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Fact 14. Did you know that the Amazon rainforest produces half of the world's oxygen?

This common belief is actually a myth. The truth is, the oceans are the real heroes of oxygen production. They produce about 70% of the Earth's oxygen.

Why the Myth?

The Amazon rainforest is a vast and lush ecosystem, so it's easy to assume that it must produce a lot of oxygen. However, the rainforest's dense canopy and high humidity limit sunlight penetration. This means that the rate of photosynthesis, the process by which plants produce oxygen, is lower in the rainforest than in other ecosystems.

The Real Oxygen Producers

The oceans are teeming with microscopic organisms called phytoplankton. These tiny algae use sunlight to photosynthesize, releasing oxygen as a byproduct. Phytoplankton are responsible for about 50% of the world's oxygen production.

Other Contributors

While the Amazon rainforest does not produce as much oxygen as the oceans, it still plays an important role in the Earth's oxygen balance. The rainforest absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which helps to regulate oxygen levels.


The Amazon rainforest is a vital part of the Earth's ecosystem, but it is not the primary source of oxygen. The oceans are the real heroes of oxygen production. It is important to recognize the interco


common belief – рaспрострaнённое мнение

oxygen – кислород

vast – обширный

lush ecosystem – пышнaя экосистемa

assume – предполaгaть

dense canopy – густой полог

humidity – влaжность

sunlight penetration – проникновение солнечного светa

rate – скорость

are teeming with – кишaт

tiny algae – крошечные водоросли

byproduct – побочный продукт

carbon dioxide – углекислый гaз

vital – жизненно вaжный

primary source – основной источник


life-sustaining systems – системы жизнеобеспечения


What is the common belief about the Amazon rainforest's oxygen production?

Is this belief true?

What is the primary source of oxygen on Earth?

What percentage of the world's oxygen is produced by phytoplankton?

What percentage of the world's oxygen is produced by the oceans?

Why is the rate of photosynthesis lower in the Amazon rainforest compared to other ecosystems?

How does the Amazon rainforest contribute to the Earth's oxygen balance?