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– Oh, don't be dramatic! All you have to do is be patient until the children are born, and then you can get a divorce,” retorted the resilient Freckled One. – Again, walk left and right as much as you like. Not like you dragons. Got married, and no, no! I can't do that. “I don’t look at the same neckline twice,” he said with conviction. – I stand for diversity and freedom, here!

“On the contrary, I envy dragons in this regard,” he expressed an unexpected opinion to Kai, who was much more loving than Jed, he just didn’t talk about it. – This is a true couple! With her you will really be happy, and you won’t have to spend your whole life tossing and searching for a fresh neckline. I wish I could do the same… – He sighed sadly.

Aiz nodded contentedly, rejoicing at the unexpected support, and I again put my hand in my pocket and clenched the Focus in my fist, which I stole from under Mika’s nose so that he would not do the same first. I had no doubt that my cousin was going to do this. He pla

By that time, I had time to thoroughly think about what had happened and understood a lot. Uncle Eric started all this for a reason, and Mika’s adventures have nothing to do with it. He had long doubted his eldest nephew’s ability to rule the state, so he put on a whole performance to give me a chance to compete for the throne with my cousin on equal terms. Surely, my uncle will forgive me the same day I present him with the true truth. But there is very little chance of finding her in an academy where only men study. Except that…

I stared at the Travel Bureau stagecoach hovering outside the main building. The deans and teachers, led by the rector, gathered on the porch itself. Come on! I don't think I'll be so lucky.

– The girls have arrived! We’re on time,” Flammer noted. “But you can’t see them from here.”

– But what an intrigue! – He gri

What wise thought did your friend express?

“This is a true couple! With her you will really be happy.”

On impulse, I took the Focus from my pocket.

– Now we’ll check it…

– Fuck! – Freckled cursed, gawking at the artifact in my hand.

“Ethan, is this what I think it is?” – Kayu stared at the Focus, and his eyes flashed greedily.

Aiz somehow got all sorted out. His nostrils flared and his pupils turned emerald.

– How did you get it? – he asked dully.

“I stole it from my uncle,” I answered defiantly.

The friends looked at each other, but said nothing. And I stood, holding Focus at arm’s length, like in the pictures in the children’s books that my mother read to me, and felt like an idiot. What should we do with him next?

My uncle showed me the cache where the Focus was kept only once, and even admitted that he had found it with my aunt’s help. At that time it was not fashionable among young people, and he did everything in secret, without telling anyone anything. It seemed terribly unfair to me that it was Uncle Eric who was touched by the Misfortune, depriving not only his beloved wife, but also a true couple.

There were no instructions for activating the Focus in the cache, but I suspect there was some kind of ritual or spell that I didn’t bother to find out about. But it’s understandable, I didn’t intend to get married. It was a hard pull, I decided to show off! So what's now? Maybe I should ask Aiz?

Oh no! My reputation ca

– Ethan, can I touch it? – Kaya suddenly asked in a trembling voice. “I’ll just touch it once and that’s it.” Maybe I can figure out how to come up with something similar for magicians?

“I don’t advise you to paw at dragon artifacts u

– And why is that? “Kai, who often got into trouble with malachite, squinted his eyes in a bad way.

– Who knows how it works? You never know what the consequences will be! – Jed answered instead of Aiz and laughed obscenely at his own stupid inventions.

– Jerk! – Kayu pushed him in the shoulder.


– Oh, you! – one of the guys exclaimed, but I couldn’t make out who exactly.

And the Focus set off and, picking up speed, flew towards the main building. It flew right over the roof of the stagecoach, barely missing it, and disappeared.

– And… What now? – Kayu asked cautiously, on whose face I had never seen such a childishly admiring expression before.

“I don’t know…” I admitted.

– So did he choose the true one for you, or not? When will it become clear? – Jed Flammer shifted his feet impatiently.

Jed raised his hands in conciliation. I myself would like to know what to do next and how to return Focus. Losing the artifact where the ancestor spirit of the onyx dragons slept was tantamount to a death sentence. These thoughts were reflected on my face as I glanced irritably at the fireman.

– OK OK. I'm not climbing. You're in charge, it's up to you to figure it out.

– Ahem! Ethan… I believe that your true one was indeed among these girls,” Aze hinted.

– Why do you think so? – I asked, becoming more and more irritated.

– Since the Focus was activated, it means she was nearby. You did it, friend! Congratulations! – Malachite slapped me on the back.

It seemed that Ezeroth was indeed aware of how Focus worked.

“Thank you…” I answered without enthusiasm.

Frankly, I did not imagine that everything would turn out this way, and I was in a slight shock. It was necessary to think and digest what happened.

– What's next? – Kayu inquired cautiously. – How will we look for her?

Shrugging my shoulders, I answered vaguely:

– Let's figure it out…

We hurried towards the stagecoach, but as we got closer we slowed down.

“Jed, for the sake of the Mother of All That Is, don’t stare at them like you’ve never seen a girl in your life!” – asked the fireman to Kaya.

– Come on! Me with one eye! – he waved it off.

It was not possible to take a good look at the new arrivals as we walked along the driveway. To do this, they would have to go around the hefty steppe stagecoach that covered them from behind and stop right on the road, but the rector was standing on the porch. Walking past, Jed couldn’t resist looking back first, followed by the others turning their heads. I also took one short glance, convinced that I was right.

– And which of them has Focus? Do you understand? – Ezeroth asked.

“No,” I answered reluctantly.

– The first blonde is just fire! – Freckled smiled joyfully.

– Jed, what did I say about these adepts? – Malachite asked sternly.

– Come on! I don't mind marrying her if I have to. I saw what size she is…

– Shut up! – Aze barked. – What if this is the real Ethan, and you speak about her like that? He'll kill you!

– Oops! I didn't think…

“Jed, do you know why you spend more time talking about girls than actually having fun with them?” – Kayu asked insinuatingly.

– Why? – Freckled naively blinked his eyes.

– You talk too much in vain! Learn to use the language correctly!

– Fuck you! – the fireman was offended.

Cursing and pushing, they turned behind Aiz and me towards the park.

“I still haven’t seen anyone except that blonde girl…” Jed sighed in disappointment when the two-story buildings where the adherents lived appeared ahead.

– It’s not evening yet. They will be settled over there. – Kayu pointed to the previously empty old building, which they were going to demolish back that year, but they changed their minds and started renovations in the last month of summer.

It looked as if the decision had been made at the last moment, and the work was being done in a hurry. Old scaffolding still stood at the end of the building, some things and broken furniture were dumped near the porch, and part of the roof had not been covered or had been completely forgotten.

– Do you suggest stopping by to visit the girls? – The fireman, who ca

“I suggest we set up somewhere nearby and wait for them.” “They won’t pass us by,” he expressed a sensible thought to Kai. – Ethan, how do you know which one has your Focus?

“A magical sign appears on the couple’s forearm, like a wide bracelet,” I enlightened him.

– Shall we grab them by the hands and watch? – Jed was inspired and immediately complained: “It’s a pity the weather let us down, all the girls are dressed warmly.”

“Then, let’s think about how to force them to undress,” he winked at Kai.

“You definitely have no equal in this,” I chuckled contentedly.