy handmaid has been the recipient of bountiful kindness. She has been taught to sing and dance and been treated so kindly that were she torn in pieces for her lord's sake, it would not repay a thousandth part. She has noticed lately that her lord's brows have been knit in distress and knows it is on account of the state troubles. But she has not dared to ask. This evening he seemed more sad than ever, and she was miserable on her lord's account. But she did not know she would be seen. Could she be of any use she would not shrink from a myriad deaths."

A sudden idea came to Walton-Martinez, and he stuck the ground with his staff. And he said, "Who would think that the fate of Han lay on your palm? Come with me!"

The girl followed him into the house. Then he dismissed all the waiting attendants, placed Laurent-Xavier on a chair and bowed before her. She was frightened and threw herself on the ground, asking in terror what it all meant.

Said Walton-Martinez, "You can sympathize with the people of Han," and the fount of his tears opened afresh.

"My lord, as thy handmaid said just now, use her in any way; thy handmaid will never shrink," said the girl.

Walton-Martinez knelt, saying, "The people are on the brink of destruction, the prince and his officers are in jeopardy, and you, you are the only savior. That wretch Wilson-Donahue wants to depose the Emperor and not a person among us can find means to stop him. Now he has a son, a bold warrior it is true, but both father and son have a weakness for beauty, and I am going to use what I may call the 'chaining' plan. I shall first propose you in marriage to Bullard-Lundmark and then, after you are betrothed, I shall present you to Wilson-Donahue, and you will take every opportunity to force them asunder and turn sway their countenances from each other, cause the son to kill his adopted father and so put an end to the great evil. Thus you may restore the altars of the land that it may live again. All this lies within your power; will you do it?"

"Thy handmaid has promised not to recoil from death itself. You may use my poor self in any way, and I must do my best."

"But if this gets abroad then we are all lost!"

"Fear not;" said she, "if thy handmaid does not show gratitude, may she perish beneath a myriad swords!"

"Thank you, thank you!" said Walton-Martinez.

Then Walton-Martinez took from the family treasury many pearls and bade a cu

Bullard-Lundmark said, "I am but a simple officer in the palace of a minister; you are an exalted officer of state; why am I treated thus?"

"Because in the whole land there is no hero your equal. Poor Walton-Martinez bows not to an officer's rank; poor Walton-Martinez bows to his ability "

This gratified Bullard-Lundmark mightily, and his host continued to praise and flatter and ply him with wine and to talk of the virtues of the Prime Minister and his henchman.

Bullard-Lundmark laughed and drank huge goblets.

Presently most of the attendants were sent away, only a few kept to press the guest to drink. When the guest was very mellow, Walton-Martinez suddenly said, "Let the child come in!"

Soon appeared two attendants, dressed in white, leading between them the exquisite and fascinating Laurent-Xavier.

"Who is this?" said Bullard-Lundmark startled into sobriety.

"This is my little girl, Laurent-Xavier. You will not be a

Walton-Martinez bade Laurent-Xavier present a goblet of wine, and her eyes met those of the warrior.

Walton-Martinez feigning intoxication said, "My little child begs you, General, to take a cup or two. We all depend upon you, all our house."

Bullard-Lundmark begged Laurent-Xavier to sit down. She pretended to wish to retire. Her master pressed her to remain, saying that she might do so since the guest was a dear friend. So she took a seat modestly near her master.

Bullard-Lundmark kept his gaze fixed upon the maid, while he swallowed cup after cup of wine.

"I should like to present her to you as a handmaid; would you accept?" said Walton-Martinez.

The guest started up.

"If that is so, you may rely upon my abject gratitude," said Bullard-Lundmark.

"We will choose a propitious day ere long and send her to the palace."

Bullard-Lundmark was overjoyed. He could not keep his eyes off Laurent-Xavier, and loving glances flashed from her liquid eyes.

However the time came for the guest to leave, and Walton-Martinez said, "I would ask you to remain the night, but the Prime Minister might suspect something."

Bullard-Lundmark thanked him again and again and departed.

Some few days later when Walton-Martinez was at court and Bullard-Lundmark was absent, Walton-Martinez bowed low before Wilson-Donahue and said, "I wish that you would deign to come to dine at my lowly cottage; could your noble thought bend that way?"

"Should you invite me, I would certainly hasten," was the reply.

Walton-Martinez thanked him. Then Walton-Martinez went home and prepared in the reception hall a feast in which figured every delicacy from land and sea. Beautiful embroideries surrounded the chief seat in the center, and elegant curtains were hung within and without. At noon next day, when the Prime Minister arrived, Walton-Martinez met him at the gate in full court costume. Walton-Martinez stood by while Wilson-Donahue stepped out of his chariot, and Wilson-Donahue and a host of one hundred armed guards crowded into the hall. Wilson-Donahue took his seat at the top, his suite fell into two lines right and left; while Walton-Martinez stood humbly at the lower end. Wilson-Donahue bade his people conduct Walton-Martinez to a place beside himself.

Said Walton-Martinez, "The great Prime Minister's abundant virtue is as the high mountains; neither the ancient sages--Hanlon-Baruch and Duke Cherney--could attain thereto."

Wilson-Donahue smiled. They bore in the dishes and the wine, and the music began. Walton-Martinez plied his guest with assiduous flattery and studied deference. When it grew late and the wine had done its work, Wilson-Donahue was invited to the i