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" You baptized a dog?"

I was finished. A Mortal Sin. No use going on. I got up to leave. I didn't know if the voice recommended my saying some Hail Marys or if the voice didn't say anything at all. I pulled the curtain back and there was Frank waiting. We walked out of the church and were back on the street.

"I feel cleansed," said Frank, "don't you?"


I never went to confession again. It was worse than ten o'clock mass.


Frank liked airplanes. He lent me all his pulp magazines about World War 1. The best was Flying Aces. The dog-fights were great, the Spads and the Fokkers mixing it. I read all the stories. I didn't like the way the Germans always lost but outside of that it was great.

I liked going over to Frank's place to borrow and return the magazines. His mother wore high heels and had great legs. She sat in a chair with her legs crossed and her skirt pulled high. And Frank's father sat in another chair. His mother and father were always drinking. His father had been a flyer in World War I and had crashed. He had a wire ru

"How are you doing, boys? How's it going?"

Then we found out about the air show. It was going to be a big one. Frank got hold of a map and we decided to get there by hitch-hiking. I thought we'd probably never make it to the air show but Frank said we would. His father gave us the money.

We went down to the boulevard with our map and we got a ride right away. It was an old guy and his lips were very wet, he kept licking his lips with his tongue and he had on an old checkered shirt which he had buttoned to the throat. He wasn't wearing a necktie. He had strange eyebrows which curled down into his eyes.

"My name's Daniel," he said. Frank said, "This is Henry. And I'm Frank."

Daniel drove along. Then he took out a Lucky Strike and lit it.

"You boys live at home?"

"Yes," said Frank.

"Yes," I said.

Daniel's cigarette was already wet from his mouth. He stopped the car at a signal.

"I was at the beach yesterday and they caught a couple of guys under the pier. The cops caught them and threw them in jail. One guy was sucking the other guy off. Now what business is that of the cops? It made me mad."

The signal changed and Daniel pulled away.

"Don't you guys think that was stupid? The cops stopping those guys from sucking-off?"

We didn't answer.

"Well," said Daniel, "don't you think a couple of guys have a right to a good blow job?"

"I guess so," said Frank.

"Yeah," I said.

"Where are you boys going?" asked Daniel,

"The air show," said Frank.

"Ah, the air show! I like air shows! I'll tell you what, you boys let me go with you and I'll drive you all the way there."

We didn't answer.

"Well, how about it?"

"All right," said Frank.

Frank's father had given us admission and transportation money, but we had decided to save the transportation money by hitch-hiking.

"Maybe you boys would rather go swimming," said Daniel.

"No," said Frank, "we want to see the air show."

"Swimming's more fun. We can race each other. I know a place where we can be alone. I'd never go under the pier."

"We want to go to the air show," said Frank.

"All right," said Daniel, "we'll go to the air show."

When we got to the air show parking lot we got out of the car and while Daniel was locking it Frank said, "RUN!"

We ran toward the admission gate and Daniel saw us ru


We kept ru

"Christ," said Frank, "that son-of-a-bitch is crazy!"

We were almost at the admission gate.


We paid and ran inside. The show hadn't started yet but a large crowd was already there.

"Let's hide under the grandstand so he can't find us," said Frank.

The grandstand was built of temporary planks for the people to sit on. We went underneath. We saw two guys standing under the center of the grandstand and looking up. They were about 13 or 14 years old, about two or three years older than we were.

"What are they looking at?" I asked.

"Let's go see," said Frank.

We walked over. One of the guys saw us coming.

"Hey, you punks, get out of here!"

"What are you guys looking at?" Frank asked.

"I told you punks to get out of here!"

"Ah, hell, Marty, let 'em have a look!"

We walked over to where they were standing. We looked up.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Hell, can't you see it?" one of the big guys asked.

"See what?"

"It's a cunt."

"A cunt? Where?"

"Look, right there! See it?"

He pointed.

There was a woman sitting with her skirt bunched back underneath her. She didn't have any panties on, and looking up between the planks you could see her cunt.

"See it?"

"Yeah, I see it. It's a cunt," said Frank.

"All right, now you guys get out of here and keep your mouths shut."

"But we want to look at it a little longer," said Frank. "Just let us look a little longer."

"All right, but not too long."

We stood there looking up at it.

"I can see it," I said.

"It's a cunt," said Frank.

"It's really a cunt," I said.

"Yeah," said one of the big guys, "that's what it is."

"I'll always remember this," I said.

"All right, you guys, it's time to go."

"What for?" asked Frank. "Why can't we keep looking?"

"Because," said one of the big guys, "I'm going to do something.

Now get out of here!"

We walked off.

"I wonder what he's going to do?" I asked.

"I don't know," said Frank, "maybe he's going to throw a rock at it."

We got out from under the grandstand and looked around for Daniel. We didn't see him anywhere.

"Maybe he left," I said.

"A guy like that doesn't like airplanes," said Frank. We climbed up into the grandstand and waited for the show to begin. I looked around at all the women.

"I wonder which one she was?" I asked.

"I guess you can't tell from the top," said Frank. Then the air show began. There was a guy in a Fokker doing stunts. He was good, he looped and circled, stalled, pulled out of it, skimmed the ground, and did an Immelman. His best trick consisted of a hook on each wing. Two red handkerchiefs were fastened to poles about six feet above the ground. The Fokker flew down, dipped a wing, and picked a handkerchief off the pole with the hook on its wing. Then it came around, dipped the other wing, and got the other handkerchief.

Then there were some sky-writing acts which were dull and some balloon races which were silly, and then they had something good - a race around four pylons, close to the ground. The airplanes had to circle the pylons twelve times and the one that finished first got the prize. The pilot was automatically disqualified if he circled above the pylons. The racing planes sat on the ground warming up. They were all built differently. One had a long slim body with hardly any wings. Another was fat and round, it looked like a football. Another was almost all wings and no body. Each was different and each was grandly painted. The prize for the wi