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“And you feel alone.” Keenan came closer but didn’t intrude in her space. “So let me be your friend. That’s what you offered me when you became my queen. The approach of summer has added something else to it, but that’s…I need you to be happy, Aisli

She nodded, and then she said the words that she wished she didn’t have to, “It’s been weeks without a word. I don’t think he’ll be back, but I can’t let go.”

“Let me be your friend, Aisli

She let him hold her. Her sigh caught between pleasure and remorse as he stroked her hair, letting sunlight slide down the strands until she was languid, at peace as she rarely was these days.

“It’ll be okay. One way or another, things will be okay in the end,” he promised.

She wasn’t sure if he was speaking opinion or truth, but for now, she let herself believe him.

Happiness is a choice.

Chapter 25

Another month passed without word. Summer was in full strength. Graduation had come and gone, but Aisli

“I’m sorry I missed it,” Aisli

“It’s okay, sweetie.” Grams patted the sofa.


“It’ll get easier. Being this will get easier. I can’t say I understand, but”—Grams took Aisli


Grams sat silently beside her. The only sound was the steady tick of a cuckoo clock on the wall. It should be peaceful, but Aisli

Except with Keenan.

Then Grams broke the silence. “If Seth can’t handle what you are, that’s his loss.”

“I’m the one who’s lost,” Aisli


“He’s been gone for two months, and Keenan—”

“Is deceitful, Ash.” Grams kept most of the censure from her voice.

“Sometimes. Not always.”

“He’s a co

“I’m not…” Aisli

“You wouldn’t be the first one who fell into a new bed out of loneliness or longing, sweetie. Just be sure you’re ready for the consequences if you do.” Grams stood then. “Let’s get some food in you. I can’t fix it all, but I still have comfort food.”

“And advice.”

Grams smiled and motioned toward the kitchen. “Fudge or ice cream?”


Later that night, while Aisli

He’s a good person, too. Maybe not always, but for a faery king, he was remarkably good. For someone who’d struggled since birth just to get to where he should’ve always been, he was remarkably kind. And he’s here for me.

She leaned her head on him and tried to follow the movie. They’d been doing that a lot, just being near each other late at night. She couldn’t sleep, and unless she was at Grams’ apartment, Keenan was awake the moment she was. She wondered if he was awakened when she was at Grams’ too. She hadn’t asked. She just started spending more nights at the loft.

Grams didn’t comment. She could see the pacing energy that filled Aisli

Being with Keenan was a weird mix of comfort and longing. He was true to his word in keeping a marked distance, treating her solicitously but not pressing her. The only times he was overtly affectionate were their late-night movies. They’d watched more than a dozen by now.

The movie that night wasn’t fu

But as Keenan stroked her hair absently while they watched Once, it didn’t feel like lust was all they had.

Sometime during the movie, she must have drifted off to sleep because when she looked up the screen was black. She had shifted so she was lying with her head on a pillow in his lap, but Keenan was still ru

“Sorry.” She blinked and looked up at him.

“You needed sleep. It’s a compliment that you trust me enough to rest here.”

She blushed and then felt foolish for it. It wasn’t like she’d never woken up with friends. She’d crashed at Carla’s place and at Ria

“Get changed.” Keenan pulled her to her feet as he said the words.


“Breakfast out. Meet me downstairs.” Then he departed before she could ask anything or find words to tell him she appreciated his helping her feel secure enough to rest. She scowled at the door he’d left through. His distance during daylight hours made her feel awkward. On the one hand, she appreciated his keeping to his word not to pressure her, but on the other, it made her feel guilty. Once upon a time, he’d promised her that her wishes would be as his own. Despite his moments of telling her that what he wanted was different, he’d kept true to that. For not the first time, she wondered if she could’ve loved him if her heart wasn’t already given to Seth.

She was so tired of wondering, of doubts, of worries. Getting a decent night’s sleep helped, but worrying over the same thoughts she’d been having for months didn’t. Putting those thoughts away, she went to her room and got ready.

Downstairs, Keenan was waiting by the Thunderbird. They didn’t take the car often, so she was a little surprised.