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– Nice to meet you. Are you going to the gym or coming from the gym?

– No, I'm moving.

–To another city?

– No, my boyfriend and I broke up and had a fight.

–Make up again.

– Unlikely.

– Why?

– Yes, there is a reason there.

– I thought you were going to the gym because you were wearing a tracksuit,– said Jan, but he thought it was too simple an explanation because she had already given the reason, but he clearly wanted to engage the girl in conversation.

– Why are you walking in the park in the evening? Did your wife kick you out too? – A

– Wife… No, it’s normal with my wife, different things happen, but we love each other,– he said unexpectedly for himself and, perhaps, for her, who, perhaps, expected that he would start scolding his wife and voicing his difficult family situation.

– Then we need to go home.

– I don’t want to, it’s been a hard day, I don’t want to go home, and she doesn’t pick up the phone, maybe she’s offended.-

– For what?

– Maybe because I don't do much in bed, – said Jan, forgetting that he was talking to a completely random person on the street, even if she was a beautiful and young girl, he wanted to talk to someone, maybe even cry, like in childhood, but he had no close friends. He broke off relations with almost everyone after the wedding, because, firstly, his wife herself, then Diana hinted about it, and he himself did not want to, he wanted to devote more time to his family.

– Yes, we are like that, first we don’t give, then we complain why they don’t want us,– said A

He couldn’t understand anything, but, feeling that the girl wasn’t afraid of him and was talking to him as if he were a familiar person, without fear, he suggested going to a café, which beckoned from afar with a beautiful sign.

– Maybe some coffee?

– With pleasure.

They stood up and walked towards the establishment, and Jan offered to take her large sports bag in his hands.

– What's that? Panties?– he asked, teasing her a little.

– No, not only,– A

She was quite tall and in heels she was now almost level with Jan's height, who was used to communicating with shorter girls, and his wife was below average height. He felt a slight discomfort, which his new acquaintance noticed.

– Are you uncomfortable with tall girls?

– Great, you imagined it,– he said and tried not to think about it anymore.

The cafe was quite prominently located and there were always a lot of visitors here, most often people ordered coffee and went for a walk in the park. But A

– Have you already chosen the apartment where you will rent?

– Let's be informal.

– Okay, but do you know exactly where you’ll live, or will you look for it?

– How it goes, maybe I'll stay with a friend for a while, then we'll see. My parents live in the same city, but I categorically don't want to upset them, and what if they say again – "that I'm no good."

– Maybe I should help you with renting a place? This could be done if it wouldn't be too hard to accept my help, I would pay you the first month's rent or two, as it turns out.

– Well, I don’t know, it’s somehow awkward.

– It's uncomfortable to sleep on the ceiling, and that's normal, so don't think about it. The problem is that it will take time, and it can't be done today or tomorrow

– I understand. I have a friend, she doesn't know my boyfriend, and that's good, she won't nag me that he's like this, he's like that, I don't want to discuss him with anyone.

– Understand.

They exchanged glances, and that spark that runs between a guy and a girl when they meet happened, but it would be more correct to say that it continued to spark, because it had already started in the park, when he asked her about the panties in her bag.

– Your coffee.

– Can I have the bill right away? Thank you.

They left the cafe, and Jan suggested that they take a walk while finishing their coffee, and then give her a lift to his friend’s place by car, and she readily agreed.

The journey took about a quarter of an hour, but given the evening traffic jams it took longer. A

– I have this… There is nothing there, I just got dressed in a hurry, and suddenly we had a fight, during sex, I managed to throw a suit over my naked body and throw on my things, although I understand that he still had something left.

– My windows are tinted, I can’t see anything.

She pulled off her suit, and her breasts, which had seemed imprisoned before, were illuminated by the light, and the shape resembled a sculpture. If Jan had not been stuck in a traffic jam at that time, he could have flown into a ditch, but misfortune helped to prevent a second occurrence.

– I didn’t even have time to finish today,– A

They reached the courtyard. She put her suit back on, Jan took her bag and offered to carry it to the floor. Having gone up the elevator silently, she knocked on the door, but no one opened. When they were about to leave, her friend opened the door, apparently dozing, with disheveled hair and a robe on her body, under which there could only be underwear, because under the accidentally open hems only red panties were outlined in a triangle in the semi-darkness.

– Hi, I just got a message from you. Come in. Is this your boyfriend?

– This is my… boyfriend,– trying not to pause too long after the word – my- so as not to arouse suspicion.

I have a free room in the back, I'll go cook di

Jan took the bag and carried it there.

– Will he live with you?

– He… Yes, but he has a lot of work, so he's often on business trips, so he'll rarely come by.

– I see. Mine also went on a business trip two years ago, and then wrote that he got married, forgive me, excuse me. Anyway, I won't let other guys near you except him, I don't want my house to turn into a brothel.

– Of course. He is very polite and calm.

– I see. I'm going to the store, I need to buy some groceries and for myself too.

– I will help you.

– No, I'll do it myself, I need to go for a walk, I slept all day, now I feel like a fool

She stepped out and the lock clicked. A

– Hot.

– Yes, I'm a little sweaty too.

– So get undressed. Now you'll take a shower, have di

He took off his shirt and trousers and wanted to lie down on the bed, which was quite neatly made. A

Suddenly she felt hands grab her stomach and press her to themselves. A

– Fuck me like a bitch,– and, putting her hands into his underpants, she first pulled them down to his knee, and, directing them towards her crotch, she impaled herself on him.

Ian felt the skin stretch and the frenulum hurt because the vagina was almost dry.

– I'm always like this at the begi

– So you love for a long time.

He had thrust into her now as deep as he could. She bent over and massaged her nipples and breasts.

– Come on! Faster.

He began to make sharper movements, which is why he began to feel real moisture, tender, sticky. He had never cheated on his wife after the wedding, and today it seemed to him that he was having sex for the first time, these were completely different sensations, a different diameter of the hole, depth and shape, everything was different.

Here they both quite clearly heard that the door opened and the friend returned. But they did not want to stop, they continued, barely holding back their emotions, it was especially difficult for Jan, he wanted to swear and spank her buttocks.

The friend couldn't help but notice them having sex in the room. Her first thought was to join them, but she restrained herself and decided to masturbate in the hallway, next to their door, hearing their already very quiet movements, but still noticeable

They started whispering and talking quietly, and she heard it all and continued masturbating herself, sticking a few fingers of her hand into her crotch. She stuck a finger of her other hand into her anus and squatted down. She really wanted to cum before them, and she succeeded. She left a small stain on the floor, which she did not want to clean up on principle.

Ten minutes later A

– Is he married?

– How do you know?

– I can see right through these dogs. Let's go have some tea, di

In one day, Diana managed to go to a neighboring city to see a friend, ask for advice, and pour out her soul about why her relationship with her husband had not worked out. She herself worked as a cosmetologist, and her clients often became her friends, each of whom tried to give her own advice, while more than half of them were single or divorced.

There are people who like to give advice, there are those who like to listen to advice, she was one of those.

– Angela, maybe he has someone, yesterday he didn't even want to fuck, I was there all evening with my bare ass twisted, he was tense and didn't say anything. And it looks like yesterday he also jerked off before going to bed while I was lying next to him, and then she didn't say that she herself fucked with a silicone dick in her vagina.

– Oh, girlfriend. Rather, he has someone, and you need to dress more expressively, like a whore, to make him jealous, don't wear panties, I'll write you the address of a store right now, where it's better to get a big discount, don't take underwear, you don't need it, men pay little attention to this, they don't want to see us in underwear, you'll save money

She took a taxi back and the distance was quite short, like a suburb.

She dressed like this, as her friend advised, and first decided to take a walk around the city before going home, it was a day off for her.

She actually managed to dress in such a way that she looked like a train station whore.

A short skirt that was more like shorts or breeches. And because of the prominent shapes, the original model, which was supposed to be worn loosely, now turned out to be tight, contrasting the hollow of the crotch on the buttocks.

Diana, having walked two blocks in her city, where she had already returned in the evening, noticed that men were simply drilling her with their glances and fucking her with their eyes, she was very happy about this, she was on top of her sense of self-importance, which she believed she had lost in recent years in her marriage.