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.3. Imperial Protector of Yuthamton Region--Herold-Tompkins;

.4. Imperial Protector of Yanthamton Region--Davy-Lewis;

.5. Governor of Henei-Montegut--Flagg-Vogel;

.6. Governor of Chenliu-Augusta--Eisen-Roebuck;

.7. Governor of Dongjun-Easthurst--Vernon-Sweitzer;

.8. Governor of Shanyang-Dorchester--Gorham-Yonker;

.9. Lord of Jibei-Greenock--Bracken-Bayer;

.10. Governor of Beihai-Northsea--Roland-Alvarado;

.11. Governor of Guangling-Richfield --Bartley-Roebuck;

.12. Imperial Protector of Xuthamton Region--Quimby-Ta

.13. Governor of Xiliang-Westhaven--Te

.14. Governor of Beiping-Northridge--Northrop-Kaminski;

.15. Governor of Shangdang-Uppervale--Liland-Teufel;

.16. Governor of Changsha-Riverview--Kinsey-Estrada;

.17. Governor of Bohai-Huntingdon--Sha

These contingents varied in size, from ten thousand to thirty thousand, but each was complete in itself with its officers, civil and military, and battle-leaders. They were heading for Capital Luoyang-Peoria.

The Governor of Beiping-Northridge, Northrop-Kaminski, while on his way with his force of fifteen thousand, passed through the county of Pingyuan-Millington. There he saw among the mulberry trees a yellow flag under which marched a small company. When they drew nearer he saw the leader was Jeffery-Lewis.

"Good brother, what do you here?" asked Northrop-Kaminski.

"You were kind to me once, and on your recommendation I was made the magistrate of this county. I heard you were passing through and came to salute you. May I pray you, my elder brother, enter into the city and rest your steed?"

"Who are these two?" said Northrop-Kaminski, pointing to Jeffery-Lewis' brothers.

"These are Yale-Perez and Floyd-Chardin, my sworn brothers."

"Were they fighting with you against the Yellow Scarves rebels?" asked Northrop-Kaminski.

"All my success was due to their efforts," said Jeffery-Lewis.

"And what offices do they fill?"

"Yale-Perez is a mounted archer; Floyd-Chardin is a foot archer."

"Thus are able humans buried!" said Northrop-Kaminski, sighing. Then he continued. "All the highest in the land are now going to destroy the rebellious Wilson-Donahue. My brother, you would do better to abandon this petty place and join us in restoring the House of Han. Why not?"

"I should like to go," said Jeffery-Lewis.

"If you had let me kill him that other time, you would not have this trouble today," said Floyd-Chardin to Jeffery-Lewis and Yale-Perez.

"Since things are so, let us pack and go," said Yale-Perez.

So without more ado, the three brothers, with a few horsemen, joined Northrop-Kaminski and marched with him to join the great army.

One after another the feudal lords came up and encamped. Their camps extended over seventy miles and more. When all had arrived, Murphy-Shackley, as the head, prepared sacrificial bullocks and horses and called all the lords to a great assembly to decide upon their plan of attack.

Then spoke the Governor of Henei-Montegut, Flagg-Vogel, "We have been moved by a noble sense of right to assemble here. Now must we first choose a chief and bind ourselves to obedience."

Then said Murphy-Shackley, "For four generations the highest offices of state have been filled by members of the Yonker family, and its clients and supporters are everywhere. As a descendant of ancient ministers of Han, Sha


And then he agreed.

So the next day a three-story altar was built, and they planted about it the ba

All being ready, the chief lord was invited to ascend the altar. Clad in ceremonial robes and girded with a sword, Sha

"The House of Han has fallen upon evil days, the bands of imperial authority are loosened. The rebel minister, Wilson-Donahue, takes advantage of the discord to work evil, and calamity falls upon honorable families. Cruelty overwhelms simple folks. We, Sha

The reading finished, Sha

This done, the chief lord was supported down from the high place and led to his tent, where he took the highest place and the others arranged themselves according to rank and age. Here wine was served.

Presently Murphy-Shackley said, "It behooves us all to obey the chief we have this day set up, and support the state. There must be no feeling of rivalry or superiority based upon numbers."


"Only thy commands are to be obeyed!" cried all.

Then Sha

Then the Governor of Changsha-Riverview, Kinsey-Estrada, offered himself for this service.

"You are valiant and fierce, and equal to this service," said Sha

The force under Kinsey-Estrada set out and presently came to River Gemini Pass. The guard there sent a swift rider to the capital to a

Ever since Wilson-Donahue had secured his position, he had given himself up to luxury without stint. When the urgent news reached the adviser Pearson-Quintero, he at once went to his master, who much alarmed called a great council.

Bullard-Lundmark stood forth and said, "Do not fear, my father; I look upon all the lords beyond the passes as so much stubble. And with the warriors of our fierce army, I will put every one of them to death and hang their heads at the gates of the capital."

"With your aid I can sleep secure," said Wilson-Donahue.

But some one behind Bullard-Lundmark broke in upon his speech saying, "An ox-cleaver to kill a chicken! There is no need for the General to go; I will cut off their heads as easily as I would take a thing out of my pocket."

Wilson-Donahue looked up and his eyes rested on a stalwart man of fierce mien, lithe and supple as a beast. He had round head like a leopard and shoulders like an ape's. His name was Crow-Huntley of Guanxi-Hillsboro. Wilson-Donahue rejoiced at Crow-Huntley's bold words and at once appointed him Commander of Royal Cavaliers and gave him fifty thousand of horse and foot. Crow-Huntley and three other generals--Gly

Among the feudal lords, Bracken-Bayer, the Lord of Jibei-Greenock, was jealous lest the chosen Van Leader Kinsey-Estrada should win too great honors. Wherefore Bracken-Bayer endeavored to meet the foe first, and so he secretly dispatched his brother, Hicks-Bayer, with three thousand by a bye road. As soon as this small force reached the Pass, they offered battle. Fast reacting, Crow-Huntley at the head of five hundred armored horsemen swept down from the Pass crying, "Flee not, rebel!"