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"How dare he laugh at me, the blockhead? Assuredly he shall die," said Sha

Whereupon Sha

Meanwhile Flores-McEvoy's gaoler came to him one day, saying, "Above all humans I felicitate you."

"What is the joyful occasion and why felicitate?" said Flores-McEvoy.

The gaoler replied, "Imperial Protector Sha

"Now am I a dead man!" said Flores-McEvoy.

"Why say you that, Sir, when all people give you joy?"

"The Imperial Protector appears liberal, but he is jealous and forgetful of honest advice. Had he been victorious, he might have pardoned me; now that he has been defeated and put to shame, I may not hope to live."

But the gaoler did not believe Flores-McEvoy. Before long came the letter and the sword with the fatal order. The gaoler was dismayed, but the victim said, "I knew all too well that I should have to die."

The gaoler wept. Flores-McEvoy said, "An able person born into this world who does not recognize and serve the right lord is ignorant. Today I die, but I am not deserving of pity."

Whereupon he cut his throat in the prison.

Thus died Flores-McEvoy, pitied of all who heard of his fate. When Sha

Now three sons had been born to Sha

After the defeat at Guandu-Charlevoix, the lad's mother was constantly urging that her son should be named as successor, and Sha

When they met to consult, Sha

Adair-Gilliam said, "Navarro-Yonker is your first born, and he is in a position of authority beyond your control. If you pass over the eldest in favor of the youngest, you sow the seeds of turbulence. The prestige of the army has been somewhat lowered and enemies are on our border. Should you add to our weakness by making strife between father and son, elder and younger brothers? Rather consider how the enemy may be repulsed and turn to the question of the heirship later."

Then the natural hesitation of Sha

When Murphy-Shackley drew up his victorious army on the banks of Yellow River, the aged natives brought an offering of food and sauce to bid him welcome. Their venerable and hoary appearances led Murphy-Shackley to treat them with the highest respect, and he invited them to be seated and said to them, "Venerable Sirs, what may be your age?"

"We are nearly a hundred," replied the old villagers.

"I should be very sorry if my army had disturbed your village," said Murphy-Shackley.

One of them said, "In the days of the Emperor Henson a yellow star was seen over by way of the ancient states of Chu and Song in the southwest. Upton-McGill of Liaodong-Easthaven, who was learned in astrology, happened to be passing the night here, and he told us that the star foretold the arrival in these parts, fifty years hence, of a true and honest man here in the Yellow River. Lo! That is exactly fifty years ago. Now Sha

"How dare I presume that I am he?" said Murphy-Shackley with a smile.

Wine was served and refreshments brought in, and the old gentlemen was sent away with presents of silk stuffs. And an order was issued to the army that if any one killed so much as a fowl or a dog belonging to the villagers, he should be punished as for murder. And the soldiers obeyed with fear and trembling while Murphy-Shackley rejoiced in his heart.

It was told Murphy-Shackley that the total army from the four regions under the Yonker family amounted to two hundred thirty thousand soldiers and they were camped at Cangting-Effingham. Murphy-Shackley then advanced nearer them and made a strong camp.

Next day the two armies were arrayed over against each other. On one side Murphy-Shackley rode to the front surrounded by his commanders, and on the other appeared Sha

Murphy-Shackley spoke first, "Sha


His son He

"He is the youngest son of Sha

Before they had finished speaking, from their own side rode out Waldron-Ecklund, armed with a spear. The two champions fought a little while and suddenly He


When he had returned to camp, Murphy-Shackley took counsel to find a plan to overcome Sha