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“That’s good,” Heath said as Adrien slipped his shirt from his shoulders and let it flutter to the ground. “Kick off your shoes. Good. The pants now.


Adrien glanced around the clearing in front of the house, uncertain of being naked outside. Due to his religious upbringing and natural shyness, he’d never been one for public displays of his body, even preferring to wear a swim shirt when at the pool. But there was no one in these deep, shadowy, silent woods but him and Heath. He took in the swaying and creaking of the trees around him, the gray depth of the shadows stretching into the dark forest, and felt the cool breeze flowing over his now-exposed skin. His nipples peaked, and he shuddered as he undid his jeans quickly and shoved them down.

Heath crossed his arms over his chest, glasses still clutched in one hand, when Adrien stood up straight after removing his socks. His gaze crawled over Adrien’s body, head to toe, in a slow, assessing way. “Fold the clothes.

Put them and your glasses back in the car for safe keeping.”

Adrien did as he was told, slick sliding down his legs, and his hands trembling madly.

“Turn around,” Heath said, when he was done.

Trembling, Adrien complied. With his back to Heath, he faced the long, twisted driveway through the forest. He peered down it wondering what he’d sold, exactly, when he agreed to do the online auction. His dignity? His soul?

“Bend over. Spread your cheeks. I want to see what I paid for.”

Adrien’s throat clicked as he swallowed, and some part of him thought of protesting. But his cock ached against his stomach, pre-cum welling up and slipping down the sides, and his asshole leaked lubricating slick relentlessly, leaving his thighs a wet mess. His hole clenched and released with restless need. Taking a deep breath, he did as he was ordered.

A breeze fluttered over his hot, wet anus, and he moaned at the touch of nature on his most private place. He squeezed his eyes closed and waited, and then he felt a dam break inside. Lust flooded him. He fought it for a moment, fear and disorientation mounting.

“Shh, steady,” Heath whispered.

Adrien moaned and arched into the brush of Heath’s hand down his back, around his buttocks.

“I’ve got you now.” With no hesitation, Heath’s solid, firm fingers invaded his aching hole. He moaned as two of them slipped in deep, found his heat-swollen prostate, and massaged it while Adrien struggled for balance. He pushed his hands into his thighs and groaned as another obliterating wave of lust swallowed him up.

Just as Adrien’s knees started to give out, lost to uncompromising need and humping back against Heath’s intruding digits, Heath yanked his fingers free. “Stand up,” he ordered. “Turn around to face me.”

Panting like a slut, he was dizzy and begging for—something. He didn’t know what. An end, a start? A climax? He was wild with it now and pleading sounds spilled out of his mouth. Nothing mattered but being touched and reaching satisfaction. It was exactly as Lance had warned him.

Adrien turned. His entire body jittered with the rising heat, and he gave in to the strange eroticism of this man commanding him in such an intimate way.

“Please,” Adrien whispered. “Hurry. I want, I need, please.”

Heath stepped back from Adrien, provoking a cry, and gave him another long once-over before undoing his own jeans and shoving them down to bring out his enormous cock. Adrien’s breath stuttered as he took in the vast

width and length, and his asshole ran with slick, preparing itself for the mammoth intrusion. He’d always known that alpha cocks were larger than omegas’ or betas’; they’d covered that even in omega sex education classes in school. He’d seen plenty of porn in his life, too, but he’d never imagined a cock could be the size of Heath’s.

Nor did he know it would smell so good. His mouth watered and he wanted to taste the wet tip of the enormous thing.

“Get on your knees,” Heath said, stroking his hand over his tool, milking a bead of pre-cum from the slit.

Adrien hesitated for a moment, but then a massive rush of slick flooded his thighs and a slam of heat rolled over his body. Lust had him in its grip, and he fell to his knees, crying out with want. The full expression of heat was on him and rational thought evaporated into sensation and desire. His cock bobbed against his stomach, the line of fur between his belly button and pubic mound teasing and scratching maddeningly.

“Very good,” Heath said, but there was no smile in his eyes. No glimmer of amusement or affection. Only authority and lust. Perhaps a touch of concern, though Adrien’s heat-addled mind couldn’t be sure.

His asshole ached and burned, an itch that washed over his entire body and then exploded against his skin. He threw his head back and shouted, his anus convulsing desperately. The breeze over him was a maddening caress, and the emptiness of his body was so consuming that he no longer felt human.

He was raw, needful, aching flesh from head to toe—craving only cock, and cum, and orgasm, and needing only an alpha’s knot. He whimpered, dazed and lost. He thrust his ass in the air, hands on the ground, knees in the dirt.

“That’s right,” Heath said with a crooked smirk. “This is heat. How do you like it so far?”

Adrien moaned and shifted from knee to knee, his cock a tempting rod of flesh that he wanted to grip and jerk. But some part of him knew better than to touch himself without permission in front of an alpha. So he groveled there, prickling with need, and gazed up at Heath with desperation sliding all over his face.

“Beautiful,” Heath muttered. “So much like…”

But he didn’t finish that sentence. Instead, his eyes, which had softened

when presented with Adrien’s display of needy vulnerability, hardened again.

“Crawl to me. Mouth open, tongue out.”

Adrien crawled, his aching hard cock swinging as he did, and his slick asshole screaming for cock. He stuck his tongue out as far as he could and opened his mouth wide as he finally reached the space at Heath’s bare feet.

He glimpsed tufts of dark hair on the joint of each of Heath’s toes, and then gasped. He needed to bend and kiss them. Wanted to.

He did just that.

Heath chuckled above him. “All the right instincts,” he said, and then tugged Adrien up by the hair. “Lick my balls.” He brought Adrien’s face between his legs, shoving his nose against his groin.

As Adrien obeyed, his tongue bathing Heath’s soft, hairy sac and mouthing his big, round, alpha-sized testicles, Heath gripped his hair tightly, holding him in place. With his other hand, he stroked Adrien’s neck and shoulders soothingly, his breath coming in harsh shudders. A soft groan escaped as Adrien became more dedicated to his job.

Leaning over Adrien’s back, while Adrien continued to work, Heath slipped his fingers down Adrien’s back. Releasing Heath’s sac from his mouth, Adrien buried his nose in Heath’s scratchy pubes, breathing in the rough, musky scent of an aroused alpha. He couldn’t get enough of it, sucking in breath after breath.

“Stand up.” Heath hauled Adrien to his feet, cradling him close so that his mouth rested against the thrumming pulse of Heath’s neck. He put out his tongue and tasted it. Clenching Adrien to him with one arm, Heath slid his hand down to touch Adrien’s gaping, wet hole. He plunged three fingers in roughly. Adrien let loose a begging sound against Heath’s throat. The pressure on his heat-enlarged prostate made him feel like he was going to burst out of his skin with desire. He groaned and grunted, fucking back against Heath’s hand, the small rocks in the dirt of the clearing digging into his feet. He clutched Heath’s strong back and whimpered madly, finally mouthing his neck and sucking in sheer desperation.

“What a sweet little slut you’re turning out to be,” Heath murmured, still fucking three thick fingers into Adrien’s slick, wet hole.

Adrien shook and convulsed, his asshole tightening around Heath’s fingers. Every filthy word of praise from Heath was aural bliss to Adrien, and he shivered with pleasure at every syllable.

“That’s it,” Heath said, shoving Adrien down to his knees again. Guiding his thick dickhead into Adrien’s panting, open mouth, he ordered, “Suck me.”

Adrien greedily complied, the taste of Heath’s musky jizz enflaming him even more. He wanted to throw himself onto the dirt, lift his ass up again, and beg to be mounted. But with his mouth stuffed full of cock, he was pi

Heath sounded like he was smiling when he said, “Yes, Adrien. Yes. You were made to squeeze my knot. A perfect fuckhole.”

Adrien whimpered and groaned his agreement as he sucked harder on the head of Heath’s fat cock. It was all he could fit in his mouth, and even so, the stretched edges of his lips burned as he attempted more.

“Ready and eager. Just like I knew you would be. Such a good omega slut.”

The crass words combined with more praise set Adrien off. He released Heath’s cock, holding it in his hand instead, as he cried out. Then he tossed his head back, gritting his teeth together, and rode the wave of burning lust that nearly turned him inside out.

“Come for me,” Heath commanded, gripping Adrien’s hair and shoving Adrien’s face against his flexing thigh. “Get your cock in your hand and make yourself come.”

Adrien hastened to obey. His entire body was strung so tight he felt on the verge of dying—his pulse banging, his chest tight, the tension of his body as he rode the intense lust was too much. He couldn’t survive this. Not unless he got a knot in his ass to satisfy his craving. His cock was an iron-hot rod in his hand, and he worked it fast.

“Take your pleasure. It’s what your body’s for.”

Heath tugged his hair brutally with one hand and gently stroked his back with the other. Adrien scrambled at the jeans covering Heath’s thighs, holding on as the keen feeling crested, and then he screamed, coming hard.

With each powerful burst, he left thick ropes of musky jizz on the ground.