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“Chip knows Abigail Be


“That’s what we’d like to know,” Jeffrey said. “We were hoping Patty could tell us.”

Buddy licked his lips. Lena could see where this was going. “I hate to say this, Chief, but I don’t hold any sway with her.”

“We could work a deal,” Jeffrey offered.

“No,” he said, holding up his hand. “I’m not playing you. She hates my guts. Blames me for taking her mama from her, blames me for kicking her out of the house. I’m the bad guy here.”

Lena suggested, “Maybe she doesn’t hate you as much as she hates being in jail.”

“Maybe.” Buddy shrugged.

“So,” Jeffrey said, obviously not pleased, “we let her sweat it out another day?”

“I think that’d be best,” Buddy agreed. “I hate to sound hard about this, but she needs something more than common sense to persuade her.” His lawyer side must have kicked in, because he quickly added, “And of course, we’ll expect the assault and obstruction charges to disappear in exchange for her statement.”

Lena couldn’t help but grunt in disgust. “This is why people hate lawyers.”

“Didn’t seem to bother you when my services were needed,” Buddy pointed out cheerfully. Then, to Jeffrey, “Chief?”

Jeffrey sat back in his chair, his fingers steepled together. “She talks tomorrow morning or all bets are off.”

“Deal,” Buddy said, shooting out his hand so they could shake on it. “Give me a few minutes alone with her now. I’ll try to paint the picture for her nice and pretty.”

Jeffrey picked up the phone. “Brad? I need you to take Buddy back to talk to Patty O’Ryan.” He slipped the receiver back in the cradle. “He’s waiting in lockup.”

“Thank you, sir,” Buddy said, using his cane to stand. He gave Lena a wink before making his exit.

“Asshole,” she said.

“He’s just doing his job,” Jeffrey told her, but she could see he felt the same. Jeffrey dealt with Buddy Conford on pretty much a weekly basis, and it usually worked to his benefit to cut deals, but Lena thought that O’Ryan would eventually talk on her own without any backdoor negotiations to save her ass from two years in prison. Not to mention Lena would’ve liked to have been consulted on whether or not to give the bitch a free pass, considering she was the officer who had been assaulted.

Jeffrey was looking out into the parking lot. He said, “I told Dale Stanley to send his wife here first thing.”

“You think she’ll come?”

“Who the fuck knows.” He sat back, breathing a sigh. “I want to talk to the family again.”

“They’re supposed to come tomorrow.”

“I’ll believe it when I see it.”

“You think Lev will let you hook him up to a lie detector?”

“It’d tell us a hell of a lot either way,” he said, looking out the window again. “There she is.”

Lena followed his gaze as he stood, catching a small woman getting out of a classic Dodge. She had one kid in tow and another on her hip. A tall man walked beside her as they headed toward the station.

“She looks familiar.”

“Police picnic,” Jeffrey said, slipping on his jacket. “You mind keeping Dale busy?”

“Uh,” Lena began, caught off guard by his suggestion. They usually did interviews together. “No,” she said. “No problem.”

“She might open up more without him around,” Jeffrey explained. “He likes to talk.”

“No problem,” Lena repeated.

At the front desk, Marla squealed at the sight of the children, and she leapt up as she buzzed open the door, going straight to the baby on the mother’s hip.

“Look at those adorable cheeks!” Marla screeched, her voice shrill enough to shatter glass. She pinched the baby’s cheeks, and instead of crying, the kid laughed. Marla took him in her arms like she was his long-lost grandmother, stepping back out of the way. Lena felt her stomach drop about six inches as she finally saw Terri Stanley.

“Oh,” Terri said, as if the breath had been knocked out of her.

“Thanks for coming in,” Jeffrey told them, shaking Dale’s hand. “This is Lena Adams…” His voice trailed off, and Lena forced herself to close her mouth, which had opened a couple of inches at the sight of Terri. Jeffrey looked at Lena, then Terri, saying, “Y’all remember each other from the picnic last year?”

Terri spoke-at least her mouth moved-but Lena could not hear what she said over the rush of blood pounding in her ears. Jeffrey need not have bothered with an introduction. Lena knew exactly who Terri Stanley was. The other woman was shorter than Lena and at least twenty pounds lighter. Her hair was pi

Lena actually stuttered. “I-I…” She stopped, trying to calm herself.

Jeffrey was watching them both closely. Without warning, he changed his earlier strategy, saying, “Terri, do you mind if Lena asks you some questions?” Dale seemed about to protest, but Jeffrey asked, “Mind if I get another look at that Dart? She sure is sweet.”

Dale didn’t seem to like the suggestion, and Lena could see him trying to work out an excuse. He finally relented, picking up the toddler standing beside him. “All right.”

“We’ll be back in a minute,” Jeffrey told Lena, giving her a meaningful look. He’d want an explanation, but Lena was at a loss for a story that did not incriminate herself.

Marla offered, “I’ll take care of this one,” holding up the baby, making him squeal.

Lena said, “We can talk in Jeffrey’s office.”

Terri only nodded. Lena could see a thin gold chain around her neck, a tiny cross hanging at the center. Terri picked at it, her fingers brushing the cross like a talisman. She looked as terrified as Lena felt.

“This way,” Lena said. She moved first, straining to hear Terri’s shuffling footsteps behind her as she walked toward Jeffrey’s office. The squad room was almost empty, only a few cops in from patrol to fill out paperwork or just get in from the cold. Lena felt sweat pouring down her back by the time she got to Jeffrey’s office. The walk had been one of the longest of her life.

Terri did not speak until Lena closed the door. “You were at the clinic.”

Lena kept her back to the woman, looking out the window at Jeffrey and Dale as they walked around the car.

“I know it was you,” Terri said, her voice tight in her throat.

“Yeah,” Lena admitted, turning around. Terri was sitting in one of the chairs opposite Jeffrey’s desk, her hands gripping the arms as if she could pull them off.


“Dale will kill me if he finds out.” She said this with such conviction that Lena had no doubt Dale would do it.

“He won’t hear it from me.”

“Who will he hear it from?” She was obviously terrified, and Lena felt her own panic drain away when she realized that they were both bound by their secret. Terri had seen her at the clinic, but Lena had seen Terri, too.

“He’ll kill me,” she repeated, her thin shoulders shaking.

“I won’t tell him,” Lena repeated, thinking she was stating the obvious.

“You damn well better not,” Terri snapped. The words were meant as a threat, but she lacked the conviction to carry it off. She was almost panting for breath. Tears were in her eyes.

Lena sat down in the chair beside her. “What are you afraid of?”

“You did it, too,” she insisted, her voice catching. “You’re just as guilty as me. You murdered… you killed your… you killed…”

Again, Lena found her mouth moving but no words coming out.

Terri spat, “I may be going to hell for what I did, but don’t forget I can take you with me.”

“I know,” Lena said. “Terri, I’m not going to tell anybody.”

“Oh, God,” she said, clutching her fist to her chest. “Please don’t tell him.”