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The name Peterhof was first mentioned in 1705. It was a coastal manor, close to which the construction of a grand country residence began. The original plan belonged to Peter the Great. After the brilliant victory of Russian troops over the Swedes, security of St. Petersburg both from the land C__________. Since that time, the construction of the Peterhof residence grew immensely in scope.

According to the plan of Peter the Great, on the one hand, Peterhof was meant to be equal in splendour with the most famous royal residences in Europe, D__________ to access the Baltic Sea. Both were successfully done. The Great Palace was built on a natural hill here, E__________. Following the plan of Peter the Great, F__________, the Grand Cascade with the famous Samson fountain was constructed. This is still one of the most spectacular fountains in the world. In 1990 the palaces and parks of Peterhof were included in the list of the world heritage of UNESCO.

1. and from the sea has been firmly ensured

2. which is a former royal countryside residence

3. who designs many royal residences in Europe

4. and then rebuilt in the baroque style in the 18th century

5. who wanted to decorate the main entrance with waterfalls

6. that are located in the park on the coast of the Gulf of Finland

7. and on the other hand, to become a monument of Russia’s struggle








Прочитaйте текст и выполните зaдaния 12–18. В кaждом зaдaнии зaпишите в поле ответa цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбрaнному Вaми вaриaнту ответa.

College food

Choosing a college? Well, you may want to look more closely at what’s being served. Not just in the classrooms but also the cafeterias.

What you eat and drink in college can make a big difference during college and well beyond. College may be the first time that you are away from Mommy and Daddy and are making decisions about what to put in your mouth on your own. It is when you are potentially programming some of your habits for life. You may also still be growing in college, which makes good nutrition especially important. According to a study published in the journal Preventive Medicine, overweight and obesity rates increase by more than 15% for first-year college students.

Healthy may not be the first thing you think of when you picture college eating. Instead, it may be late-night takeout, food from bags, ketchup as a vegetable, cereal for di

That is why the Healthier Campus Initiative appeared. As science has shown, once your eating habits are established, changing them can be very difficult. Yes, knowledge and a diploma aren’t the only things that you can get for life from college. That means that collegiate eating and drinking could be contributing to the continuing obesity epidemic and the host of diet-related chronic diseases that keep growing in many countries.

College applicants seem to become more and more aware of this. Back when I was applying to college, the only thing I knew about college meal plans was that they involved meals and a plan. Oh, and that they could be quite costly. By contrast, a survey conducted in 2015 showed nearly 1 in 5 potential college applicants indicated that a college’s health and wellness offerings were “likely” or “extremely likely” to alter their decisions of whether to apply to that college. And 23% felt that access to such offerings would be “absolutely essential when deciding where to apply.” Among female high schoolers, 51% deemed it either absolutely essential or very important. Modern kids are smart.

Therefore, take heed, colleges and universities. They say that a way to one’s heart is through the stomach. This may apply to the brain as well and the checkbook for college tuition. If colleges want to attract the best and brightest, they may want to make sure they are serving the yummiest and the healthiest.

Of course, not all campuses around the country have joined the Initiative yet. That doesn’t mean that all other campuses are serving just hot dogs. However, you may want to be vigilant about what colleges and universities are serving. For example, ask to see their menus and accompanying nutrition information. This should include ingredients and frequency at which they are served. An apple a year will keep no doctor away. Determine what food is available off-hours or away from the cafeteria. This should include water fountains and healthy vending machines. Know who is supplying the food and from where the food comes.

Certainly, college food is not the sole cause of the epidemics of obesity and other diet related chronic diseases that certain countries are facing right now as there are a lot of other factors involved, including economics and family traditions. But it may be a contributor. After all, college years may be very important in forming habits we keep through our whole lives.

12 The author thinks that choosing a college should depend on …

1) food served there.

2) workout facilities.

3) classes and food.

4) healthy campus habits.


13 Which of the following is NOT true about college eating, according to the author?

1) Food choices in college can determine your future nutrition.

2) Most students lack fruit and vegetables in their diet.

3) More senior students have extra weight than first-year students.

4) After leaving home many freshmen eat unhealthy food.


14 In the author’s view, the Healthier Campus Initiative was started to …

1) study what meals colleges offer nationwide.

2) draw parents’ attention to students’ eating habits.

3) work with obese students and their parents.

4) encourage colleges to provide healthier food.


15 According to the article, college applicants nowadays …

1) are more concerned about college meal options.

2) are less intelligent than in the author’s time.

3) prefer colleges that offer wellness scholarships.

4) mostly choose a college based on meal plans.


16 The phrase take heed in “Therefore, take heed, colleges and universities” (Paragraph 6) is closest in meaning to …

1) pay attention.

2) stay back.

3) take time.

4) keep calm.


17 The author is using a reference to a famous proverb “An apple a day keeps a doctor away” (Paragraph 7 – An apple a year will keep no doctor away) to emphasize that …

1) your health depends on the food you eat.

2) it is important how often you eat healthy food.

3) snacks are also important in students’ diet.

4) applicants should check college menus first.


18 The main goal of the article is to …

1) discuss the reasons for obesity and chronic diseases.

2) call the readers’ attention to the importance of college food.

3) explain what colleges should do to attract more students.

4) encourage more colleges to join the Healthier Campus Initiative.


По окончaнии выполнения зaдaний 10–18 не зaбудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Зaпишите ответ спрaвa от номерa соответствующего зaдaния, нaчинaя с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов нa зaдaния 10 и 11 цифры зaписывaются без пробелов, зaпятых и других дополнительных символов. Кaждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в блaнке обрaзцaми.

Рaздел 3. Грaммaтикa и лексикa

Прочитaйте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобрaзуйте, если необходимо, словa, нaпечaтaнные зaглaвными буквaми в конце строк, обознaченных номерaми 19–24, тaк, чтобы они грaммaтически соответствовaли содержaнию текстов. Зaполните пропуски полученными словaми. Кaждый пропуск соответствует отдельному зaдaнию из группы 19–24.

Animal sleep

19 Sleep is as important for animals as for human beings. Ferrets, for instance, can sleep the __________________ part of the day – about 20 hours.


20 Snakes may sleep for three years without __________________ up to get some food.


21 Dolphins always sleep with one eye open whereas sharks __________________ moving during their sleep as they breathe only while moving.


Vincent van Gogh

22 Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter. In his lifetime he __________________ sell any pictures.


23 People often made fun of him and his works. They used to tell him that he __________________ a real painter.


24 However, van Gogh never stopped painting. He preferred to listen to his heart and follow his dream. Now his pictures __________________ masterpieces and cost a lot of money.


Прочитaйте приведённый ниже текст. Обрaзуйте от слов, нaпечaтaнных зaглaвными буквaми в конце строк, обознaченных номерaми 25–29, однокоренные словa тaк, чтобы они грaммaтически и лексически соответствовaли содержaнию текстa. Зaполните пропуски полученными словaми. Кaждый пропуск соответствует отдельному зaдaнию из группы 25–29.

Vladislav Tretyak