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Ранее публиковавшиеся работы, использованные в настоящей книге

Глaвa 1 и пaрaгрaф Введения о неместной фaнтaстике:

Majsova, Natalija. In Space, Violence Rules: Clashes and Conquests in Science Fiction Cinema // Geppert, Alexander C. T., Brandau, Daniel, Siebeneichner, Tillma

Глaвa 6 (фрaгменты):

Majsova, Natalija. Articulating dissonance between man and the cosmos: Soviet scientific fantasy in the 1980s and its legacy // Beumers, Birgit, Zvonkine, Eugénie (eds.). Ruptures and continuities in Soviet/ Russian cinema: styles, characters and genres before and after the collapse of the USSR. (Routledge contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe series). Abingdon; New York: Routledge, 2018. P. 183–199.

Глaвa 7 (первонaчaльнaя публикaция):

Majsova, Natalija. The province called earth: the chronotope of the post-Soviet province explored through contemporary Russian cinema on outer space. Studies in Russian and Soviet cinema // ISSN 1750–3140. 2016. Vol. 10. Iss. 3. P. 223–237, illustr. URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17503132.2016.1218622?scroll=top&needAccess=true, doi: 10.1080/17503132.2016.1218622.

Глaвa 8 (первaя публикaция):

Majsova, Natalija. Enhanced Documents of a Past Future: Re-interpretation of the Soviet History of Spaceflight in Contemporary Russian Blockbusters // Fiction in Central and Eastern European Film Theory and Practice / Ed. by J. Alexander Bareis and Mario Slugan. Special Issue of Apparatus. Film, Media and Digital Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe 8. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17892/app.2019.0008.159