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– Is he handsome? – The Dustrasse twins were seriously excited.

– I have no idea what he looks like. I’ve never seen him and I don’t want to see him! That's actually why I'm here.

Vilde began to furiously twirl a curl of hair around her finger.

– Well, in vain! I should look at him first before ru

“I’m afraid that after we met, I would have become his wife that same day.”

– Are your rules so strict? – Lisel was surprised, raising her beautiful eyebrows.

– Something like that. There are too many ancient traditions and conventions in the south. Don’t bother,” Zikki waved it off.

– But how did you end up among the best students? You are not from the boarding house and, in general, not local. This is against the rules! – Volde noted.

– Absolutely not according to the rules! In general, I am a fan of breaking rules and traditions. Especially those that I don’t like,” the fire girl agreed with her and winked dashingly.

– So you also acted through co

– I’m not through co

– Sorry, cousin. I forget all the time.

This chatterbox made a guilty face. And she really forgot, and didn’t blurt it out to spite me, but I still got angry.

– But I’m definitely through co

– Is it just me, or is there some kind of romantic story behind this? – Khvoyana narrowed her eyes.

“I don’t think so…” Zikki began and stopped short, but then finished firmly: “No, I don’t think so.” I'm going to study. I want to become a magician of the first circle, and so that no one dares to dictate to me who to marry and who not to marry. Then no. No romance. Only cold calculation.

The twins looked at each other meaningfully.

“And we’re going to look for suitors.” Gra

“She even suggested what rules to use to look for suitors,” Volde added.

– No, yes. What a gra

Here even the silent Yumi could not stand it and smiled.

– Like this! Some are ru

– Zikki, who helped you get in? – Vilde asked curiously.

– Let me keep this a secret. Maybe someday I'll tell you later. If we become friends…

–What did I say? This is in you from Mirre! – Khvoyana exclaimed joyfully.

There was a knock on the roof of the stagecoach, and Uncle Alan's voice was heard:

– Chatterboxes! You should calm down, you have to get up early tomorrow!

Heeding his words, we began to settle down for the night. They straightened the pillows in dark blue pillowcases with an embroidered gold wheel – the sign of the Travel Bureau. We wrapped ourselves in thin blue blankets and tried to sleep.

Well, well… For some time there was snoring, the girls were spi

– Ada? – Zikki called in a whisper, unmistakably choosing the only person who was actually asleep.

– M? – the northern woman answered her, waking up sleepily.

–Where are the other two?

The answer was silence. The other girls also held their breath.

– Who are you talking about? – Ada asked when the silence dragged on.

– Well, there should be ten adepts, but there are only eight of us.

“They will arrive on their own,” Lisel answered instead of Ada.

It seemed like both she and Zikki knew a little more than the others. How interesting!

We arrived at the academy early in the morning. The stagecoach, hovering above the ground, did not make the usual sounds of wheeled transport, and only the paws of the wolves rustled barely audibly on the pavement, and their heavy breathing could be heard. The last part of the journey was constantly uphill, and the animals were quite tired. We entered the tall gate in almost complete silence. Only a huge raven croaked deafeningly as it flew up from the wrought-iron fence. A fine autumn rain was drizzling, and the wind hit the wall of the stagecoach in gusts, causing it to sway.

“It’s a bit gloomy…” Zikki drawled, looking out the window.

“Just like home,” Ada sighed with nostalgia.

The girls, who were sitting at the ready, reached into their bags in search of warm clothes. I didn’t move, I managed to dress properly right away. Another hour before arrival. Ashsher Nett warned us, so I pulled myself together and pushed the sleepy Simka out of the stagecoach.

We soared past dark gray, squat buildings that formed an entire street. Water dripped from the gable roofs, flowing down the drainpipes. Crows sat here and there, and the cries of seagulls could be heard from afar – the Academy of Wind and Storms was located above the sea. Once upon a time there was a castle in which the founder of the educational institution lived. Later, both the castle and a small village nearby were converted into an academy, and people moved a little further away so as not to be at risk. Living next to inexperienced elemental magicians is still fun.

The stagecoach stopped in the driveway of the tallest building where the academy was located.

– Eshsheri, let's go out! – Uncle Alan commanded.

I was the very first one outside, as I was sitting closer to the exit. While the rest of the girls were getting out, I managed to look around. Behind us was a square with a large statue of the founder, on the pedestal of which were embossed the symbols of all four main elements. But from where I was, I saw only two: land and water.

To the right there was a park, standing out as a colorful spot against the background of total grayness. The crimson-brown-green riot was pleasing to the eye, reminding that colors had not disappeared from the world. Turning around, I began to look at the bizarre sculptures on the facade of the building. A massive hulk made of gray stone blocks seemed to prop up the leaden sky with its pointed roofs. Probably, the entire Blackrock estate could fit entirely in one of its halls!

Despite the gloomy view and nasty weather, I wanted to climb everything here from top to bottom. Explore the hidden corners of the park. Look into the underground catacombs going deep into the mountain. Climb into the attic and see if there really is a ghost living there? I couldn’t wait to find out all the secrets that the ancient academy building conceals.

Dad loved this place. He devoted his life to working here and talked a lot about him at home when he came on vacation or holidays, but I had no idea that in reality everything was much more interesting!

Meanwhile, a delegation in uniform robes, led by an impressive man, came out onto the porch. It was Felsen Schwartz, the onyx dragon and rector of the Academy of Wind and Storms, about whom I had heard a lot. Among the men there was only one woman. Tall, with a bun on her head. From my father’s stories, I knew that this was Estella Krieger, the dean of the Faculty of Household Magic. And there was also the Duke of Blackrock – my father.

Finding me with his eyes, dad pursed his lips in displeasure. Well, what does he not like, pray tell? What is he unhappy with? I smiled broadly at him. I missed my beloved daddy and wanted to hug him, but I’ll have to be patient until we’re left alone.

– Girls, line up, please! – Alan Nett asked, and we lined up along the side of the stagecoach.

By this time, the driver had already led away the tired wolves, but the carriage still hovered above the ground, awaiting transportation. This did not require draft power.

The rector stopped on the top step of the porch.

“Eshsheri, we welcome you to the Academy of Wind and Storms…” he began a solemn speech, but was interrupted and, turning to Dean Krieger, asked: “Where are the other two adepts?” There should be ten of them, but I only see eight.

“Eshcheri Ricci seems to be late, and escheri Hugel…” she answered the rector and looked at the sky and added: “Already here.”

I also raised my head and saw a rapidly approaching black dot.

What did the rector say? Ashcheri Hugel? The Hygels were one of the younger branches of the ruling family of dragons. It turns out that a real dragon will study with us! Wow!

“And here comes Escheri Ricci,” said Dean Krieger.

– Wonderful! “Let’s wait a little,” the rector responded complacently.

Indeed, from somewhere on the side of the park, a curvaceous girl with a shock of blond hair and a milky-white fitted coat was trotting towards us on thin heels. She looked like a bright spot against the background of total grayness and involuntarily attracted glances not only with her bright appearance and fashionable outfit, but also with her retinue – she was accompanied by several adherents at once. One was carrying a purse, the other was holding an umbrella over it, trying to keep up. Several more simply accompanied us, but when they saw the rector, they all dispersed somewhere, and Escheri Ricci came up to us alone. The beauty did not see the black dragon landing along the same trajectory, and she landed right in front of her. It was so “successful” that the fashionista’s white coat was covered with small specks of dirt.

– Ah! – the blonde choked with indignation, and then the unexpected happened.

Even more unexpected than the landing of a giant lizard. The blond fashionista swung her hand and hit the dragon with her fashionable handbag on a long handle right in the face!

For a moment everyone was speechless. The silhouette of Eshcheri Hugel became hazy, blurred in space, and a brunette with a short haircut appeared in front of us. Her plump lips delighted the eye with bright scarlet lipstick, and her eyes were an equally bright orange shade, characteristic of the younger branches of the ruling family. The pants and jacket unusually, I would even say indecently, hugged the girl’s body, not hiding a single curve, and in the collar, unbuttoned right down to the neckline, I could clearly see rune marks.

“If you do that again, I’ll bite your head off,” the dragoness stated phlegmatically, turning to the blonde.

– Oh, sorry, eshsheri. “It’s me out of frustration,” the blonde immediately backed down, making her eyes wide. – This coat is from the autumn collection “Snakes”. It cost me a pretty pe

Escheri Ricci's voice was so sweet that I wanted to drink some water.

“Send me the bill from the laundry, baby,” the dragoness gri

– In my office, eshcheri Hugel! – the rector snapped, and then added softer: “Beata, be reasonable and don’t force me to write to your uncle.”

The dragoness frowned with displeasure, and her orange eyes flashed brighter, promising trouble to anyone who dared to stand in her way.

– Who is our uncle? – Ada whispered in my ear.

“Uncle is the ruler of the Onyx Rocks,” I answered just as quietly.