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"I remember that night," he said.

She looked up at him. "So do I, My King. I remember what you said. 'She is welcome among the sluagh. We will tend her.' You never asked what I was good for, or if you had a use for me. The court ladies made you promise that you would not abuse me, for they were sore afraid of the sluagh."

Sholto smiled. "I want the Seelie afraid of us; it is our shield."

She nodded. "You took me in with only one good arm, not knowing that Henry could find a way to make me useful again. I have never asked, My King. What would you have done with me if I had had no skill to give you?"

"We would have found you some task that you could do with the one hand you had, Mirabella. We are the sluagh. There are those among us with only one limb, and those with hundreds. We are an adaptable lot."

She nodded, and turned away so he couldn't see that the tears had finally decided to fall down her face. "You are the kindest of rulers, King Sholto."

"Don't tell anyone outside this court that," he said with a laugh.

"It will be our secret, My King."

I said, "Did you say that Dr. Henry gave you your new limb?"

"He did," she said.


"One of the nightflyers was kind enough to let him take a limb from her. You know they can grow back their tentacles?"

"Yes," I said.

"Well, Henry had been working on the... concept that he might be able to put a limb from a nightflyer, who could replace it, onto one of the sluagh, who could not. He had not done it successfully, but he offered to try on me, if I was willing." She gave a small gesture with both her limbs. "I was willing."

"Humans have to get donors who are genetically compatible for any kind of organ donation. They're only just begi

"I do not understand everything you just said, My Queen, but Henry would be better able to answer your questions. If you want to know how I sew his jackets to flatter his body, I can tell you, but how he made the wonder of this new limb, I do not completely understand even now. I have had it for many, many years, and I marvel at it still."

She began to gather up her basket and sewing. Una helped her. When they were done, they turned back to survey us. "You all look suitable, as I'd hoped, if I do say so myself."

"Shall we find a reason to mention who did our clothes?" Doyle asked.

She gave him that flick of eyes again. "He knows I am here, Lord Doyle. Taranis might not have valued me, but there were those at his court who mourned my swift fingers and my needlework. There are still a few women of the court who come to me with commissions from time to time. Those who carried me on a cloak from sithen to sithen, trying to save me that dark night, have come to pay me for my work. King Sholto graciously allows it."

I looked at Sholto, and he looked a little embarrassed. "One king ca

She laughed. "The fact that most of your court goes nude is a disappointment to me." She looked at me, and the others. "Though I think that may be changing." She dropped a curtsey, Una bowed, and out they went.

"Taranis needs killing," Mistral said.

"Agreed," Doyle said.

"We will not start a war over what happened to me, or what he did to Mirabella."

"It's a history of such things, Meredith," Doyle said.

"Ah," Mistral said. "He was once a ladies' man, but when that failed him he was never above force."

"Was he always so cruel — taking her arm, I mean?"

"No, not always," Doyle said.

I kept hearing stories that Taranis had once been a hard-drinking, hard-loving, manly man, but I'd never seen it. There wasn't enough reality left to my uncle for that now. Once he would have trusted his powers of seduction to get me into his bed. In fact, before he used magic to rape me, I would have said that he would never have believed that I would refuse him. His self-confidence was legendary. What had I done to make him think that his illusions could not win me?

"Why did Taranis use a spell to rape me, rather than trust his own attractiveness? I mean, his ego is huge. Why would he not believe that I would say yes eventually?"

"Maybe he didn't feel that there was time," Sholto said.

"He meant to keep me, Sholto. He should have felt that there was time enough."

"What are you asking, Meredith?" Doyle asked.

"I just find it curious that he used a spell so much different than his usual ones on me. He's nearly rolled over me with his attractive illusions all the way to Los Angeles in a mirror call. But this time he raped me almost as any man might. It doesn't seem like him."

"You've told us that you saw through his illusion when he first found you in faerie," Doyle said.

"Yes, he looked like Amatheon but I touched him and he didn't feel like him. Amatheon is clean-shaven, and I felt beard."

"But you shouldn't have felt it," Mistral said. "Taranis is the King of Light and Illusion. It means that his glamour stands up to almost anything. He should have been able to bed you without you ever knowing that he was not who he pretended to be."

"I had not thought," Doyle said.

"Thought what?" I asked.

"That his illusion was not as good as it should have been."

We all thought about that. "His magic is fading," Sholto said at last.

"And he knows it," I said.

"That would make the old ego-hound completely desperate," Mistral said.

"And completely dangerous," Sholto said.

We could only agree with him, unfortunately. We did the last-minute preparations for the mirror call with my mother and the other Seelie outside our gates.