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“For me?” Overjoyed, Peabody snatched it, sniffed through the bag. “You saved me a doughnut. You’re so good to me. I take back everything I was thinking-you know, how you’re a cold, selfish, doughnut-hogging bitch and all that. Thanks, Dallas.”

“Don’t mention it.”

“I really shouldn’t eat it though.” Peabody caught her bottom lip between her teeth, stroking the bag asEve backed out of the slot. “I really shouldn’t. I’m on a diet. I’ve just got to lose some of the square footage of my ass, so I-”

“Oh, for Christ’s sake. Give it back then.”

But whenEve reached out, Peabody cringed back, doughnut bag clutched at her breasts, face screwed into dangerous lines. “Mine.”

“ Peabody, you continue to be a fascination to me.”

“Thanks.” Slowly, savoring the moment, Peabody unsealed the bag. “Anyway, I deserve it. I’m using up lots of calories studying for the detectives’ exam, and stressing about it. Stress sucks up calories like a vacuum. That’s why you’re so thin.”

“I’m not thin, I’m not stressed.”

“If you’ve got an excess ounce of body fat, I’ll eat it. Respectfully, sir,” Peabody added with a mouthful of jelly doughnut. “But I’ve really been hitting the discs and the simulators. McNab’s helping me out. He’s hardly even being an asshole right now.”

“Wonder of wonders.”

“It’s coming up really soon. I was wondering if you could tell me where you think my weak areas are so I could work on them.”

“You question yourself. Even when your gut tells you you’re right, you don’t trust it enough. You’ve got good instincts, but you tend to be afraid to go with them without confirmation from a superior. You often question your own competence, and when you question yours, you’re questioning mine.”

She glanced over, unsurprised to seePeabody keying her comments into her notebook between bites of doughnut. “You’re writing this down.”

“It helps to see it, you know. Then to do these affirmations in the mirror. I’m a confident, competent officer of the law, and like that.” She flushed a little. “It’s just a method.”


Evenosed into a narrow space at the curb. “Let’s confidently and competently see whereCarmichaelSmith was night before last.”

“Yes, sir, but I also have to stress and obsess about having eaten that jelly doughnut. That’ll work off the calories and even it out. It’ll be like I never ate it at all.”

“Then you might want to wipe the jelly off your lip.”

Evestepped out of the car, studied the building. It had been, she supposed, a small three-level apartment building at one time. Now it was a single residence on a tony street. Private security again, two entrances in the front. At least one in the back, she assumed.

Not so far from an alley inChinatown geographically, but worlds away in every other form. No LCs on the stroll here, no glide-carts on the corners. High-maintenance and low crime.

She circled around the walk and up to the main entrance on the second level.

Security panel, palm plate, and a retinal scan. A very careful man. She engaged the panel and frowned at the music that soared out. A lot of strings and keyboard around a creamy male voice.

“‘Love Lights the World,’” Peabody identified. “It’s sort of his signature song.”

“It’s got more calories than your doughnut.”


“Dallas,LieutenantEve.” She lifted her badge for a scan. “Police business. I’ve got an appointment withMr.Smith this morning.”


Almost immediately the door was opened by a dark-ski

“Good morning. Thank you for being prompt. Please come in, make yourself at home in the living area.Carmichael will be right with you.”

She glided,Eve thought, like a woman on rollers instead of feet, as she ushered them into a large room with blond walls. There was a mood screen taking up one of those walls, with an image of a white boat drifting on a blue sea as calm as a plate of glass. Thick gel cushions were spread over the floor in lieu of actual furniture, and all were in pastels. Tables were long and low, in that same blond tone.

A fuzzy white kitten curled on one of the tables, and blinked emerald eyes atEve.

“Please relax. I’ll letCarmichael know you’re here.”

Peabodywalked over and poked at one of the floor cushions. “I guess you sink right in and it molds to your butt.” Experimentally, she reached back and patted a hand over her ass. “That could be embarrassing.”

“That music is making my teeth ache.”Eve ran her tongue around them, then turned asCarmichaelSmith made his entrance.

He was tall, about six three with a well-toned body he was currently showing off in a fluid white vest that left his pecs and abs on display. His pants were black and snug, so he could display his other attributes. His hair was dramatically streaked black and white, and worn back in a queue to leave his face-wide, high-boned, and narrowed to a sharp, pointed chin-unframed.

His eyes were deep, melted-chocolate brown, his skin the color of coffee light.

“Ah,LieutenantDallas. Or do I call youMrs.Roarke?”

EveheardPeabody ’s smothered snort, ignored it. “You call meLieutenantDallas.”

“Of course, of course.” He strode in, vest streaming, and took the hand she’d yet to offer in both of his. “It’s just that I only made the co

“My aide,OfficerPeabody. I have some questions,Mr.Smith.”

“More than happy to answer them.” He tookPeabody ’s hand as he hadEve ’s. “Please, please, sit. Li’s bringing us some tea. I have a special morning blend for energy. It’s simply fantastic. Call meCarmichael.”

He lowered smoothly to a peach-colored cushion and took the little cat into his lap. “There now, Snowdrop, did you think Daddy had forgotten you?”

She didn’t want to sit on one of the cushions, nor did she want to remain standing and towering over him. So she sat on the table.

“Can you tell me where you were, early yesterday morning, betweenmidnight and threeA.M.?”

Like the cat, he blinked. “Well, that sounds very official. Is there some problem?”

“Yes, the murder of a woman inChinatown.”

“I don’t understand. Such negative energy.” He breathed deep. “We try to keep a positive flow in this house.”

“Yeah, I’m sureJacieWooton found being sliced up a pretty negative experience. Can you verify your whereabouts,Mr.Smith?”

“Li,” he said as the black woman in flowing white streamed in. “Do I know anyone namedJacieWooton?”


“Do we know where I was night before last, betweenmidnight and three?”

“Yes, of course.” She poured pale gold tea from a pale blue pot into pale blue cups. “You were attending the di

“Thank you.” He picked up the teacup she’d set on the table. “It’s difficult for me to keep all those details in my head. I’d be lost without Li.”

“I’d like the names and addresses of the people you were with, to verify this information.”

“I’m feeling very unsettled about this.”

“It’s routine,Mr.Smith. When I confirm your alibi, I can move on.”

“Li will provide you with anything you need.” He made a gesture with his hand. “It’s important to my well-being, to my work, to keep my senses stimulated by the positive, by love and by beauty.”