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Chapter 7

Ethan Derberg, onyx dragon, adept of the Academy of Wind and Storms. Border of Onyx Rocks and the Steppe of the Seventeen Winds.

We approached the building where the new ones were supposed to live. The small terrace for relaxation was littered with all sorts of rubbish. There was only a small passage to the door.

– What a mess! – Kayu grimaced with disgust.

And Freckled kicked the leaky bucket, and it rolled with a roar along the wooden flooring. I winced, reacting to the unpleasant sound, and asked:

– Don't be demons! And so my head hurts.

We didn't have to wait long for the girls.

– Hey, guys! They are coming! – Aze stated the obvious when the delegation of adepts turned onto the main street of the campus.

–Who is it with them? – Kayu asked suspiciously.

Human vision was inferior to that of a dragon, and he could not see details at such a distance.

– All the creatures of the Ancient Forest! It's the Ogre! – I cursed at the sight of the dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering.

No one at the academy liked Estella Krieger.

– If she sees us here, she will deduct points! – Having lost all his bravado, Freckled became worried. “I almost got expelled that year because of her.” The father was very angry and did not want to listen to anything!

“But we’re not doing anything bad.” “We just came to meet you,” said Kayu, not too confidently, whose charm turned out to be powerless against this woman.

– And when did Estella need someone to do something to take off points? – I gri

– Stop talking, guys! Let's hide! – Ezeroth commanded.

Without hesitation, the malachite prince jumped over the balustrade and disappeared into the bushes. It never occurred to any of us to make fun of him. Without talking, following his example, we dashed there.

– Move over! – Jed whispered.

– Don't push! – Kayu snapped.

– Are there not enough bushes for you? – Aze hissed with displeasure.

The guys began to push each other, getting more comfortable. The bush really turned out to be too small for four, but it was too late to hide, and it was not worth using magic at all. But if you sit quietly, it’s unlikely that the dean will think of looking for someone here. She is still a household magician, not a combat one, and this difference in thinking often helped us avoid her attention.

– Stop it! They're close! – I hissed at my friends. “The Ogre has hearing like a dragon, so don’t even breathe!”

Estella Krieger also noticed this, judging by the unpleasant smile that played on her thin lips. A few minutes later, the girls, led by Ashsheri Krieger, were nearby. They began to look around in confusion at the housing provided to them, and almost everyone had a look of bewilderment on their faces. Of course! They had no idea where they were. They probably believed that everything here was made entirely of precious stones and silks.

– This is where you will live for the next year. In the attic there is a storage room, where you will find everything you need: bed linen, mattresses, spare furniture. In the basement there is a laundry room and everything you need for cleaning. Yes Yes. You'll have to clean up yourself. You see, the renovations have barely finished, and it’s still a mess, but I’m sure you can figure it out easily, you’re girls,” she added in a tone that made me cringe.

In fact, if adherents were removed from the academy, it was in two cases: as punishment and out of love for art. How will the new kids feel when they find out about this?

– How should we deal with this? – asked a girl in a man’s outfit and with black and red hair casually braided in braids, in whom I recognized a pure fire magician.

She stood with her back to us, and I didn’t see the expression on her face, but I still thought that someone like that would rather burn down this hut than start cleaning. But I could clearly see the Ogre’s face, and his expression did not promise anything good for the firewoman. Of course! They dared to ask her u

– Listen to the first rule, adherents: do not interrupt teachers! But you're in luck. Today I will not deduct points for misdeeds, and from tomorrow do not expect mercy.

The girl with blue locks in her braids raised her hand.

– Do you have a question, Adept Holtz?

– Yes, eshsheri dean. How do we understand what is considered a violation and what is not?

– Code of Academy Rules. Each of you has it on your nightstand. Study it carefully, and it’s better today, when you’re done with cleaning. Now, watch and remember: call on the elements and tell them to perform everyday actions.

The dean, with several passes, without using spells, called up the air and, carefully picking up the bucket that was still lying on the path, lowered it into a large trash bin.

– You are capable of such simple actions, aren’t you? If not, then you have nothing to do here! Classes start promptly at eight. Don't oversleep! There is also a penalty for being late. Everything about the point system is described in the code. Have a productive day! The ca

– That's it! – Kayu hissed, barely restraining himself from swearing at this unpleasant woman.

– What should we do now? – a pretty girl with short blue hair stammered.

It looked like she was about to cry.

“Get started cleaning,” the tall, strong girl answered her. Looks like a northerner. “Come on, girls, let’s see what’s inside.”

“As you wish, I won’t set foot in this bedbug infestation!” “I already have a place to live,” said the beautiful blonde in a ma

Actively wagging her beautiful butt, she stomped away.

– This is Mallory Ritchie. Her father is not very noble, but rich. Industrialist. He got his start in the construction of gas tanks and the installation of lighting artifacts. Not your kind of bird, Jed. She catches bigger fish, like Aiz or Ethan,” the all-knowing Kai enlightened us.

– And these? – Jed pointed with his eyes at the retinue of guys waiting for her at a distance.

– Fools who are ready to serve for a smile. Some just like to rub shoulders, others hope to gain trust and get a chance, if not to become related to a wealthy family, then to stake out a warm place by the end of their studies. And Mallory just uses them.

– Wow! – Freckled said in surprise.

“Ethan, do you understand which one is yours?” – Aiz suddenly asked.

– Don't know. I don't feel anything. Perhaps we need to take a closer look at the girls. Almost all of them have their backs turned.

– So what are we waiting for?

Jed almost jumped out of the bushes, but I tugged at his sleeve.

– Quiet! We'll embarrass ourselves.

– Why?

“Because hiding in the bushes is unworthy of two princes and such glorious magicians as you and me,” Kayu patiently told him. – This is not very good for the reputation of the toughest guys at the academy.

– Understood. I'm sorry.

Jed sank down into his seat, and one by one the new girls filed into the building, only Beate Hügel remained on the porch. When the door closed behind the girls, she called:

– Hey, get out! Stop hiding!

My distant relative from the younger branch noticed us a long time ago, but did not show it.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone that you’re peepers,” she said, smiling indulgently when we emerged from hiding.

– Hello, Bea! I didn’t expect to see you here, and even among the new ones,” I told her.

– Hello, Ethan. “I didn’t expect you to spy on these newest ones from the bushes,” she retorted.

Beate Hügel was such a badass, and she didn’t mince words. I walked over and we hugged.

– So what destinies? – I repeated my question

– Uncle Eric made me do it. He said that we need to demonstrate to everyone the seriousness of the upcoming changes. But you understand why they really did all this?

– And for what? – Jed asked, looking with admiration at the bright brunette, who violated all the rules and canons with her appearance, starting from short-cropped hair, styled in a picturesque mess, the color of a raven’s wing and bright scarlet provocative lipstick, and ending with clothing that followed all the curves of the body, in appearance too light for such cool weather.

Beata looked Freckled up and down with an appraising look and said nothing.

– So why were you hiding in the bushes? – she repeated her question.

“Ethan wanted to know which of the…” Jed began again, but Aiz grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to the side, whispering something angrily in his ear.

I looked at him gratefully. I had no intention of sharing my plans with Beata yet.

– Well, you wanted to meet the new ones, but the Ogress came with you. “I had to hide,” I explained.

– Ogre? Oh, you're talking about the dean's office! – the distant maternal relative guessed and smiled predatorily. – An unpleasant person, I agree with you. But she can't eat the dragon. By the way, why did she scare you all so much?

– Points are deducted for every sneeze, but do you know how difficult it is to earn them? Oh yes, of course you don’t! – I faked it.

– Are you really afraid of losing some points? You are the heir to the throne! – Beata made an incredulous face.

“I am the heir, but only the second in line, so I must study no worse than Mikael, you understand, right?” Uncle chooses which of us will sit on the throne after him. I can’t concede on anything, but Mika, he’s an excellent student.

– Your Mika is a complete idiot! Do you know what he did the other day?

– No. I was here.

I actually flew to the academy the same day I stole the Focus, and I didn’t know what was happening in the capital.

– ABOUT! So you don't know? – Beata’s eyes sparkled. “Then I’ll tell you the latest news!” Let's go!

Bea grabbed me by the arm and pulled me away.

– How long will you stay? “I’m hungry,” Aiz called out to us.

– And sleep! – the guys added in unison.

We were all not in the best shape after that night and looked rumpled. In my mind, meeting new people was worth postponing at least for the evening in order to be fully prepared.

– Go! See you later. Don't wait for me. If I have time, I'll join you in the dining room.

My sister and I headed towards the park, Bea continued to cling to my elbow to the envy of all the guys I met. I could understand them; my distant sister’s figure was just right. Although there is nothing to envy. Beata is a dragon, and also my, albeit distant, relative, and I knew perfectly well that we were not a couple. Happens between dragons when no Focus is needed to determine the truth. It also works the other way around.

– So what about Mikael? – I hurried my sister, who seemed to be simply enjoying the walk.

The wind changed and died down, the rain stopped, and the sun came out from behind the leaden clouds. The gray stone sparkled, becoming completely not dull, and the foliage began to sparkle with brighter colors. And this time the external did not cause me any contradictions with my internal state. I don’t even know why.

– Mikael is under house arrest, can you imagine? – Beata suddenly said.