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They’d just turned on the heat because Adrien was too cold, for God’s sake, but who was he to argue with a pregnant omega? He lifted Adrien easily—he really had lost weight since the heat cabin—and opened the door leading out to the walled garden. The twinkling lights Simon had insisted on putting on the fruit trees gave enough light to see by, along with the full moon. Adrien’s color was returning. He sat down on the closest bench by a flowering rosebush and cradled Adrien against his chest.

“Did I pass out?” Adrien asked, his breath a puff against Heath’s throat.


“I got too hot.”

“We can turn the heat down. The oven can be adjusted and the heat reduced.”

“No. I’ll be too cold.”

Heath huffed a laugh. “Which is it?”

Adrien struggled out of his lap, wiping a hand over his mouth and pulling at his clothes. “I don’t know. I felt like I couldn’t breathe.”

“Do you feel better now?” He kept his hand on Adrien’s back, but he didn’t move it in the stroking, soothing ma

“I don’t have anyone who cares where I am,” Adrien said finally, taking in shaky, slow breaths. The cool night air was making his cheeks go pink. His glasses had slipped again, and Adrien straightened them.