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  And then one of them went up to the fireplace and set fire to the torch. The boy, almost naked and slashed all over with the blows of the whip, looked pitiful and touching. His bare, round heels stuck out and looked helpless and pink, like a child's.

  The fire, with its predatory tongue, carnivorously licked the child's sole. And the boy how to scream, from hellish pain. And the flame burned the boy's feet painfully.

  The eternal child roared and twitched frantically, but the ropes were very strong.

  And the orcs laughed wildly at the boy's agony. And it smelled very appetizing, like a barbecue.

  Gulliver, fortunately, did not see this. Otherwise, I would really have roared with a

  The viscountess whipped the boy again with a whip and asked:

  - Have you ever wanted to become at least sometime in your life as Almighty as God?

  The boy captain nodded.

  - Sometimes I wanted to ... Although sometimes you think, what can be done for people to make them happy with you?

  The girl remarked:

  - Turn, for example, all people like this with us into children!

  Gulliver shook his head.

  - To become, for example, boys and girls of twenty years old, I think, practically all people would willingly agree. But at the expense of children, I have big doubts! After all, in a child's body you ca

  The Viscountess giggled and remarked:

  - Well, somehow we are not very upset about this. We have children brought by a dragon. And it solves all problems! Of course, there is some fear of death. People believe in an immortal soul, but no one has proven its existence! And you people too!

  Gulliver shrugged his shoulders and remarked:

  - There are Christians who do not believe in an immortal soul. They literally understand the words: the soul that sins, let it die. Although the bible says that people are already dead in the eyes of God!

  The girl giggled and replied:

  - A head of cabbage! More precisely, one can argue about religion for a very long time and without meaning.

  You better sing something fu

  Gulliver took and sang;

  There are no trifles in the layout of the underworld,

  Any excuse for the devil is like a hook.

  If there is no grace in the world of the Lord,

  That means the inferno pool is not far away!

  After all, evil is so fond of the world,

  Like islands without a compass of good...

  Although the heroism of valor is sung -

  In fact, the King of the Universe is Satan!

  The cruel in this world succeeds,

  He who does not know pity is the king!

  There are traps under the palm tree even of paradise,

  Where is the good? His insignificant zero!

  Any faith can be corrupted

  Any glory smells, know the noose ...

  Reptiles hiss insidiously in the sandbox -

  And I want to light up the world with a dream!

  Strive for the light, but soar in the darkness,

  Hunt to bestow, but empty pocket!

  If you don't want to live like a miserable parrot,

  Go to mea

  It's disgusting even to live under a layer of mucus,

  Where without roof support - not a step!

  Souls rush like a falcon on high,

  But the flesh is in the swamp, the sword shines the enemy!

  How did it happen that happiness faded?

  And why reign evil everywhere?

  Doesn't God have enough power?

  So that everyone is always good?

  After all, man was not created by a fanatic,

  After all, in every heart there is a fountain of love ..

  Why don't people know how to measure

  And happiness is built only on blood?!

  Unfortunately, you can't find the answer yourself.

  So it has been a terrible thing in the world since the century ...

  And the demons make a terrible face at you,

  And it seems that the Lord has forgotten the people!

  But I do not believe - evil is not omnipotent,

  You just need to squeeze the will into a fist!

  Then the impulse leading to hell will disappear,

  And there will be peace and harmony between us!

  Gulliver sang so beautifully and with feeling. And his song should be noted good.

  The orcs, meanwhile, had roasted the boy's heels well, but they had not achieved anything.

  Alas, this is a huge problem.

  Then they began torturing the girl. She was first tied to goats, and struck on her bare heels with a spi

  The girl screamed in terrible pain, groaned, twisted, but still did not give useful information.

  The torture dragged on a bit... Seeing that the sticks did not work, the orcs set fire to the fire and again smelled of burning.

  Yes, these are bad monsters and executioners.

  And Gulliver, meanwhile, took and sang, again a good song;

  My imagination struck

  Everything became bright, as if in October!

  And we put the pitchfork in the sides of the evil demon,

  And it will be so beautiful on Earth!

  Such stars in our universe -

  Some are rubies and others are diamonds!

  We collect tribute from the wicked -

  A blow like a hammer and not in the eyebrow, but in the eye!

  Shop windows where quasars

  The radiant hippodrome sparkles!

  In my soul gaping wounds -

  As if there had been a big pogrom in it!

  Curl like curls of a comet,

  Sheep shine - the milky way shines!

  About immortal deeds sung,

  In glory forever may Dus be!

  What can a sad person do?

  Just let a tear out of blue eyes ...

  When everything around is gray, it's disgusting,

  When you expect a thunderstorm in June with hope.

  Stretch unfortunate lips with a smile -

  Understand that the world is not a berry in the forest.

  Girl at once, bare her teeth at you,

  It will make your dream come true!

  Here such fu

  The viscountess, however, said with displeasure:

  - No! The songs are great, of course! But let's also have winged sayings, for thoughts in life!

  And Gulliver took it and began to speak like a wounded parrot;