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Chapter 68

Anyone observing the gentleman going through security at terminal E in Boston ’s Logan Airport would have noticed a dapper man in his mid-sixties, with brown hair graying at the temples, a neatly trimmed salt-and-pepper beard, wearing a blue blazer with a white shirt open at the collar and a red silk handkerchief poking from his breast pocket. His eyes were a sparkling blue, his cheekbones broad, and his face open, ruddy, and cheerful. A black cashmere overcoat was slung over his arm, and he laid it on the security belt along with his shoes and watch.

Past security, the gentleman strode vigorously down the terminal corridor, pausing only at a Borders near gate 7. He ducked inside, perused the shelves of thrillers, and was delighted to find that a new James Rollins had been published. He took up the book, plucked a Times from the rack, and brought them to the cashier, greeting her with a cheery “Good day,” betraying in accent and diction his Australian origins.

The gentleman then chose a seat near the gate, seated himself, and unfolded the paper with a snap. He took in the world and national news, turning the pages with a crisp, practiced motion. In the New York Report, his notice fell on a small item: Mysterious Shooting on Amtrak Train.

A sweep of his eyes took in the salient details: a man had been shot at on the Lake Champlain out of Pe

He turned the page and sca

A meticulous observer-and, in fact, there was one-would have seen nothing more remarkable than a wealthy Australian reading the Times while waiting for his flight. But the pleasant, somewhat vacant expression on his face was no more than skin-deep. Inside, his head was a boiling stew of fury, disbelief, and savage self-reproach. His world was upended, his careful pla

Smiling, he turned to the sports section.

Constance, unsuicided. With her, he had miscalculated disastrously. Everything he knew of human nature indicated that she would take her own life. She was a freak, mentally unstable-hadn’t she been stumbling blindfolded along the cliff’s edge of sanity for decades? He had given her a push-a hard shove. Why hadn’t she fallen? He had destroyed every pillar in her life, every support she had-undermined her every belief. He had drowned her existence with nihilism.

With rude haste the bloomy girl deflow’r’d,

Tender, defenceless, and with ease o’erpower’d.

In her long, sheltered, uneventful life, Constance had always drifted hesitantly, uncertain what she was intended for, confused about the meaning of her life. With bitter clarity, Diogenes now saw that he had cleared up her confusion and given her the one thing no one else could have: something to live for. She had found a new, shining purpose in life.

To kill him.

Normally, this would not be a problem. Those who interfered with him-there had been several-hadn’t survived long enough to make a second attempt. He had washed away his sins in their blood. But already he could see that she was not like the others. He could not understand how she had identified him on the train-unless she had somehow physically followed him from the museum. And he was still u

Fortunately, he had retained his various passports, wallet, credit cards, and identifications. The police would trace the valise and luggage back to Menzies; but they could not identify his traveling alter ego from them: Mr. Gerald Boscomb of South Penrith, Sydney, NSW. Now it was time to put aside all extraneous thoughts, all the little voluntary and involuntary mental tics and flourishes and whispered voices that made up his internal landscape-and identify a plan of action.

Closing the sports section, he turned to business.

No thought of right and wrong-only her fury

With all her being speeded toward revenge.

Constance Greene alone could identify him. She was an unacceptable danger. As long as she pursued him, he could not retreat to his bolt-hole and regroup. And yet all was not lost. He had failed this time, at least in part, but he had many years of life left to establish and execute a new plan, and he would not fail a second time.

But as long as she lived, he would never be safe.

Constance Greene had to die.

Mr. Gerald Boscomb picked up the novel he’d purchased, cracked it, and began reading.

Killing her would require a finely tuned plan. His thoughts turned to the Cape buffalo-the most dangerous animal hunted by man. The Cape buffalo employed a peculiar strategy when hunted: alone among animals, it knew how to turn the hunter into the hunted.

As he read, a plan formed in his mind. He thought it over, considered various locations for its execution, and discarded each in turn, before arriving-at chapter 6-at the perfect setting. The plan would work. He would turn Constance’s very hatred for him against her.

He placed a bookmark in the novel, shut it, and tucked it under his arm. The first part of the plan was to show himself to her, to be intentionally seen-if she had managed to follow him here. But he could take no more chances, make no more assumptions.

He rose, slung his coat over his arm, and strolled down the terminal, glancing casually left and right, observing the masses of humanity as they ebbed and flowed on their futile business, a tidal flow of grays and more grays: layers of gray, an infinitude of gray. As he passed the Borders once again, his eye paused fleetingly on a dowdy woman buying a copy of Vogue; she was dressed in a brown woolen skirt of African design with a white shirt, a cheap scarf wrapped around her neck. Her brown, unwashed hair fell limply to her shoulders. She carried a small black leather backpack.

Diogenes passed slowly by the bookstore and went into the Starbucks next door, shocked that Constance had made such a poor effort to disguise herself. Shocked, also, that she had managed to follow him.

Or had she?

She must have. To find him any other way would take a mind reader.

He purchased a small organic green tea and croissant and made his way back to his seat, taking care not to look at the woman again. He could kill her here-it would be easy-but he would not be able to escape the layers of airport security. Would she make an attempt on his life in this exposed place? Did she care enough about her own life to take greater care-or was her sole aim to end his?

He had no answer.

Mr. Gerald Boscomb finished his tea and croissant, brushed the crumbs off the tips of his fingers, dusted his coat, and resumed reading his newly acquired thriller. A moment later, the first-class cabin of his flight was called to board. As he proffered his boarding pass to the gate attendant, his eye swept the terminal aisle again, but the woman had disappeared.

“G’day,” he said cheerily, as he took the ticket stub and entered the jetway.