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“Yours,” Adrien repeated, and then his hand did come to his stomach, touching where he knew the baby was growing every day. “We’re yours.”

Heath growled and wrenched open his pants. The evidence of his arousal pleased Adrien in a soul-deep way, and he opened his mouth greedily, leaning forward to suck the crown of Heath’s cock, swallowing the slippery tang of his pre-cum.

“Yes,” Heath whispered. “Suck it.”

Adrien closed his eyes. He sucked and bobbed, he tongued and worked, wrapping his hand around the base of Heath’s dick and jerking him until he got a nice squirt of pre-cum in his mouth. Then he moaned, pulled off, and rolled the flavor around greedily.

“Oh, sweet one,” Heath grunted. “You love it.”

Adrien nodded. He did; he loved the taste of Heath. It satisfied him like no food had since he’d left Heath’s heat cabin. He opened his mouth for more, sucking Heath down hungrily, opening his throat and gagging on his wide, hard cock.

“Get ready,” Heath moaned, thrusting into Adrien’s throat, slapping his balls against Adrien’s chin. “Swallow it. Every drop.”

Adrien grunted and nodded, hanging onto Heath’s hips. Adrien’s senses were filled with the musky aroma of his skin and arousal. Heath plunged deep, gripping Adrien’s hair and choking him with his cock. Adrien gagged and struggled, but when the first burst of semen shot into his gullet, he relaxed and gave in, trying to swallow it down, wanting every single bit of Heath’s pleasure deep in his stomach.

As the shouting ended and Heath ripped his cock out of Adrien’s throat, he gasped for air, sucking in oxygen madly. He groaned as Heath very gently wiped the saliva from his chin.

“That was good,” Heath said calmly. “That will settle your stomach, too.”

Adrien blinked up at him, dazed and harder than he could remember being since the heat. He wanted to jerk off, but something about Heath’s gaze on him kept him still for the time being.

“You’re not a prisoner,” Heath said steadily, holding Adrien’s chin and staring into his eyes. His cock was still hard, and it bobbed, wet and slick, in front of Adrien’s face. He reached out his tongue and licked the head of it.

Heath hissed and released Adrien’s chin to put his cock away and fasten his

suit pants again. When he looked impeccable once more, he turned his gaze back to Adrien at his feet. He stroked Adrien’s cheek and said, again,

“You’re not a prisoner. But there’s a reason you don’t see pregnant omegas on the street.”

Adrien blinked up at him. It was true. He’d never seen a pregnant omega in his life outside of the few educational films and pictures in books that had been part of his meager omega sex ed class. How strange that had never struck him before now.

“You’ll be growing quickly. Clothing will be uncomfortable. Your body will be preparing for birth. You’ll drip slick and you’ll lactate—make milk—

even before the baby comes. And you’ll be like this”—Heath gestured at Adrien’s hard cock—“anytime I’m near you. Which is why there will be times when I give you a break and let a servant care for your non-sexual needs, like bringing your meals and cleaning up your space. That’s for your welfare and the health of the baby—so you can concentrate enough to eat something aside from me.”

Adrien licked his lips, his eyes going back to Heath’s crotch, wishing for another few spurts of his semen. Nothing had ever tasted so good. He desperately wanted more.

Heath smiled down at him. “You are still such a filthy, cock-hungry slut for me. Worth every cent for your mouth alone.”

Adrien blinked up at him, dazed and still achingly hard. He smiled.

“Thank you.”

“Now take hold of yourself, and stare into my eyes. I want to watch your face when you come.”

Adrien wanted to beg Heath to touch him, to finger his asshole and then fuck him mercilessly, but he couldn’t look away from Heath’s commanding gaze, so he did as he was told. He took his hard prick in hand and worked it quickly, staring at Heath’s gray eyes as he did. He watched the shade change, growing darker with renewed lust, and when he felt the charge in his balls, the oncoming rapture of orgasm, he struggled to keep his eyes open and fixed to Heath’s, but he managed.

“Please!” Adrien cried as the cum surged up his shaft. “Fuck me, sir!


“I’ll fuck you, Adrien,” Heath said, his voice dark with promise.

“Tonight. You’ll be so full of me, I’ll take you so deep that you’ll taste me in

your mouth.”

Adrien cried out, his cum striping over Heath’s shiny shoes, white and slick and copious. His back arched and his hips pumped forward, as shot after shot of come flew from his swollen cockhead. He felt his womb clench inside, balling up hard in response to his orgasm, and the tension of that and the teeth-rattling pleasure left him spent and exhausted at Heath’s feet.

One of Heath’s hands threaded into his hair, and the other gently trailed over Adrien’s ear, touching the shell and then the lobe before releasing him.

“That was beautiful,” Heath said. “Normally, I’d have you lick the cum from my shoes, but I don’t want to risk your health with germs or bacteria.” He smiled softly. “You have my child in your body. We have to be careful with him.”

Adrien nodded, eyes bleary. He panted and ached, suddenly horribly tired.

“Crawl into bed,” Heath said, as though reading his mind. He guided Adrien into the soft, fluffy whiteness. “Get comfortable. Rest.”

Adrien’s eyes drooped, but he kept them open, marking the contrast between the rough nature outside the window and the sleek suit on Heath.

“I’ll send Simon to make di

Adrien shivered with anticipation, his cock twitching with interest despite the intense orgasm he’d just had. It wasn’t heat; it wasn’t compulsory, but it was a lush, heady need all the same.

Heath went on, “This will be your life until you give birth. Please enjoy this respite. Unless you have another child one day, you’ll never get a chance like this again.”

He kissed Adrien’s forehead and then stood, adjusting his cock beneath his perfect trousers. He pushed a button on the wall, and shades lowered over the skylights, darkening the room while still leaving the soft glow of the blurry green woods outside. “Until later, little one.”

And then he was gone, leaving Adrien drowsing on soft sheets, surrounded by a glimmering green forest and the sound of a babbling brook echoing through the solid glass walls.

Chapter Ten

HEATH HATED TO leave Adrien when he’d only just arrived, flushed with pregnancy hormones and looking so beautiful. He positively ached to strip down with the boy and run his hands over every inch of him before fucking him into senseless submission.

Unfortunately, he had a long-scheduled business meeting with his friend Felix Sanchez he needed to attend first. The very same Felix who had once bragged about having the highest bid for Adrien’s first heat and tempted Heath into looking the auction up.

Watching the sunlight shatter against the high-rise glass all around him as his driver took him to Felix’s offices in the city, Heath bristled now at that memory. Felix had seen the naked photos of Adrien from the auction site, too. A lot of men had. And while there was nothing shameful about nudity, and Adrien had a beautiful body he should be proud of, right now that body was Heath’s to protect and care for. He couldn’t tolerate the idea of anyone else, except perhaps his favorite old servant Simon, looking at it.

He sighed, tugging at his hair, and then used his fingers to get it back into position. He didn’t want to look out of sorts. Felix would ask questions, and questions were something Heath didn’t want to answer right now. Not from Felix, and not even from old, devoted Simon.

Speaking of Simon, he had already tutted at Heath for impregnating Adrien at all. And that had been before he saw the boy walking through the castle with Heath and had instantly recognized his likeness to Nathan. Heath had been lucky to get out of the castle without Simon boxing his ears for, as he’d put it, ‘twisted perversions.’

Heath understood what Simon was on about. He was playing with fire of every kind. Not only was he covering himself in emotional lighter fluid, but he was also potentially torching a decade-long truce between himself and his younger brother, Lidell. A truce achieved because Heath had never managed to procreate.

But now he had.

And there would be hell to pay for that if Lidell had anything to say about it. And he would. Eventually. Lidell had always wanted Clearwater passed to Ned, his auction-born child. A brat with no ambition beyond throwing parties and fucking omegas through heats—and throwing parties centered around fucking desperate omegas outside of heats.

Not that Heath could chide the boy about that. He’d been much the same at Ned’s age. What alpha hadn’t been? Sex-obsessed pleasure-hounds. But Ned’s little group of friends were privileged beyond the telling, and Heath didn’t know if Ned would ever grow out of it.

Regardless, Simon had every right to be a

Making a child with Nathan’s son was both everything Heath had dreamed of when he’d schemed it and nothing at all like he’d imagined. He hadn’t explained to Simon that Adrien had qualities Heath admired for their own sake, and, well, he’d be hard-pressed to even list for Simon what those qualities were, since they mainly involved the very intimate details of how Adrien took being fucked, the sounds he made, and the way he trusted Heath so completely. Something Nathan had never done.

Simon would say he should have gotten to know the boy better before taking this step. But they had four months before the baby came for that, didn’t that? That was part and parcel of why omegas were kept separate from the rest of society while they gestated—to promote a bond with the alpha. If the alpha wanted a bond, that was. Many didn’t. And he hadn’t pla

God, he was tired of his own brain. He just wanted to go back to the castle, fuck Adrien, and hold him while they dreamed up names for their baby. Was that too much to ask?