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“I, uh, haven’t showered,” Adrien said softly, tugging the jeans and underwear down and kicking them off. He realized he had bare feet and had been out in the garden shoeless. Where was his mind? “I should shower.”

“No. I like the way you smell.” Heath smiled, ru

“You like the way I smell, too,” Heath said, unbuttoning his shirt and tossing it aside. He wore a V-necked undershirt beneath, and he tugged it over his head. Then he reached around for Adrien’s nape and hauled him in.

“Sniff,” he ordered, holding Adrien’s face to his armpit. “Take a good, deep breath.”

As Adrien did, the sweaty scent of Heath’s pits filling his nostrils, he felt tension leach out of him.

“There,” Heath murmured.

“You’re more open here,” Adrien said when Heath released him and began to undress. “In the cabin, you were more closed off.”

Heath paused, bent over taking off his shoes and socks. He shoved them behind the giant ottoman serving as a kind of coffee table and then worked on undoing his pants. “I wasn’t sure if the pregnancy would take.” He sounded gruff now, like his throat was tight, and Adrien wondered if he was holding something back. “I didn’t want to feel…” He cleared his throat. “I wasn’t sure if an investment would be necessary. Now I know. You’re mine for the next few months. And I’m yours.”

He stripped naked as Adrien sat on the sofa and watched. Adrien’s cock throbbed and rose up against his stomach, and he shuddered in anticipation as Heath revealed his hairy chest, his buttocks, and the muscular thighs that Adrien remembered holding him open, while the giant cock, rising from a thick riot of pubes, had plowed into him.

He felt himself leak slick. Not nearly as much as during heat, but enough.

His nipples tingled and his balls rushed with omega fluid—devoid of sperm, but thick and pleasurable to spurt at orgasm. He might be ignorant of a lot of things about being pregnant, but he knew that omegas were sterile.

Heath sat down beside him and spread his legs. “C’mon, little one. Ride me,” he ordered.

Adrien’s thighs shook as he scrambled to obey. He straddled Heath’s hips and held himself upright with two hands on Heath’s shoulders. He gazed down at Heath’s face, staring into his gray eyes as he slowly lowered down until the tip of Heath’s huge cock pushed against his hole.

“Slick enough?” Heath asked. “Or should I finger you?”

The question alone made Adrien convulse and release another rush of slick, so that it slipped down his thighs and coated Heath’s cock.

“Slick enough, then.” Heath’s gravelly rasp sent shivers up and down Adrien’s spine.

Adrien threw his head back, a low moan escaping him, as Heath shoved in. Slow and hard, long and deep, until Adrien sat against his thighs with Heath’s cock buried balls deep. Adrien shifted experimentally and shuddered all over, his cock leaking pre-cum against his belly and smearing Heath’s, too.

Heath wrapped his arms around Adrien, bringing him in tight, and then pulled his head down to rest on his shoulder. “Now, just breathe here,” Heath murmured, holding Adrien close. “Feel me inside you.”

“This won’t hurt the baby?” Adrien asked, feeling how very deep Heath had plunged into him. He could feel the tip of Heath’s cock against the mouth of his womb.

“Fucking is good for him,” Heath said. “It bonds us. And it’s good for you. It relaxes your passage and hole. It’ll make it easier when it’s time for the birth.”

Adrien didn’t want to think about giving birth right then. He wanted to lose himself in the pleasure of having Heath’s thickness push hard against his prostate and slick glands.

“Now,” Heath said, “ride me.”

Adrien tentatively moved his hips and when Heath growled pleasurably, he moved them faster. He started with a circular motion, but soon that wasn’t enough. He bounced in Heath’s lap, gripping his shoulders but keeping his face tucked close to Heath’s neck, breathing in his delicious, masculine scent, as he fucked himself relentlessly on Heath’s cock.

“That’s it, little one,” Heath gritted out. “Hungry little slut. Take my cock.”

Adrien shuddered. He’d never imagined being called filthy names until the heat cabin when Heath had called him a slut. But he found he liked it. It

made him feel dirty, somehow, in a good way. A way that his father wouldn’t have understood—a way that made Adrien’s cock throb harder and his ass spasm convulsively around Heath’s big dick.

“I love it,” Adrien muttered, pressing his face tighter against Heath’s neck. “Feels so good.”

“Mm.” Heath rubbed his back and then just held on to him as Adrien did all the work.

Soon he was slick with sweat and aching all over. His cock dripped with pre-cum, smearing it all over Heath’s muscled stomach, and his nipples tingled from rubbing relentlessly against Heath’s hairy chest. He wanted to come without touching his cock, like he had in the heat cabin, but he couldn’t seem to get there.

Slick rushed out of him, until their thighs were wet and every slap of their skin stung. He moaned and clung to Heath harder, his body aching for orgasm, his skin feeling stretched too thin as he strove for it.

“Oh fuck,” Heath groaned, suddenly clutching Adrien’s ass and stilling his movements before fucking up into him roughly, wildly, holding Adrien tight enough that his cock rubbed against Heath’s muscles hard. He whispered, “Come for me, Adrien. Now. Come now.”

Adrien clenched Heath’s shoulders, pushed down with his ass, and felt himself open wide for Heath’s reckless plunging. His prostate lit up, a jolt like electricity up his spine, and he snapped his head up, eyes rolling back, as he found his shocking climax and pulsed into it.

“Fuck!” Heath yelled, and he kissed Adrien’s chest and throat, fucking him as the scent of Adrien’s spunk rose between them, slicking the cha

Then Heath shuddered all over, his cock growing harder in Adrien’s clinging cha

“That’s it, yes,” Heath murmured, shaking hard, his hips jerking uncontrollably. “Oh, fuck, that’s hot.”

Adrien’s cock shot off again between them, and Heath cried out, another volley of cum blasting into Adrien’s ass.

And then they calmed.

Adrien collapsed, sweaty and so tired, his cheek against Heath’s shoulder.

And Heath held him close, his head back against the couch, and his breath coming in heaving pants. Adrien was no better. He panted against Heath’s sweaty skin.

“Feel better?” Heath asked.

Adrien laughed, the absurdity of having just been fucked to calmness floating through his mind. And yet it had worked. He was too satisfied now to care much about what was going to happen next, or what it meant that he wouldn’t want to wear clothes, or what it meant to have the heir to this crazy castle and fortune growing in his belly.

He could just relax on Heath’s strong body, feeling his cock still twitching inside, and rest. It was okay to rest here. He was allowed.

He could learn to love this sense of safety and this full feeling of being plugged by Heath’s cock. He could learn to love a lot of things if it meant he could get fucked like this and then be held so tight after. He felt, for the first time since his father’s death, cherished and loved.

“WHERE DO YOU sleep?”

Heath was startled from the blissful reverie he’d been drifting in, stuffed deep into his omega’s body and scenting his relaxed pleasure as he cuddled on the couch in Heath’s arms. “What’s that?” he asked again, dragging his attention away from the fluorescent sensation of happiness glowing in his cells.

“Do you sleep with me or…?”

Heath picked up Adrien’s glasses from their safe spot on the arm of the couch and deposited them carefully on his face again. “I usually sleep in a room in the main section of the house.” He phrased it with deliberate vagueness, because he didn’t want to explain that it was the room Nathan had chosen when he moved in, and which Heath had never left. In fact, he was starting to think that he never wanted to explain to Adrien about Nathan at all. It was all better left in the past. “Why?”

“Oh.” Adrien tensed against him. “That’s fine.”

“Do you want me to sleep with you?” Heath asked, surprised that he hadn’t thought of it himself. His omega would need protection in the dark of

the night.

“It’s just that…” Adrien shivered against him, his asshole milking Heath’s cock lightly. “The bedroom is great in the daytime, but at night…the forest is…”

“I’ll stay with you. Protect you from the park’s deer,” Heath teased. But in reality, he was pleased. If Adrien wanted him in his bed already, then they were bonding well. Perhaps he wouldn’t be like Nathan and want to leave the child behind. Perhaps, he’d stay and…

Too soon. He shut off that line of thought.

“I don’t like that I can’t see if anyone is out there. Watching me.”

“The security for my property is incredibly tight, but there are window screens that you can pull down.” He almost regretted being honest about that.

What if Adrien didn’t want him to stay now?

“There are?”

“I’ll show you.”

“Okay.” But the stiffness in Adrien’s body returned. Heath could feel it in the tension around his cock and the tightness of the muscles of Adrien’s back.


“If we pull the screens down, I’m sure I won’t be scared anymore. You won’t have to stay then.”

“But you want me to stay anyway?” Heath asked, sensing the truth in his body.

Adrien nodded.

“I want to stay with you, too,” Heath admitted. “In fact, I’d stay with you exactly like this forever if I could.” He pushed his cock up into Adrien a bit deeper.