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I feel like I have so many people to thank for this book, and I have no idea where to start. But what I do know, is this is going to be long, but I think we can tell by the size of my books I don’t do short.

So, I’ll start where I always do. The readers. I can’t thank all of you enough. Like all authors, we can only hope that you love our books. These stories—we write them for ourselves. We write what makes us happy. Because if we don’t, we’ll never survive in this career. Most know, writing books is really fucking hard, so it feels impossible when you don’t love it. And if we don’t love it, how could we expect someone else to? And then, what’s the point in writing if no one loves it?

At the end of the day, we want our readers to love them with us. To enjoy something we poured our souls into, and come out of it feeling like you experienced this story right along with us. There’s honestly no greater joy than that. And I appreciate all of you for taking this journey with me.

There’s no one else I can begin with other than the two people who played a major role in this book and in my life. Cue the sappiness.

I met them both in the same exact way—I reached out and asked them to take a chance on me and read my book, and they both became two of the most important people in my life. They listened to me talk endlessly about this book and these characters, brainstorm, asking questions and offering advice, and reading snippets and yelling at me for splattering (aka doubting myself.)

First, Amanda. You’re my best friend, plain and simple. You’re my other half, my soulmate, and everything else in between. If it wasn’t for you, I’m not sure I’d still be in this community. You’ve helped me through some pretty dark times and showed me love when I felt completely alone. We have a co

May, what the hell would I do without you? I can’t fathom it and I don’t want to. When I first met you, I felt a co

I love you both, even more than Z could ever say. I don’t deserve either of you, but I’m selfish enough to accept it. Haunting Adeline would not be what it is without either of you. I would not be who I am with you two.

And I haven’t forgotten you, Abby. I could never. You came into my life exactly when I needed you most, and I’ve never looked back. I knew from the begi

To my betas, Rita, Keri, Autumn, Taylor, Caitlyn, RS and Mandy, thank you all so much for your incredible feedback and support. You all offer up your free time and energy to do something you don’t have to do, and each and every one of you are appreciated and loved. I can’t thank any of you enough for walking alongside me and helping me become a better author.

Lastly, to my editors. The two beautiful ladies that have polished this book and made it so pretty. Angie and Sarah, I seriously can’t thank you both enough. You’ve both shown me so much support and love, and I will forever be indebted to both of you.

Just… thank you. To all of you. Thank you.