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"I'm sorry to say, but I come by invitation," the angel replies as the light dims in the room. I hear the edges of his feathers rake the floor like claws. "I was asked to come and check on you when the corridor to your realm was closed."

"By whom," Ashen demands. His voice cuts through the air, sharp as a blade. The angel doesn't answer. I step to Ashen's left and peer around the flow of smoke to look at our guest.

It's not the same angel as the one we saw in Saqqara. I can tell right away. This one is shorter, dressed in the same pristine white but much less Project Runway. There's no veil to obscure his beautiful face, its proportions almost too symmetrical to be real. He has olive skin, darker than mine, but light blond hair in tones of honey and gold. He locks his shimmering blue eyes to mine and smiles.

"Hi," he says, giving me a little wave.

"...hi?" I say back as I give a tentative wave in return with the hand that isn't clasped around my dagger.

"I'm Eryx," the angel says. His smile is still bright and untroubled, as though there isn't a seething demon in the room with us.

"...that's... cool..." I say, turning my confused gaze up to Ashen. His eyes glow as hot as lava. He hasn't taken them from the angel, though I know he feels me watching. I look back to Eryx, his smile still plastered to his beautiful face. "I'm Lu-"

"Lu-" Ashen hisses.

"-and this is Ashen," I continue. Ashen lets out a groan and I can almost hear his eyes rolling. "Uh... what are you doing here?"

"I came to provide my aid," Eryx says, his voice cheery. He sounds legit excited about this prospect.

I take a step closer and Ashen's hand darts out, his palm laying hot against my stomach. It takes me right back to the fight where we met. I look up and he meets my eyes. There's worry there, and urgency. I give him a half-smile but it only sweeps away the layers that shield his i

I clear my throat and try to smile. It feels more like a grimace and the angel tilts his head. "Uh, that's super nice of you to want to help, Eryx, but... why?"

"To keep the balance of the Realms, of course," he says. Eryx folds his wings back in a show of trust. Ashen does not meet him in this display. Smoke continues to fall around us, coating the floor in a thick black haze. I curl my fingers across Ashen's hand and try to loosen the tension trapped there but he doesn't budge.

"Who sent you?" Ashen asks.

"He said I shouldn't tell you," Eryx replies, a hint of discomfort in his voice.

"Was it Cole?" I ask. Eryx's face lightens in what looks like relief.

"Yes! Good guess, Lu. You're very bright."

"Hear that? The angel said I'm very bright," I repeat to Ashen with a beaming smile. He glares down at me in reply. I crinkle my nose and turn my attention back to Eryx. "About the balance between the Realms part... care to explain?"

"There are some within the Realm of Light that believe the age of humanity has come to an end," Eryx says, his voice deepening in tone to match the weight of his words. "They believe the Living Realm should be left to the immortals to fight over. But first, they demand the Shadow Realm must be destroyed. They aided the werewolves in the formation of the first hybrids. And now we must work together before they perfect their creation and start a war." Eryx gives a sad smile and walks forward through the smoke. For every step he takes, Ashen pushes us in the opposite direction. I watch as Eryx bends and grasps the edge of my fallen stool, standing it upright next to the kitchen island.

Ashen and I exchange a glance. I feel the worry in mine. I see fury in his.

"There are some in the Shadow Realm that would see hybrids made to fight the Realm of Light instead. We ca

"No," Ashen says.

"Not really," I say.

Eryx shrugs but his smile remains untarnished by our lack of enthusiasm. "We need to ensure the werewolves don't have another chance to make a hybrid. Lu would be safer in the Realm of Light, out of their reach."

"No," Ashen growls. It's such a small word, and yet it feels filled with feral rage.

Eryx purses his lips in a displeased pout. "Why?"

"Firstly, you just said yourself that there are those in your realm that seek to aid the werewolves."

"Not the House of the Virtues," Eryx says, emphatically shaking his head. "Lu would be safer there than in any realm."

"Forgive me if I don't believe a word you say, anu

The color seems to drain from the angel's skin. He looks from Ashen to me and back again, his smile collapsing into a grimace. Eryx swallows but it looks like it takes effort to do so.

How odd, I think. And I'm not the only one that notices.

"That's right, anu

Eryx raises his fist to his mouth and clears his throat, his other hand gripping the edge of the countertop.

"That is..." Eryx swallows again. I swear his skin is turning grey. "That is so unfortunate."

"Yes, and it's a very good thing we figured out a solution as your brethren drifted away into the sky without a backward glance. Speaking of which, Lu, you must be famished," Ashen says, looking down at me. I am, actually. I'm fucking starving. "Take more of my blood."

I glance at Eryx and he looks like he might vomit across the polished stone. Ashen gives the slightest hint of a sly smile as he removes his palm from my stomach and raises his wrist close to my lips. "Just trust me," he whispers.

The flowery sweetness of venom blossoms from my fangs as they expand in my mouth. I take Ashen's wrist in my hands and run my thumb down the blue line of the radial artery. My eyes drift closed with the scent of blood beneath skin. I press my lips there, an apology for the pain I'm about to cause. Ashen doesn't move when my teeth slide into his flesh. He stays carefully still as I take the first draw of his rich blood and open my glowing eyes.

Eryx grips onto the countertop as though it's a lifeboat on a raging sea. His skin has taken on a greenish hue. I can see a sheen of sweat on his brow. The hummingbird rhythm of his heart takes flight. I swallow another long pull of blood from Ashen's arm and it floods my veins with its effervescent heat. Fuuuuck it tastes so good. It warms my chest and sparks the engine of desire in my heart, a longing for more than I should ever want from a demon of the Shadow Realm. I take one more draw from his wrist before I force myself to let go.

"I'm sorry, does this bother you?" I ask Eryx in a voice as thick as syrup. I clamp my hand down on the bite. One look at my bloody smile and Eryx tilts off the stool and hits the floor, his wings crashing like a spilled armory of blades across the stone.