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I open the door. Ember stands on the other side. A chain is wrapped around her fist. She yanks it with a vicious pull of her arm.

A soul falls to my feet. She looks up at me, her vacant gaze flowing up my body. I see the moment of recognition in her eyes, the woman who I know is trapped within looking back at me.


My sister.


Chapter 24

"It's nice to finally have the chance to talk, just us girls," Ember says, jerking the chain that's coiled around Molpe's neck. My sister's body twitches in response, but her mind is caught somewhere in between, somewhere both now and in memory. I hope that she feels less than what I see.

I look from Molpe to Ember, putting on my fiercest expression. It's not hard. Because I'm going to rip her fucking throat out.

"I see that wicked gleam in your eyes, vampire. Before you get any ideas, let me just say that I know where your other sister is. Your favorite sister. And I can bring her back, you know. But without me, you'll never find her."

Ember gives me a smug grin and then loosens the tension on the chain. Her smile turns sweet, as though she's the most benevolent creature in all the Shadow Realm.

"You're going to help me."

I shake my head.

"Oh yes, I think you will. If Aglaope isn't motivating enough, how about I throw my brother into the mix. If you don't help me, I will ensure it becomes known what he did."

I give her a vexed look. He hasn't done anything wrong with me, at least not that I know of. Also, the fact that she would place him into this little game of hers makes want to kill her, resurrect her, and then kill her again.

"He's not always been the perfect Reaper of the Shadow Realm, if that's what you're thinking. You're not his first... indiscretion. You should ask him about Rosaria Wyre. Now that, my love, is a sordid tale."

I feel like I'm burning up with rage. I unsheathe the kaiken on my thigh and grip the handle with all the fury of my body cha

"No, I don't think so," Ember says, yanking the chain and bringing Molpe to her feet. She uses my sister as a shield. I glance at Molpe, her vibrant green eyes clouded by time and despair. They stay locked to mine and I feel her. I feel the plea that she conveys in her half-vacant gaze. "I have ensured that if you harm me, everyone will know it was you. And you already have one Reaper life to atone for."

"What do you want," I say out loud. My voice rings like bells, shimmers like a beacon in this hallway of House Urbigu.

"There it is!" Ember chimes, her face bright with a delighted smile. "I have been so hoping to hear that sound. It is truly beautiful. So much prettier than the voices of your descendants. Don't get me wrong, they sing beautifully, but you... you are special. The last of your kind. But it doesn't have to be that way. I can bring Aglaope back."

"What do you want," I say again. My hand is vibrating with the anger that churns in my core like lava. I hold my dagger to my side, trying to keep the tremble in my arm hidden.

"I want you to find how they made the hybrid. Bring that knowledge back to me."

Well that doesn't sound so bad, really, I think as I furrow my brow in confusion

"Bring me whatever it takes to make another."

Okay that sounds a little bit harder, but I can probably do that. 

"And then we will make our own hybrid with the power to take on the Realm of Light."

Umm, that's probably a pipe dream.

"And you will bring it there and unleash it upon the enemy. The angels."

Okay fuck that shit. This bitch is crazy. 

"I know what you're thinking, that it's impossible. But it's not, Lu. I realized it as soon as you showed up in our Shadow Realm. I knew right away that you aren't just a bright soul. You're a bright soul with a free pass to the Realm of Light." Ember pulls the wispy strands of hair from Molpe's shoulder and lays her chin on my sister's papery skin. "The angels are mobilizing against us. It's why Angelwing has shown up. It's why they're working with werewolves to make hybrids, to change the balance of control in the Living Realm. They want to wipe out the Reapers. To take control of the immortals. But you and I, we can steal that power right out from under them. And you can bring our vengeance to the Realm of Light."

"This will never work," I say, standing my ground on the threshold as she pushes Molpe a step toward me.

"It can. All you have to do is say yes. But the way I see it, you don't really have another option."

A slow and poisonous smile creeps across Ember's face. My fangs graze my tongue. We're staring at one another when footsteps approach from the far end of the corridor. Neither of us moves. We both know who it is.

"What are you doing here, Ember?" Ashen asks, his voice calm and measured. I glance toward him and his eyes are fused to mine. I turn my gaze back to Ember and she smiles as though we're the best of friends.

"I'm just visiting, brother. I thought Lu might recognize this vampire soul I found wandering near Bit Akalum tonight. I guess not."

Ashen halts at my side and glances at Molpe before training his eyes on his sister. "How lovely. I am sure Lu appreciated the intrusion. Time to go."

Ember's smile grows as she looks from Ashen to me. "You are right, brother. The hour is late. I will see you tomorrow, before you leave."

Ember turns away, pulling the chain with her as Molpe stands before me. My sister's eyes say so much in the instant before she's torn away. She keeps them tied to mine until she's forced to turn away. My throat closes tight, like every second suffocates me. I feel tears gathering in my eyes.

When Molpe turns her back I throw my dagger.

The blade strikes below her shoulder. Molpe drops to her knees. The silver kaiken is still laced with Angelwing. Within a breath she falls to the stone, unmoving.

I notice for the first time that Ashen's hand is curled around my free arm. He could have stopped me, but he let me throw the blade.

Ember looks down at the soul who has died a final death at the end of her chain, then bends down and pulls my dagger free. She tosses it in the direction of the door and it clatters across the floor. Ember turns her gaze back up to mine and smiles. "I expected nothing less," she says, then turns away, pulling the chain taut as she drags my sister's body down the corridor.

I clasp a shaking hand to my mouth. Ashen skirts around me to pick up the dagger and then pulls me back into the room and closes the door, locking it behind us.

"What's going on, Lu? What's happened?" Ashen asks, his gaze surveying my face as he tosses the dagger and a thick book onto the armchair.

I shake my head, trying to subdue the tears that are determined to streak down my face no matter how hard I fight them. Ashen stands before me and grasps my upper arms as his eyes bounce between mine.

"Who was that soul? What does Ember want from you?"

I can't even shake my head this time. I can only bite down on the inside of my lip until blood hits my tongue.

Ashen lets go of my arms and stalks to the bed, grabbing the pen and journal. He returns, shoving them into my hands.

"Tell me what the fuck is going on," he says. I hear the thinly veiled frustration in his voice, even though he tries to keep it measured and clear. I hear anger too, and I'm not sure if he's furious at Ember for her manipulations or at me for shutting him out. Maybe both. "Tell me, Lu."