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Chapter 1: On People and Not…
It is no secret that even the military recognizes the existence of UFOs. To clarify: UFOs should not be a simple association with some aliens. UFO – is first of all an unidentified flying machine . In addition, there are organizations that study not standard phenomena, unidentified, that is, remaining mysterious events, cases. I do not mean any investigation, criminal or similar, but exactly an event that goes beyond our usual logic.
Next I have one confession to make. In ozzmozhno it will have some consequences for me, but I can't do it without it either. To make it interesting for you to read, I have to make it . It consists in the fact that, in addition to the information that is openly available on the network, there is information from closed networks. For many people it is no secret that there is a dark side of the Internet – a separate world to which mere mortals the way is forbidden. Of course, it is not surprising that it is guarded by those who inhabit this world, but, no matter how strange, those who "hunt " for these "creatures", also unwittingly provide them with additional security . It is the intelligence services, whose goal is to make open all aspects of an individual's life, who fight against the secret side of citizens' relationships, using special organizations and special programs (as we know, anti-viruses), create a powerful barrier between that world and this, explicit one. In that world things happen with impunity that are punishable in this world. But the point for me is not that drugs, weapons, organs and other things are sold there, but the following: in the process of investigation I came to the conclusion that someone ( or something or nobody) created this system, this underground world on purpose, in order to conduct activities, negotiations there, that is to live out of sight of the manifest world. And when I dug deeper, it turned out that in that world "life" began earlier than in this world, in the explicit one.
Here you need to understand correctly the following: in fact, the Internet was created by a special military organization, which was, accordingly, classified. At first it was a military communication system called Arpanet (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), a computer network created in 1969 in the United States by the U.S. Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which was the prototype of the Internet . In any new technology, even for commercial purposes, is classified. And the systems created by special services and the military are even more so. This is understood, if not by everyone, then by many.
With time, many events , documents, technologies become not secret, but there are some moments in them that are always secret. Imagine if some time ago other intelligent beings settled on Earth, organized our civilization, led it according to their plan. Would it be a global secret for all time? Of course it would! Now the background (you may not believe it, your right): I decided to reveal some of the material, although I presented it in a slightly modified form, so that it was not quite clear where here is truth and where is fiction. With oglaisyte, human civilization is permeated with such stories – from myths and legends about magic, about other worlds, fairy tale creatures to religious cults, belief in God, justified by the suspicions about the existence of such centers, about which I intend to write. Though I will again specify (just in case): all stated is fiction, and there everyone will understand to the extent of his representation of the real reality. After all, everyone has his own point of view about the structure of our world, t and even more so about its hidden underside .
In general, once I was appointed to a commission to investigate paranormal phenomena. I hid it for many years, accordingly, I signed a non-disclosure, so, remaining true to duty, I write about it in the genre of science fiction . About However, I decided to open at least a window into this secret world, because ( I know from my secret cha
The first case involves, as in the best traditions of the genre, intellectual beings not of earthly origin. I see the modest smiles of some… and not modest either . However, agree, the more one realizes the majesty and magnitude of the universe, the more one wishes to be not alone in these vast expanses , the more one believes in the possibility of extraterrestrial communication with time. Isn't the same way? P look around at all this from the outside and recognize: late or sooner this communication will be realized and the existing one will be revealed.
When we start talking about aliens, most people think of a secret area called Area 51 in the United United States. In fact, this is just a distraction of public opinion, of public consciousness. Think about it logically: if aliens wanted to secretly arrive on Earth and build themselves a center for human surveillance, then couldn't they influence people in advance, recruit some (the right ones) or take on the appearance of humans? In go people are all different too. With the available technology, even Earth technology, they could certainly do it easily. However, here I need to make some clarifications , make an introduction about the cloud structure itself, named as alien visitation to Earth.
Believe me, many people have a very poor understanding of the very options of how this can be realized, respectively, the very structure of the system of moving living beings in space. To make you understand, roughly describe the following (I often repeat this , but there is no way without it): light from the Sun to us flies 8 minutes at a speed of 300 thousand km per second, and our spaceships, which are built at the current technological level not , fly at a speed of 16, 65 km/second. This is the third space speed (the minimum speed that must be given to a body for it to overcome the gravitational pull of the Sun and leave the solar system). So, even if we fly at a speed of 1 thousand kilometers per second, it is very little. Moreover, for living organisms flying in space even at a speed of 16, 65 km/s is very problematic. In the first place, radiation , as we know, penetrates everywhere, and secondly, blood circulation and… our brain also consist mostly of liquid. And fluids are more susceptible to inertial shifts under the influence of gravity and acceleration . That is why I accompany many of my expert opinions with the same introductions , which are based on my invented method of moving in space, finding other worlds, transferring consciousness from one body to another , and even to a being in another world. I learned the scientific component of this possibility by studying these secret materials. The essence of e e is the following: firstly, there is such a paradox of science as effect of quantum-entangled pairs. I will not tell about it for a long time, I often describe it in all my works, besides, there is a lot of information in the Internet . In a nutshell, quantum entanglement occurs at the moment when two or more particles become bound together. The point is that the interaction of these quantum entangled pairs violates all the laws of physics regarding the rate of interaction. And the laws of physics regarding speed, for example, are based on the fact that there is no speed higher than the speed of light. As I said, this speed is 300 thousand km/s. But these quantum entangled pairs affect each other with instantaneous speed, which is even impossible to calculate. Thus can fly these pairs of particles to any distances. Secondly, it is possible to transfer consciousness from one brain to another. For example, I have an interesting idea – a thought that I want to convey to you, for example. What do I do? I form this thought into words, tell someone, or write, or transfer my thoughts with the help of implanted chip directly to artificial intelligence, which can both print and voice, and with different voices . Accordingly, this is how I materialize my thoughts, such as the ones you are reading. By the way, this unique chip and software to it were developed by engineers of the company "ZASLON", and integration was carried out by the author, whom you have the honor to read, that is me. Sorry , I can't deny my modesty (I smile).
A special place in my story belongs to the author of the software, whose name I ca
However, I have distracted you a bit. So, that if you or someone else would read or listen to my thought, understand and reflect my thoughts in their thoughts, it is necessary to convert it into some form that we understand. After all, we never learned to read thoughts in the process of evolution. This is how my thought, and thought as such, turns out to be in another brain, in another consciousness, and there, for example, in your brain, as if in your consciousness, it becomes your thought. So in this way I have converted my thought into your thought. But is a long process. If you imagine your personality as a picture of moral and spiritual characteristics, convert it into digital form, then your thought will be one millimicron cell of this picture. And if all the cells are converted into a special program, then your personality will be encrypted in this program. Thus, you can take and, let's say, make a complete description of a person in the form of a complex formula, a mathematical matrix, a computer program. Not only to describe appearance, character or some peculiarities, but to take the totality of all analysis systems , be it blood parameters, tomography data of the whole organism, X-ray of body parts or something else, – analysis of everything that makes up an individual, and make an image of a person. But how to know all these parameters in accuracy, including the mechanisms that form the mental picture of a person, i.e. the formula by which the brain forms them? This is the most difficult thing. And this task was solved in the secret laboratory of ZASLON JSC, namely by a team led by this very genius, and not only in the field of binary code, i.e. in programming. This fantasist and wizard was named by us in the secret documents with the name of another genius – Rembrandt.