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The Five Personal Forces

Each individual has five powers, the nature of which is determined according to the year of his birth. These five forces are as follows:

Vitality, life force (Sok). It’s the power of life that makes a person alive. It is the i

er life energy of a person that resides in his heart. Weak Sok is a danger to life.

Body, health (Lü). It is the strength and energy of body health, it’s physique, physical strength, and bodily well-being. It is, figuratively speaking, a vessel for life. Our vital energy (Sok) depends on the integrity of this vessel, depends on the health of the body, because our life force can flow out of the body due to diseases and injuries.

Strength, power (Wang thang). This is the potential of personal power, with which a person can achieve goals, shape his financial situation and manage life circumstances. A strong wang thang gives us the ability to effectively use our talents and opportunities, skillfully manage our time, avoid injury, achieve wealth and prosperity.

Fortune (Lung ta). Literally, Lung ta is translated as "wind horse". It is the energy of luck that attracts favorable situations, circumstances, and money. It brings us success and a good reputation, it is also a spiritual path. Lung ta is the movement of energy through the human body, it is the harmonization and strengthening of the three above-mentioned forces: vitality, health, and strength. When our internal energies are in harmony with the external energies, then fortune becomes our natural companion.

Life-soul (La). It is the spirit or the soul, but it is not the soul in the Christian sense, it’s the soul that binds together all the components of a person, giving integrity and interest in life. It is the immunity. La produces Sok (life force). This means that the Element of La-soul is always in the mother's relationship with Sok-vitality that resides in the heart. For example, if the Element of life-soul is Fire, then the Element of vitality will be Earth because Fire produces Earth. La is very mobile and moves through an individual’s energy cha

els during the lunar cycle.