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Biguenet, J. (2015). Silence. Londen: BloomsburryAcademy.

Dries, E. (2015). Gewoon Quakers: wie zijn de Quakers en wat doen ze?: een stripboek voor begi

Gardner, S. (2010). Raw notes from the Quaker clerking workshop (зaпись в блоге). https://suegardner.org/2010/09/20/raw-notes-from-the-quaker-clerking-workshop/.

Gell, A. (1992). The Anthropology of Time: cultural constructions of temporal maps and images. Oxford: Berg.

Huijer, M. (2015). Ritme: op zoek naar een terugkerende tijd. Amsterdam: Boom.

Prochnik, G. (2010). In Pursuit of Silence: listening for meaning in a world of noise. New York: Anchor Books.

Quaker faith & practice – Fifth edition.The book of Christian discipline of the Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain. http://qfp.quaker.org.uk/.

QuakerSpeak, a weekly video series (YouTube-кaнaл).

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