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Lord Of the Sin

“How dare your mortals belittle me?

I’m the god of vices, the lord of sin!

That Southern King, in foolish display,

Failed to await my arrival, I say!

How dare he choose a mortal, so bold,

Over me, whose power remains untold!

Damayanti, a lore's enchanting tale,

She captured me, love's intricate veil.

But her deceit pierced my sinful core,

Preferring a lowly mortal, my heart she tore!

She forgot to wait, and now I proclaim,

Misery and solitude shall be your destiny!

In war's embrace, I shall shatter your reign,

Leaving you broken, fragmented, in pain.

No lifetimes enough to gather the pieces,

As I descend, chaos upon your very essence.

Nal, the knight in Shining armour,

Rumours of your glory proved true.

Yet a you’re fool to claim what I desire,

A fool who’ll drown in solitude and despair.

In shadows I'll lurk, vigilant and sly,

Waiting for your stumble, sin drawing nigh.

I'll seize your soul, in the depths of night,

Swiftly consuming, vanishing from sight.

If she can't be mine, no one shall possess,

I am the Lord of Sin, The God of Vices.

My Word is final, my verdict delivered,

I am the Lord of Sin, the God of Vices”

Kali6, the God of vices and the lord of sin, had learned of Damayanti's Swayamvara. Captivated by her beauty and consumed by his own self-love and ego, he descended to the mortal realm of Earth, intending to participate in the Trial of the Champions. He was confident that he would be chosen as the champion above all others. An escort of his disciple demons followed in his shadow.

6 – Kali – a demon that reigns the present age (kali-yuga). Not to be confused with Goddess Kali

However, before he could pass through the gates of the royal capital, where the celebrations of Nal and Damayanti's wedding were winding down, he discovered what had transpired in the coliseum hall. "The Two Peerless have indeed united. Folly be upon those who try to break them apart," the regular folks exclaimed to the infuriated demon lord wearing the façade of the ordinary man. The intense emotions of a scorned and enraged lord of sins caused the clouds to tremble in fear, and the tempestuous storm wreaked havoc upon the wilderness.

Punctuality is a virtue and a way of life for the righteous – the sworn enemies of Kali, the lord of sin. He was late, he was a personified sin. Kali decided to extract his revenge. The grand war board was unveiled, and Kali devised an intricate plan to bring the legendary love story of the King and his Queen to a wretched and ruinous end.

With unwavering patience, he lurked in the shadows for twelve long years, awaiting Nal's descent into a forbidden sin. Kali remained resolute in his scheme and assembled a formidable alliance. Among his recruits was Nal's cu

"I have heard tales of the King's fondness for game of dice. Gambling is his only vice. Await my signal, for when I defeat him in the depths of his being, you shall inherit all his possessions, even his beloved queen" Kali whispered to the co

Twelve years after their reunion, on an ordinary evening, Nal prepared for the customary sunset sermons. He lit the oil lamps while Damayanti collected the fragrant flowers from the royal orchid in a meticulously woven basket adorned with beads.

In the mundane routine, Nal, lost in muscle memory, overlooked the ritual ablution7 before begi

7 – A part of culture spread across several countries today of washing feet before entering a sacred room

"Seize the moment!" echoed the i

In the depths of darkness, my demons reside,

They now befriend you, your soul shall be mine.

Your downfall commences, oh foolish King,

Who dared steal my desire, a sinful sting.

Your thoughts I control, your actions I claim,

For your gravest sin, insulting my name.

The Queen, once revered, won't reign for long,

Desolation and destitution shall sing their song.

The Kingdom shall mourn, a King it will lose,

As your grip on power begins to diffuse.

The Queen, torn apart, shall lose her sanity,

A tragic fate befalling her fragile humanity.

Indulge, virtuous King, in your vices so grand,

Let them consume you, bow down at their command.

Oh, how enticing they are, beckoning your fall,

In their embrace, your virtuous facade shall crumble and sprawl.

These whispers from Kali in his i