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The voice came from Earl Jr., looking elegantly wasted in a blue double-breasted jacket and jeans pressed with the crease along the knee. His light hair was brushed forward to disguise his widow’s peak, and his lips seemed even fuller and more feminine than when last I saw him. Kittim inclined his head slightly, indicating we should do as requested, then he and his men fell into place behind and around us. It was obvious to anyone with half a brain that we were about as welcome as bugs in the buffet, but the guests around us studiously pretended to ignore us. Even the servants didn’t look our way. We were led through the main doors and into a great hall floored with loblolly pine. Two drawing rooms opened up on either side, and a graceful double stairway led to the upper floor. The doors closed behind us and we were disarmed within seconds. They got two guns and a knife out of Louis. They seemed impressed.

“Look at you,” I said. “Two guns.”

“And a knife. I had to get the trousers cut special.”

Kittim moved around until he was standing by Earl Jr.’s side. Kittim had a shiny blue Taurus in his hand.

“Why are you here, Mr. Parker?” said Larousse. “This is a private party, the first such occasion since the death of my sister.”

“Why break out the champagne now? You have something to celebrate?”

“Your presence is not welcome here.”

“Somebody killed Atys Jones.”

“I heard. You’ll forgive me if I shed no tears.”

“He didn’t murder your sister, Mr. Larousse, but I suspect you already know that.”

“Why would you suspect that?”

“Because I think Mr. Kittim here probably tortured Atys before he killed him in an effort to find out who did. Because you think, as I do, that the person responsible for your sister’s death may also be responsible for the deaths of Landron Mobley, Grady Truett, the suicide of James Foster, and possibly the death of Elliot Norton.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He didn’t look surprised at the mention of Elliot’s name.

“I also think that Elliot Norton might have been trying to find out who was responsible as well, which was why he took on the Jones case, and I’m starting to think that he may have taken it on with your approval, maybe even your cooperation. Except he wasn’t making enough progress, so you took matters into your own hands after Mobley’s body was found.”

I turned to Kittim.

“Did you enjoy killing Atys Jones, Kittim? Did you enjoy shooting an old woman in the back?”

I saw the blow coming too late to react. His fist caught me in the hollow of my left temple and sent me sprawling to the ground. Louis twitched slightly, on the verge of movement, but froze with the sound of hammers cocking.

“You need to work on your ma

I raised myself slowly onto my hands and knees. The punch had rattled me, and I felt bile rising into my throat. I gagged, then vomited.

“Oh dear,” said Larousse. “Now look what you’ve done. Toby, get somebody to clean that up.”

Kittim’s feet appeared beside me. “You’re a mess, Mr. Parker.” He squatted down so I could see his face. “Mr. Bowen doesn’t like you. Now I can see why. Don’t think that we’ve finished with you yet. Me, I’d be very surprised if you make it home alive out of South Carolina. In fact, I’d say the odds against it would be quite attractive, if I were a gambling man.”

The door in front of me opened, and a manservant entered. He didn’t appear to register the guns or the tension in the room. He simply knelt down as I stood unsteadily, and began to scrub the floorboards clean. He was followed by Earl Sr.

“What’s going on here?” he asked.

“Some uninvited guests, Mr. Larousse,” replied Kittim. “They’re about to leave.”

The old man barely glanced at him. It was clear that Larousse didn’t like Kittim and resented his presence in his house, yet still Kittim was here. Larousse said nothing to him and instead diverted his attention to his son, whose confidence immediately began to dissipate in his father’s presence.

“Who are they?” he asked.

“This is the investigator I spoke to at the hotel, the one hired by Elliot Norton to get Maria

“Is that true?” asked the older man.

I wiped the back of my hand over my mouth.

“No,” I said. “I don’t believe that Atys Jones killed your daughter, but I will find out who did.”

“It’s not your business.”

“Atys is dead. So are the people who gave him sanctuary in their home. You’re right: finding out what happened isn’t my business. It’s more than that. It’s my moral obligation.”

“I would advise you to take your moral obligations elsewhere, sir. This one will lead you to ruin.” He turned to his son. “Have them escorted off my property.”

Earl Jr. looked to Kittim. The decision was clearly his to make.

After a pause to assert his authority, Kittim nodded to his men and they moved forward, their guns held discreetly by their sides so as not to alarm the guests when we left the house.

“And, Mr. Kittim,” added Earl Sr.

Kittim turned to look at him.

“In future, conduct your beatings elsewhere. This is my house and you are not a member of my staff.”

He shot a final harsh look at his son, then went out onto the lawn to rejoin his guests.

We were placed at the center of a circle of men and escorted to the car. Our weapons were placed in the trunk, minus their ammunition. Kittim leaned on the driver’s side window as I prepared to drive away. The smell of burning was so strong that I almost gagged again.

“Next time I see you will be the last,” he said. “Now take your porch monkey and get out of here.” He winked at Louis, then he patted the roof of the car and watched us drive away.

I touched my temple where Kittim’s punch had landed, and winced at the contact.

“You okay to drive?” asked Louis.

“I think so.”

“Looked like Kittim was makin’ himself at home back there.”

“He’s there because Bowen wants him there.”

“Means Bowen got something on the Larousses, if his boy has the run of the house.”

“He called you a bad name.”

“I heard.”

“You seem to be taking it pretty calmly, all things considered.”

“Wasn’t worth dyin’ over. Least, not worth my dyin’ over. Kittim’s another matter. Like the man said, we be seein’ him again. It’ll wait.”

“You think you can stay with him?”

“Sure. Where you goin’?”

“To get a history lesson. I’m tired of being nice to people.”

Louis looked mildly surprised.

“Just how exactly you been definin’ ‘nice’ up to now?”


THERE WAS A message waiting for me when I got back to my hotel. It was from Phil Poveda. He wanted me to call him. He didn’t sound panicked, or fearful. In fact, I thought I detected a note of relief in his voice. First, though, I called Rachel. Bruce Taylor, one of the patrolmen out of Scarborough, was in the kitchen when she answered, drinking coffee and eating a cookie. It made me feel better knowing that the cops were dropping by as MacArthur had promised and that somewhere the Klan Killer was being intolerant of lactose, among other things.

“Wallace has been by a few times as well,” said Rachel.

“How is Mr. Lonelyheart?”

“He went shopping in Freeport. He bought himself a couple of jackets in Ralph’s, some new shirts and ties. He’s a work in progress, but there’s potential there. And Mary really seems to be his type.”


“The word you’re looking for is ‘easygoing.’ Now go away. I have an attractive man in uniform to take care of.”

I hung up and dialed Phil Poveda’s number.

“It’s Parker,” I said, when he picked up the phone.

“Hey,” he replied. “Thanks for calling.” He sounded upbeat, almost cheerful. This was a far cry from the Phil Poveda who had threatened me with a gun two days before. “I’ve just been putting my affairs in order. You know, wills and shit. I’m a pretty wealthy man, I just never knew it. Admittedly, I’ll have to die to capitalize on it, but that’s cool.”