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“Go,” Be

Mary’s eyes flickered. “You sure you’ll be okay?”

Carrier snorted. “We’ll be fine. Forget about us and go. If we want to kick some ass, we know who to call. And she’s way tougher than you.”


“Duh. Your mom, doofus.”

Mary gave her best friend a good swat, and they all laughed.



A llo?” said the voice on the other end of the phone line, and Be

“Hello, is this Georges?” Be

“Yes, here is Georges.”

Okay, Georges was pronounced like Curious George, only mushier. She still wasn’t going there. “Georges, this is Be

“Ah, merci bien. How kind of you to call.” His tone was raw, and Be

“Please, forgive me for not calling sooner. I got held up this morning.”

“No matter.” Georges paused, and Be

“You’re welcome. I am so very sorry for Robert’s death. I liked him very much. We all did, at the firm.”

“Thank you. Robert thought well of you, also. He spoke of you, and your office.”

“He did?” Be

“We will have something here, but the funeral will be at home, in France, of course. The police, they will tell us when we can have the service.” Georges paused again, but this time it didn’t sound like he was smoking. “The detective, I met him last night.”

“Bob Needleman. I met him too.”

“Oh. Good. He is good, do you think? Smart? To catch this man who killed my brother?”

“Yes, I do.” Be

“Actually, there is. Perhaps you could stop in for a brief visit today, toward the end of the day. Robert’s son, Julien, I think you know of him, he will be coming in today, and he would like to meet you. You judged a competition of his, at law school.”


“Around four o’clock is good. Are you free at that time?”

“You got it, Georges.”


It reminded Be

After a moment, Marshall stuck her head in the door. “You off the phone?”


“Get back on.” Marshall tottered in with a stack of pink message slips. “The natives are restless.”

“Who’s calling?” Be

“Say what?” Marshall said with a smirk.

“Wonder if they want to buy us too.” Be

“Said he’s with FitCo. They make medical lenses.”

“Wow.” Be

“He wants to meet you for lunch, so call by then.” Marshall rested her hand atop her round belly, a habit that Be

“Got it. Thanks.” Marshall turned and left, and Be

Woohoo! Be


She gave up trying to look hot, went back to her desk chair, and tried to act like a mature, sensible woman. She made a phone call to get her doors and back window replaced, and convinced them to rush the job, since she had been broken into by cops and robbers. They’d even agreed to do it without her being there, and to leave the new front door key inside. She hung up with satisfaction, but she still wasn’t feeling mature and sensible when Marshall appeared at her threshold, with David.


“Hey, Be