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Strangers In A Strange Land

“Turn back the clock, until it turns no more,

Open the gates wide, let the sunshine galore,

The vibrant hues of yesteryear kind,

The colours will bring solace to your troubled mind.

Strange were the days, the world a mystifying place,

Yet soon, it would feel similar, unveiling a familiar face,

The names, the customs, and the ways, they remain,

In shadows, the same vices linger, forever’s their domain.

The lands, back then, were a fruitful sight to behold,

Not just for fauna and flora's bloom, but the civilizations untold,

When virtue claimed its reign,

As Vices sneaked unseen, tightening their grip on forever's domain.”

The Vindhyas still stood, bowing in reverence to the Himalayas as they do today. They served as a natural boundary between the two kingdoms that ruled the lands to the north and the south. The amicable kings governed their countries with benevolent hearts and were loved by their countrymen. Both kingdoms were soon blessed with boons. Little did the two aging kings know that these two would be the two halves of a perfect soul in the years to come.

The world celebrated the downpour of benign golden sunrays on the day the princess was born to the king in the south. Bathed in golden radiance that illuminated the skies as far as the eye could see, the princess was endowed with every virtue as she grew from a child of nature to a proud mother's daughter. She embodied all that was beautiful. Like an ever-blooming lotus of a celestial orchid, her grace even envied the gentle winds. Her scent, like the fragrance of flowers, traveled for miles, enchanting every living being that breathed in her essence. The moon and stars seemed to have befriended her, as three of them took turns illuminating the night skies. Happily living among her maidens and friends, the princess was an ever-blooming flower in an orchid with jasmine, daisies, and all that is good. Damayanti, true to the essence of her name3 , embodied calmness and serenity.

3 – Damayanti – a Sanskrit word that means one who’s calm and serene

The northern king also rejoiced, as he was blessed with a baby boy radiating a peculiar glow. Like his father, the prince grew up guided by the virtues of life. The boy transformed into a handsome and valiant young man, a physique that rivaled the chiseled marbles adorning the royal gardens. The prince amassed boundless knowledge and wisdom through years of penance. He was an astute marksman and the swiftest charioteer. Well-versed in ancient texts, he was a favorite pupil of revered sages and saints. He held a special place in his heart for animals, and it almost seemed as if he could communicate with them in their own language. Proficient in the arts of war and peace, the prince embodied greatness and humility. Every woman he passed by deeply admired him, enthralled by his presence. They would surrender their every sense to their beloved prince Nal.

Peerless among men,

Peerless among the living beauty,

Blessed be their reunion.

"Have you heard about the Princess and the Prince? A queen and her only king? Have you heard about Nal and Damayanti?" – asked not only humans but also animals, birds, and even the elements to one another. Beasts began to howl in a soothing melody and the wind carried the fragrance of sandalwood and jasmines. Rivers flowed along their beautiful curves with renewed excitement, and birds sang a peculiar harmony. The barren foothills of the Vindhyas transformed into an oasis of love and musings. Rumormongers gathered from both sides of the mountains, sharing their stories. Every tree in the forest bloomed with fruits and flowers, while every beast seemed to have become gentle and kind. Flocks of birds flew up and down between the two kingdoms, perhaps searching for the peerless lovers, intrigued by the stirring rumuors that kept spreading in all ten directions.

The Love was born,

Long before it had a heartbeat.

Nal and Damayanti soon became the audience to their own rumors. Deeply fascinated by each other, they couldn't contain their silent passions any longer. Impatient for love, just a glimpse of each other was all they needed to ignite a bonfire of love that was meant to be. They began to drift away from their daily routines, sinking slowly into a world of disbelief. The once radiant glow that emanated from their bodies was lost in the haze of the unknown as they gazed toward each other, attempting to transcend the boundaries of the horizons that constrained the reach of their eager eyes, yearning to indulge in the sight of one another.

One fateful morning, Nal was wandering through a blooming orchard, singing the words of love in his heart. Intermittently, he would gaze at the empty sky, but in his heart, he stared deeply, in love, at the empty portrait of his queen that adored every wall of his heart. Gazing southwards, he noticed a flock of ordinary swans flying towards the orchard. Among them was a peculiar swan, its wings draped in gold, feathers as white as snow, and its eyes sparkling like multicolored gems. Locking its eyes with the curious prince, the swan separated from the flock and began to descend towards the orchard. Prince Nal was eagerly waiting its arrival.

"Is that a bird? Is that a celestial messenger? Or is she a divine angel herself? It flies like a bird, but it resembles a perfectly chiseled artwork from a piece of snow-white marble. Its eyes resemble the gems gifted by the churning ocean, and it has a peculiar glow around its golden wings. A truly extraordinary swan," – the prince thought, his curiosity heightened as the swan drew closer, almost within his reach.

"Is this the happy omen I have been ceaselessly seeking?" – he pondered, his heart throbbing with optimism, and decided to investigate further. Swift as a panther, the prince leaped toward the descending swan and gently caught it in his hands. Holding the swan in his large yet soft palms, the prince took a closer look at the beautiful bird. And the swan began to sing a song of love.

"Spare my life, I implore,

I carry the whispers of lore.

From the south of Vindhyas, I took to the skies,

And there I beheld her, a sight to mesmerize.

She's beyond words, she's Glory's very essence,

A missing piece, destined for your presence.

With joy in my heart, I flew to the North,

Over hills and rivers, carrying hope's worth.

In these orchids, I glimpsed your love filled stride,

Longing for Damayanti, your Love, your Guide.

Into your hands, I landed, completing the puzzle,

For the union of the peerless, let the world's blessings drizzle.

I shall be your messenger to the southern lands,

Carrying your praises in my flight's commands.

To the gardens of princes, swiftly I'll soar,

And sing to her the words she's been longing for.

Oh, the world shall rejoice, in harmonious delight,

When the peerless unite."

The swan pleaded to the bewildered prince in a human tongue. Nal remained unaffected by the miracle of a talking swan, as she uttered the words he had longed to hear. He set the messenger of love free and returned to his blissful thoughts, filled with love and optimism. With a smile and a sigh of relief, he immersed himself once again in the thoughts of love, his mind brimming with delight. For he knew, deep in his heart, the swan’s song was just a start.

The swan zoomed past the mountains, leaving a trail of love filled melody as it reached the farmlands of the southern king. It flew into the capital, heading towards the palace where the princess resided. From a window, the swan could see a brilliant radiant glow that obscured most of its surroundings. As the swan flew closer, it caught sight of Damayanti who stood in her balcony gazing at the Northern skies. She adorned jasmine in her hair, captivating the universe within her grasp. Her eyes were filled with love and excitement, as if she had been eagerly awaiting the swan's arrival at the window. With a gentle landing on the window pane next to the princess, the swan approached and whispered in her ear.

"The King in the North, as you well know,

Exceeds his description, his love for you only grows.

Enamoured, he roams the fields with lovesick desire,

His heart filled with your image, a burning fire.

In his eyes, in the air he breathes, you reside,

He yearns for your presence, in his every thought.

For he loves you deeply, as you love him too,

If the peerless unite, love's reign will imbue.

In this union, our world shall find solace and grace,

As love conquers all, in its warm embrace."

The swan whispered in her ear, uttering the words she had longed to hear. And then, with a graceful departure, it flew away into the sunset, setting off an odyssey of trials, tribulations, and love.

That night, the moon and the stars refused to show up. That night, Damayanti wandered through the gardens, fields, orchids, and streets, adorned with a blissful smile, blushing and radiating with a captivating glow. Her beauty illuminated the dark sky, spreading its radiance as far as the eye could see. Occasionally, a falling star would greet the enamored princess. Perhaps Mother Nature was indulging herself in the celebrations.

Nal & Damayanti continued to live their lives with renewed excitement, always attentive to the signs of auspicious omens.