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If the bad guys got shut down right out of the gate, thrillers wouldn’t be very thrilling. Rich Henderson-one of the good guys-understands this and was very helpful with all things New York. Thanks for answering countless e-mails from me and for all of your great advice.

Both Gary Penrith and Tom Baker continue to be incredible fonts of knowledge for my novels, and I thank them for their invaluable assistance. These gentlemen have given much to their country and continue to do so daily. This nation is indeed fortunate and better for their service. See you in Sun Valley.

Carl Hospedales, Rudy Guerin, Kevin Dockery and GySgt Tony Masucci USMC, each made contributions to the novel for which I am grateful. Gentlemen, thank you not only for what you have done for me, but for the service you have rendered and continue to render to our country (and the UK/Canada in Carl’s case) on a daily basis.

Vince Fly

Chief Steven C. Bronson, U.S. Navy (Ret.), is a patriot whose love for his country and support of fellow warriors-be they in the military or LE arenas-knows no bounds. The Chief has become a very good friend of mine and I thank him not only for the valuable assistance he lent on this book, but also for all of the real-world opportunities he has made available to me. Stay safe in Iraq, Chief. Hooyah!

I also want to thank my intelligence and military sources who asked to remain nameless. Your commitment to the security of our nation is very much appreciated. Thank you for taking the fight to the terrorists so we do not have to face them here at home.

Now I need to thank two of the most important people in my writing career: my incomparable editor, Emily Bestler, and my outstanding agent, Heide Lange. Thank you for your wit, wisdom, friendship, and guidance. You are two of the most remarkable people I have ever had the pleasure of working with, and I look forward to our doing many more books together.

Judith Curr, my publisher at Atria Books, and Louise Burke, my publisher at Pocket Books, are two of the most talented people in the business. Thank you for your overwhelming support of my novels, your creative marketing, and for your friendship.

Jodi Lipper and Sarah Branham, the amount of things you have done and continue to do for me at Atria is too long to list. I appreciate all of it. Thank you.

To everyone in the Atria and Pocket sales, art, marketing, and production departments-I know how hard all of you work and I thank you for every minute of it. I couldn’t do what I do without you.

David Brown, my friend and my unparalleled publicist. Knowing you as well as I do, I can write this with the knowledge that when it comes out you will have put together the best tour yet. Oprah’s thriller club, here we come!

Kent Wilson, thank you for your friendship and the years of expert advice. Trish and I sleep a lot sounder at night knowing you are on our team.

Scott Schwimer, the man who can spot the difference between “show” and “business” from a hundred miles away. Thank you not only for your sage counsel, but also your incredible friendship. Diogenes’ lamp rests upon your doorstep.

Finally, I want to thank you, the readers. You have my deepest gratitude not only for your support of my novels, but for introducing so many of your friends, family, coworkers, and book clubs to my work. It is because of you that I am able to pursue a career I so enjoy.


Brad Thor

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