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  The boy captain winked at his partner and sang:

  I would go to the sky, I would go to the sky

  Here I was, but there I was not!

  And the terminator child hurled deadly force and a very compact pea of death at the orc enemies.

  She flew and rushed, scattering enemies in all directions. And the orcs rolled their heads.

  The Viscountess barked:

  - Phasmagoria - the highest standard!

  Gulliver growled:

  - It's right! Give democracy to hell with tsarism!

  The girl giggled and remarked:

  - The king must be in the head, not on the throne!

  And her sapphire eyes sparkled like stars. And it turned out to be quite lovely.

  The boy squeaked:

  - For a new, just world!

  The Viscountess remarked:

  War is raging in the universe

  And how much can you suffer ...

  Satan got loose

  And began to kill furiously!

  Gulliver growled:

  - Yes, it did! Only question is when? There have always been murders!

  The girl nodded.

  "Since the time of Cain, you mean?

  The boy replied:

  - The first murder was in human thoughts! Even when Adam was not created, but only his spirit existed!

  The Viscountess asked with a smile:

  - Do you think the soul was eternal?

  Gulliver nodded vigorously and stamped his childish, bare foot:

  - Most likely, that's right! In any case, the Lord God blew into a person with his breath, and populated him with his eternal, immortal, always existing particle!

  The girl sang with a smile:

  Love the Lord with your soul

  May Jesus be with you...

  And if you want a boy to heaven,

  Dream of Christ alone!

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