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Chapter Forty-Three

We were left alone in the circle of stones under the round, white glow of midsummer's moon. It rose above us, u

Their skin was as pale and perfect as that of any sidhe. Only the scars that decorated their skin said that they didn't have enough magic to heal their wounds cleanly. But I was Unseelie, not Seelie, and scars were just another texture to run my fingers over, lick my tongue across, and worry at with my teeth.

I made Holly cry out with pleasure with my teeth around a scar on the hard, muscled expanse of his stomach. Ash's back was crisscrossed with claw marks, white and shiny with age. I traced my fingertips across all of it, and said, "What happened?"

Ash lay on the grass in the nest we had made of our clothes. He let my fingers play across his bare back, but he drew no breath to answer me. It was Holly who answered. "Cathmore found Ash alone when we were young. Cathmore was a great warrior, but he hunted the younger warriors whom he thought might be a threat to him someday. A lot of the warriors bear scars from him."

I traced the claw marks down and down, until I found the firm smoothness of his ass. He shivered under the gentleness of it. I didn't know if it was the magic of this place or the fact that there were no goblins to impress, but they both showed that gentleness, and not just pain, worked for them as pleasure.

"Cathmore. I do not know the name."

Holly gazed at me across his brother's body, then he touched the scars and smiled. A close, tight smile. "When Ash was healed, we hunted Cathmore down. We killed him and took his head so everyone would know that we had slain him."

He showed me the arm that lay across his brother's back, flexing the muscle to show a curve of hard white scar tissue. The scar looked as if his arm had nearly been cut off. "Cathmore did that, with his sword, Cathmore's Arm." I knew it was not unusual for a goblin to name his sword after himself. I'd always found it a little odd, but it wasn't my custom, it was theirs.

I touched the scar, tracing my fingertips down the line of it. "A fearsome wound," I said.

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"Because he gave the killing blow," I said.

That made Ash rise enough to gaze over his shoulder at me. "How did you know that?"

"It's goblin law. The one who strikes the killing blow gets first pick of the weapons."

"I had forgotten that your father used to bring you to visit the goblins," Ash said, propping himself up on his elbows.

"The goblins are the foot soldiers of the faerie court. No war has been won since the goblins joined us that would not have been lost without you."

"Now that we are forbidden to make war, the nobles of both courts forget that," Ash said. "We are an embarrassment even to the Unseelie."

"We don't clean up well enough for the press to please the queen," Holly said. He was sitting up now, his knees drawn to his chest, his arms encircling them. It made him seem younger, more vulnerable. I had a moment of seeing what he might have been when he was young enough for Cathmore to think them prey.

I crawled over the clothes and the movement of the grass underneath until I was in front of Holly. His gaze did not even pretend to look away from my breasts. It didn't bother me. We were naked, and I wanted them to want me.

I rose, coming off of all fours, letting his gaze stay on the heavy roundness of my breasts. "I think you look amazing."

He looked at my face then, and there was anger in the crimson of his eyes. I hesitated in the midst of the kiss I'd been seeking, not understanding the anger.

"Good enough to fuck, but not to be seen in public with," he said.

I leaned back on my heels. "I don't understand."

Ash sat up, one knee bent, the other leg out straight so he framed his swell nicely. Neither of them had anything to be ashamed of in that area. I had trouble raising my gaze from between his legs to his face.

He laughed, and it was that masculine sound, pleased and sure of itself. "You're not the first sidhe woman to want to sample forbidden fruit."

"You've said that I was."

"In public," he said. "In front of the other goblins, yes. If a goblin lays with a sidhe, then they must show marks of violence. To do less in our kingdom is to be seen as weak. To be seen as weak is to invite challengers. We are already half sidhe, Meredith. If the goblins knew we could take our sex gentle and enjoy it, we would be challenged until even we were killed."

Holly traced my shoulder with the edge of his hand. "Gentleness has no reward for goblins, only punishment."

I glanced at Holly, then back to Ash as he said, "We have lived by that rule. We have punished others who were gentle. Your own pet goblin, Kitto, suffered at our hands."

"Did you enjoy his suffering?" I asked.

He smiled. "No one but you would ask that, blunt as a goblin, with that pretty sidhe face."

"Human too," I said.

He nodded, but reached out to touch my cheek. "And brownie in there somewhere, though it does not show."

I looked away from his face, out into the night. "My cousin, Cair, hated her brownie looks enough to kill our grandmother in a bid for power."

"We heard you hunted her down with the wild hunt. Named her kinslayer."

I nodded. "Yes."

Holly wrapped his arms around me, all that scarred muscled strength so gentle. He held me, and whispered in my hair, "When we are alone we can say how terrible for you. That we're sorry for the loss of your grandmother."

Ash moved closer to us, moving my face with his fingers so he'd be sure of my gaze being on his face. "But in the world, in front of anyone, Meredith, and I mean anyone else, we are goblins. We will have to behave as goblins."

"I understand," I said.

"The other is not an act, Meredith. It is us, too."

Holly pressed his face into my hair. "You smell clean and sweet, like everything good. Good enough to eat."

I tensed a little in his arms. "Goblins would mean that as a threat."

"Never be fooled, Meredith," Ash said. "We are goblins, but we are also ourselves." He frowned at his brother.

"I'm a little more goblin than my brother," Holly said.

"If you were sidhe, I'd say that you don't get to give me oral sex, but I know the goblins see giving oral sex as an insult. I can perform on you, but you won't perform on me."

"True," Holly said, "but my brother's a pervert."

It took me a second to understand, and it made me smile. Ash actually looked embarrassed. "There's no one to see, no one to tell," he said. "I can do what I want."

I spoke from the circle of his brother's arms. "And what do you want?"

"I want to taste you until your pleasure makes you shine for me."

"Then can we fuck?" Holly asked.

Ash frowned at him, but I laughed. "Yes, eventually we'll fuck."

"I'd rather make love," Ash said, and there was a longing in his face that I never thought to see. A longing for things he didn't get a chance to do much. There was almost no privacy in goblin society for sex. To hide away meant you were embarrassed, or bad at it in some way.

I leaned toward Ash. Holly let me go, enough so I could put a gentle kiss on his brother's lips. "Taste me, make love to me, Ash, please."

He kissed me back, his hand sliding down to cup my breast and play with the nipple until it hardened and I made a small sound into his mouth. He drew back enough to whisper, "On your back, Princess."

I gave the only answer there was to give. "Yes."