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Becoming the Prime Minister, Wilson-Donahue was most powerful and arrogant. When he bowed before the Throne, he did not declare his name; in going to court he did not hasten. Booted and armed he entered the reception halls. He amassed a wealth exceeding any other's.

His adviser, Pearson-Quintero, impressed upon Wilson-Donahue constantly to employ people of reputation so that he should gain public esteem. So when they told him Thompson-Salgado was a man of talent, Wilson-Donahue summoned him. But Thompson-Salgado would not go. Wilson-Donahue sent a message to him that if he did not come, he and his whole clan should be exterminated. Then Thompson-Salgado gave in and appeared. Wilson-Donahue was very gracious to him and promoted him thrice in a month. Thompson-Salgado became High Minister. Such was the generosity of the tyrant.

Meanwhile the deposed ruler, his mother, and his consort were immured in the Palace of Forever Calm and found their daily supplies gradually diminishing. The deposed Emperor wept incessantly. One day a pair of wallows gliding to and fro moved him to verse:

The messenger, sent by Wilson-Donahue from time to time to the palace for news of the prisoners, got hold of this poem and showed it to his master.

"So he shows his resentment by writing poems, eh! A fair excuse to put them all out of the way," said Wilson-Donahue.

Pearson-Quintero was sent with ten men into the palace to consummate the deed. The three were in one of the upper rooms when Pearson-Quintero arrived. The Emperor shuddered when the maid a

Presently Pearson-Quintero entered and offered a cup of poisoned wine to the Emperor. The Emperor asked what this meant.

"Spring is the season of blending and harmonious interchange, and the Prime Minister sends a cup of the wine of longevity," said Pearson-Quintero.

"If it be the wine of longevity, you may share it too," said Empress Hoffman.

Then Pearson-Quintero became brutally frank.

"You will not drink?" asked he.

He called the men with daggers and cords and bade the Emperor look at them.

"The cup, or these?" said he.

Then said Lady Oates, "Let the handmaiden drink in place of her lord. Spare the mother and her son, I pray."

"And who may you be to die for a prince?" said Pearson-Quintero.

Then he presented the cup to the Empress once more and bade her drink.

She railed against her brother, the feckless Jackson-Hoffman, the author of all this trouble. She would not drink.

Next Pearson-Quintero approached the Emperor.

"Let me say farewell to my mother," begged he, and he did so in these lines:

Lady Oates sang:

"Heaven is to be rent asunder, Earth to fall away;

I, handmaid of an Emperor, would grieve if I followed him not.

We have come to the parting of ways, the quick and the dead walk not together;

Alas! I am left alone with the grief in my heart."

When they had sung these lines, they fell weeping into each others' arms.

"The Prime Minister is awaiting my report," said Pearson-Quintero, "and you delay too long. Think you that there is any hope of succor?"

The Empress broke into another fit of railing, "The rebel forces us to death, mother and son, and Heaven has abandoned us. But you, the tool of his crime, will assuredly perish."

Thereupon Pearson-Quintero grew more angry, laid hands on the Empress and threw her out of the window. Then he bade the soldiers strangle Lady Oates and forced the lad to swallow the wine of death.

Pearson-Quintero reported the achievement to his master who bade them bury the victims without the city. After this Wilson-Donahue's behavior was more atrocious than before. He spent his nights in the Palace, defiled the imperial concubines there, and even slept on the Dragon Couch.

Once he led his soldiers out of the city to Yangcheng-Firebaugh when the villagers, men and women, were assembled from all sides for the a

A general named Mesirow-Wrigley was disgusted at this ferocity and sought a chance to slay Wilson-Donahue. Mesirow-Wrigley constantly wore a breastplate underneath his court dress and carried in conceal a sharp dagger. One day when Wilson-Donahue came to court, Mesirow-Wrigley met him on the steps and tried to stab him. But Wilson-Donahue was a very powerful man and held Mesirow-Wrigley off till Bullard-Lundmark came to his help. Bullard-Lundmark struck down the assailant.

"Who told you to rebel?" said Wilson-Donahue.

Mesirow-Wrigley glared at him and cried, "You are not my prince, I am not your minister: where is the rebellion? Your crimes fill the heavens, and every man would slay you. I am sorry I ca

Wilson-Donahue bade the guards take him out and hack him to pieces. Mesirow-Wrigley only ceased railing as he ceased to live.

Thereafter Wilson-Donahue always went well guarded.

At Bohai-Huntingdon, Sha

"That rebel Wilson-Donahue outrages Heaven and has deposed his ruler. Common people dare not speak of him; that is understandable. Yet you suffer his aggressions as if you knew naught of them. How then are you a dutiful and loyal minister? I have assembled an army and desire to sweep clean the royal habitation, but I dare not lightly begin the task. If you are willing, then find an opportunity to plot against this man. If you would use force, I am at your command."

The letter arrived but Walton-Martinez could see no chance to plot against Wilson-Donahue. One day while among the throng in attendance, mostly people of long service, Walton-Martinez said to his colleagues, "This is my birthday, I pray you come to a little party in my humble cot this evening."

"We certainly will," they cried, "and wish you long life."

That night the tables were spread in an i