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“I can’t stop it all. But murder isn’t an end. Murder isn’t a solution.”

“She was his mother. It was her solution.”

“Murder doesn’t resolve murder. It perpetuates it.”

“What of us, then? What of us? No one stood for me. No one but Roarke.”

“And still it wasn’t an end. He lives with it.”

“And so do you. Now you’ll perpetuate her loss, her grief, for justice. You’ll live with that, too.” With her hand holding Quinto’s, Marlena led him away.

Eve stared at the pools of blood, the ripples in them.

And watched them spread.

She woke edgy, and with none of the energy the imminent closing of a case usually brought her. She knew the answers, or most of them, saw the pattern clearly, and understood, accepted, what she had to do.

But the acceptance and the restless few hours of sleep left her with a dull headache.

“Take a blocker,” Roarke ordered. “I can see the damn headache beating at your skull.”

“So, you’ve got X-ray vision now, Super-Roarke?”

“No point in taking slaps at me.” He rose, walked toward the bathroom. “I won’t slap back. You’ve got enough weighing on you.”

“I don’t want a damn blocker.”

He came back with one, walked up to her as she yanked on her weapon harness. “Take it, or I’ll make you take it.”

“Look, step back or-”

He cupped his hand on the back of her neck. She braced for him to try to force the pill down her throat. In fact, she welcomed the attempt and the battle. Instead, his mouth came down on hers.

The hands she’d lifted to fight dropped to her sides as lips simply defeated her with tenderness.

“Damn it,” she said when his lips left hers to brush her cheek.

“You hardly slept.”

“I’m okay. I just want to close it down, get it done.”

“Take the blocker.”

“Nag, nag, nag.” But she took it, swallowed it. “I can’t leave it open. I can’t pretend I don’t know. I can’t just let her do murder and turn away.”

“No. You can’t, no.”

“And even if I could, even if I could find some way to live with it, if I let her go, I let Pe

“Eve.” He rubbed at the knots of tension in her shoulders. “You don’t have to explain yourself, not to me. Not to anyone, but especially not to me. I could turn away. I could do that. I could do that and find some way outside the law to make sure the other paid. You never could. There’s that shifting line between us. I don’t know if it makes either of us right, either of us wrong. It just makes us who we are.”

“I went outside the law. Asked you to go outside it with Robert Lowell. I did that to make sure he paid for the women he’d tortured and killed. I did that because I’d given Ariel my word he’d pay.”

“It’s not the same, and you know it.”

“I crossed the line.”

“The line shifts.” Now he gave those shoulders a quick, impatient shake. “If the law, if justice has no compassion, no fluidity, no humanity, how is it justice?”

“I couldn’t live with it. I couldn’t live with letting him take the easy way out, letting the law give him the easy way. So I shifted the line.”

“Was it justice, Eve?”

“It felt like it.”

“Then go.” He lifted her hands, kissed them. “Do your job.”

“Yeah.” She started toward the door, stopped, and turned back. “I dreamed about Marlena. I dreamed about her and Quinto Turner. They were both the way they were after they’d been killed.”


“But… she said she’d take him, and she did. She said there was a special place for the i

“I do, actually. Yes.”

“I hope you’re right.”

She left him, went to her office to prepare for what had to be done.

When Peabody and McNab came in, she simply gestured toward the kitchen. There were twin hoots of joy as they scrambled for the treasure trove of her AutoChef. She stuck with coffee. The blocker had done the job-and maybe the conversation with Roarke had smoothed the rest, at least a little.

She cocked her eyebrows when Peabody and McNab came back in with heaping plates and steaming mugs.

“Do you think you’ve got enough to hold you off from starvation during the briefing?”

“Belgian waffles, with seasonal berries.” Peabody sat down, prepared to plow in. “This may hold me forever.”

“As long as your ears stay as open as your mouths.”

She began with Ortega, took them through her premise.

“At the end of the seven years, he’d stand to inherit, by spousal right, upward of six hundred and eighty-five million-not including personal property, and the profits from the real property and businesses over the seven.”

“That’s a lot of waffles,” McNab commented.

“Set for life,” Peabody agreed. “Well, if he’d lived.”

“His bed buddy didn’t want to split. She wanted it all. We’re going to prove that, nail her for accessory after the fact on Ortega and Flores, fraud, conspiracy to murder on Lino, and being a basic skank bitch. We’ll meet with the lawyer later today, and set up a little sting.”

“We lay down on her,” Peabody added, “and get her to flip on her co-conspirator.”

“Don’t need it. Screen on,” she ordered, and Juanita’s data flashed on. “Juanita Turner. Her son was a victim in the second bombing.”

“How did you…” Peabody paused, narrowed her eyes at the image. “She looks a little familiar. Did we interview her? Was she at the Ortiz funeral?”

“If she was, and I think it’s likely, she slipped in and out before the scene was secured. We saw her at the youth center. The medical.”

“That’s it! I didn’t get much of a look at her there. Her son?”

“And her husband, a year later-to the day-by self-termination.” Eve ran through it, flatly. “Pe

“Man, man, it had to be horrible for her to realize this guy she’d thought was… that he was the one respons-ible for her son’s death.”

“Yeah. It’s rough.” But it couldn’t influence the work. “I’ve contacted Reo,” Eve said, referring to the APA she preferred working with. “We’ve got enough, in her opinion, to get the communications. Which is where e-boy here comes in. I want you to dig in, dig out,” she told McNab as he gorged on waffles. “Anything that so much as sniffs like it’s co

Peabody swallowed waffles and berries. “We’re picking her up before Pe


Peabody said nothing as they walked downstairs. She got into the passenger seat, finally turned to Eve. “Maybe we get Pe

Peabody put a hand on her heart, widened her eyes. “I swear, your honor and members of the jury, I didn’t know she’d do murder. How could I know?” Dropping her hand, she shook her head. “Juanita’s going to get hit with first degree, no way around it unless Reo wants to deal it down, but Pe

“That’s not up to us.”

“It just seems wrong. Juanita loses her son, her husband. And now, all these years later, she gets used. And she’s the one who’s going to go down the hardest.”

“You play, you pay. She killed a guy, Peabody,” McNab said from the back. “If Dallas has this right, and it sure fits nice and tight, she did the premeditated-cold-blooded killed his ass.”

“I know that. But she was set up to do it. Jesus, you ought to see the crime scene photos from that bombing. There wasn’t much left of her kid.”