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Chapter 3

The girl Batmore and I picked off along the way was called Adalbjorg Hedvin. She was the only daughter of the northern jarl of the Coast of Iron Blades.

“I know our names sound unusual in these lands, but you can call me Ada.” I am in your debt, Mirre.

– Stop doing that. Any person would try to help in my place,” I was embarrassed.

The new acquaintance sat unevenly, leaning on one side, as if she could not fully straighten her back. She winced every now and then, clearly in pain, and I tried to turn the conversation to what was really important now: “No, Mirre!” Not just anyone. Only a very brave person with a caring heart would risk speaking out against six elemental magicians who are not burdened with either reason or conscience,” the northern woman objected, which embarrassed me.

– Did they hurt you?

– Nonsense! “It’s been worse,” the northern woman shrugged it off, but I didn’t believe her.

– Not at all! You should see a healer. Let's go to the station, there is a 24-hour first aid station.

– Perhaps you're right. That’s what I’ll do, only… Only now I have nothing to pay for their services,” she frowned sadly.

– Don’t worry about it, I won’t leave you in trouble.

– Mirre, I…

– No objections, Ada! You almost got killed! And then, when your things return, you can pay me back,” I reassured her.

– Thank you!

The Northern woman touched her forehead with two fingers and, with an unexpectedly graceful gesture, extended her open palm to me. A small ball flashed gold above her. He swam up to me and hovered, and suddenly pleasant shivers ran down my back, like when trying on a tailor.

– What is this? – I asked quietly.

– Oath of purity of intentions. If you accept it, just touch it.

“Ada… Really, it’s not worth it…” I stopped short, catching the northern woman’s gaze, and realized that if I refused, I would offend her to the core.

Sighing, she dipped her finger into the golden light, and her chest felt hot, as if she had sipped the ci

“We are now more co

Her face suddenly blurred, and then I blinked, and two tears rolled down my cheeks.

–What are you doing? Are you crying, or what? – The northern woman frowned.

– No no! It's just… Everything is so unexpected. I lived alone for a long time, and just recently met my older sister. And now I have another sister.

The northern woman burst into a smile and hugged me by the shoulders in a familiar way, but immediately shuddered and again took the “hook” pose.

– Hurts?

“Stronger than we would like,” Adalbjorg answered with a dark smile.

Hearing her, Bathmore reined in his horse and began to choose a level road. We were just driving past the giant gas holder, and ahead there was already a station glowing with lights, where life was in full swing day and night.

– Ada, forgive me for the indiscreet question, but why did you need to get involved with this dubious company? Where did you actually come across them? – Unable to bear it, I asked.

– I arrived in Verlor this morning and decided to take a walk around the city. I haven’t been to the capital of Onyx Rocks before. Everything here is structured differently than here. And I accidentally encountered these children of a sick walrus on the street. They stuck to the sole worse than dog shit. No matter how many, it still stinks and stinks. I usually don’t let anyone off the hook, but here I endured it until the last moment. I didn't want any trouble with the locals. “I tried to be taller,” as my mentor punished me.

Ada nodded and continued. “We were taught the same thing at the boarding school,” I interjected into her story.

“By that time it was getting close to di

The northern woman sighed heavily and, wincing, looked at me meaningfully.

– Yeah. I can imagine what kind of food for ridicule this gave to the presumptuous idiots.

– Right! Then I simply caught a cab and asked him to take me to some decent establishment not far from the South Station. The kind where you can eat delicious food and the prices aren’t too bad.

“And he brought you to Rabochiy Gorodok,” Bathmore unexpectedly butted into the conversation.

“I don’t know, but the food here really turned out to be good.” I like it. Everything was fine until Mikael’s company entered the same tavern. These degenerates of the rickety sperm whale began to mock me again. They laughed at me for being so tall. They made fun of my clothes, and then they stole my bag and began demanding insulting things from me for returning it. I am the daughter of Earl Hedwin and I couldn’t let them down! – The northern woman flashed with rage in her eyes.

–Did you get into a fight?

– No. She insulted them back, and they rushed into the fight. They turned out to be not as patient as me. “She gri

– Mother of All That Is! But these are the children of the capital's aristocrats. All elemental magicians…” I grimaced. – What a disgrace! What were they thinking, chasing a foreigner throughout the capital?

“It’s a pack of mad dogs, not children.” People like them ought to have their teeth pulled out before they bite someone to death,” Bathmore opined, stopping the gig next to a large black stagecoach that bore the Wind and Storm Academy emblem on its side.

And next to the stagecoach stood a man, at the sight of whom my mood immediately soared to heaven.

“Uncle Al…” I screamed joyfully, but seeing that he was not alone, I corrected myself: “Eshsher Nett, how glad I am to see you!”

Alan Nett, a teacher from my father’s department, who visited us more than once, saw me and also burst into a smile.

– Mirre Blackrock! Meet girls, this is Mirre Blackrock from Teresa the Magnanimous boarding house. You will study at the academy together. Mirre, this is Lisel Konradine and Hvoyana Holtz,” he introduced them to me. – And Yumi Lo is hiding inside.

– Nice to meet you! – Lisel answered politely.

The Conradine family was rightfully one of the ten most influential in Onyx Rocks. Duke Conradine was the ruler's adviser, and in front of me stood his youngest daughter, about whom they gossiped even in our boarding house.

Slender, tall. With a shock of light brown hair, braided in a loose braid. Her travel outfit fit perfectly and looked as if it had just come from the tailor shop. Lisel was a strong elemental who, according to rumors, had already mastered the control of lightning, and also the most enviable bride of Onyx Rocks. She was predicted to marry one of the dragons of the ruling family.

– Hello! – Khvoyana waved to us.

Judging by the unusual bright blue color of her eyes and the blue tint of her hair, which only remained ash-blond near her face, the girl preferred water to other elements. And her name was unusual – Khvoyana. It would be more suitable for a sorceress from the Old Forest. However, the girl looked so that I would not doubt that she was a native of those places.

Khvoyana wore her long hair in two braids, and another one adorned her head like a wreath. She dressed in the traditional clothes of the peoples from the banks of the Struna. I must say, quite exotic to my eyes. Even more exotic than the northern woman was dressed.

While I was looking at my future classmates, Uncle Alan looked at some list.

– So. All we have to do is wait for Adalbjörg Hedvin, and…

– Adalbjorg is already here, and… She needs the help of a healer! – I realized.

– What's happened? – Lisel immediately looked into the gig.

I quickly introduced Ada to everyone and retold a brief version of the attack, keeping silent only about the artifact that Grymza gave me. Ada did not say a word about him.

– It’s incomprehensible! Where are the parents of these little kids looking? – Uncle Alan lamented. “Sit here, I’ll bring the healer.”

Lanky and awkward, he rushed towards the building with a characteristic bowl and a “healing hand” stretched over it, emitting light.

– Mirre, do you remember any of the attackers? Are you familiar with them? – asked Lisel.

– No, but their leader was called Mikael. And another one, small and fussy, was teased with Splinter.

I described the attackers as best I could, and Ada filled in the details I had missed, telling me what magic they used and what techniques they preferred in battle.

“I will make sure that those responsible are punished,” Lisel promised us with the most serious look.

For some reason I had no doubt that this would be the case.

– Thank you. – Ada smiled wryly, trying not to show too much that she was suffering.

– Girls, what happened to you? “A very young girl’s face suddenly looked out of the stagecoach window.

A frightened look of wide eyes, a slightly open mouth, an unexpectedly short haircut framing the face. Only the eyes shone with a deep blue, and the hair had already turned completely sea green.

Wow! A very strong sorceress comes from the mouth of the Struna! It directly feels close to the sea elements.

– Stop hiding, Yumi! Go out and meet your classmates. This is Mirre and Adalbjorg.

“I’m afraid…” the girl whispered and hid again.

We looked at each other, and then I left the girls and climbed into the stagecoach.

– Hello, Yumi! I'm Mirre.

– I know. “I can clearly hear what’s happening outside,” Yumi answered, for some reason again in a whisper.

– You said you were afraid. And what exactly?

In general, after the attack on Ada, I will not deny that the streets of the capital are not so safe at night, but still the station is guarded, and it is quite light here…

“I’m afraid that I won’t be able to control my magic from excitement.” “I have a lot of dope, but my control is poor,” she shared in her own way, clearly repeating someone else’s words.

I giggled.

– Didn’t they teach you to “pacify the gift” at your boarding school?

– We taught. It just didn't work out very well for me. That's what I'm worried about. When I get excited, I can’t control myself at all.

The girl sighed heavily.

– Don’t worry! “Smiling, I put my hand on her shoulder.

– Do you think it’s not worth it? – She stared at me with hope.

– I think it's useless. Worry or not, it will be difficult for all of us.

Having voiced my secret thoughts, I suddenly realized that I was right.

Until that moment, I carefully hid them even from myself. I was happy to leave the boarding school, looking forward to a new free life, but I was latently afraid that everything would not be as rosy as I had imagined. And what just happened is a clear example of this. After all, these were also those whom we would have to face at the academy. What if all the guys there are just like them?