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SABRE HAD SEEN THE MEN DIVIDE. ONE CHASED AFTER MALONE; the other slipped into the archway that led back down to the church. He decided the high ground would be better, so he carefully inched his way to the same doorway, hoping it led to the upper choir, where Malone and his ex-wife had stood earlier.

He liked the hunt, especially when the prey offered a challenge. He wondered about the identity of these men. Were they Israelis, as Malone thought? Made sense. He knew from Jonah that an assassination squad had been dispatched to London, but George Haddad had already been handled. He’d heard that encounter on the tape, confirmed by Malone. So what were Israelis doing here? After him? Unlikely. But who else?

He found the doorway and slipped inside.

To his left dropped the stairway to the church. Through the blackness he heard footsteps below.

He entered the choir, stopping where the balustrade met the outer stone wall and carefully looking below. Windows high in the church’s south façade glowed with ambient light. The blackened figure of a man, gun in hand, crept down the aisle formed from the end of the pews to the church’s north wall, keeping to the shadows, trying to make his way to the lower choir.

He ticked off two shots.

The suppressed bangs popped through the cavernous nave. One found the mark and the man cried out, reeled, then staggered against a pew. He readjusted his aim, made only moderately difficult by the dimness, and with two more shots sank the man to the floor.

Not bad.

He released the gun’s magazine and replaced it with a fresh one from his pocket.

He turned to leave. Time to find Malone.

A gun appeared in his face.

“Drop the weapon,” the voice said in English.

He hesitated and tried to find a face to the voice, but the blackness revealed only a shadow. Then he realized the man wore a hood. The chilly prick of another gun barrel nipped his neck.

Two problems.

“One more time,” the first man said. “Drop the weapon.”

No choice. The gun clattered to the floor.

The pistol in his face lowered. Then something whirled through the air and slammed into the side of his skull. Before any semblance of pain registered in his brain, the world around him went silent.


MALONE GRIPPED THE AUTOMATIC AND WAITED. HE RISKED one glance around the niche where he and Pam were hiding.

The shadow continued to expand as the gunman drew closer.

He wondered if his attacker knew there was no exit. He assumed the man did not. Why else would he be advancing? Simply wait out in the gallery. But he’d learned long ago that many people who killed for a living were plagued with impatience. Do the job and get out. Waiting only increased the chances of failure.

Pam was breathing hard and he couldn’t blame her. He, too, was fighting a quick heart. He told himself to calm down. Think. Be ready.

The shadow now stretched across the refectory’s wall.

The man burst inside, gun pointed.

His initial view would be of a dark, empty chamber devoid of furnishings. The niche at the far end should immediately grab his attention, then the second break in the wall. But Malone did not wait for all that comprehension to register. He rolled out of his hiding place and fired.

The bullet whizzed past his target and ricocheted off the wall. The gunman seemed stu

This was going to be a duel.

Malone fired again and his bullet found the man’s thigh.

A cry of agony, but the attacker did not go down.

Malone planted a third bullet in the gunman’s chest. He teetered, then dropped spine-first to the floor.

“You’re a tough man to kill, Malone,” a male voice said from beyond the doorway.

He registered the voice. Adam, from Haddad’s apartment. Now he knew. Israelis. But how had they found him?

He heard footsteps. Ru

He hesitated, then rushed to the doorway, intent on finishing what he’d started in London.

He stopped and peered out.

“Over here, Malone,” Adam called out.

He stared across the open cloister, diagonally to the far side where Adam stood beneath one of the arches. The face was unmistakable.

“You’re a good shot, but not this good. It’s just you and me now.”

He saw Adam disappear into the doorway that led down to the church.

“Pam, stay put,” he said. “Defy me this time and you can deal with the gunmen yourself.”

He bolted from the refectory and raced down the gallery. Where was McCollum? Two gunmen were definitely down. He’d seen only three earlier. Had Adam killed McCollum? Just you and me. That’s what the Israeli had said.

He decided that following Adam down into the church would be foolish. Do the unexpected. So he hopped onto one of the benches that lined the outer edge of the gallery and stared below. The ornamentation and tracery decorating the cloister were both impressive and substantial. He stuffed the gun in his belt and swung his body out, gripping the top of the stone bench and allowing his feet to find a projecting gargoyle disguising a drain. Balancing, he bent down, gripped the stone, and pivoted himself to a ledge that extended from one of the arch supports. From there it was six feet to the grass of the cloister garden.

Adam suddenly appeared from the church, in the far gallery, ru

Malone gripped the gun and fired, the bullet missing but definitely attracting his quarry’s attention.

Adam disappeared downward, using for cover the same waist-high benches that Malone had.

The Israeli appeared and clicked off a shot.

Malone dove between two tracery supports into the lower gallery and hit the floor tiles hard. The breath left him. His forty-eight-year-old body could only take so much, regardless of what he’d once done on a daily basis. He scampered back to the bench and carefully stared across the cloister.

Adam was ru

He sprang to his feet and bolted left, rounding a corner and heading straight toward Adam. His target disappeared into another set of glass doors, custom-fit within two elaborate arches and framed by statues.

He made his way to them and stopped outside.

A sign identified the dark space beyond as the chapter house where the monks had once congregated for meetings. Opening the glass door would be foolish. Not enough light to see much on the other side; only windows, two, their definition clear.

He decided to use what he knew.

So he swung open one glass door and kept his body behind the other, which should protect him from any shots.

None came.

A huge tomb filled the center of the towering rectangle.

He searched with his gaze. Nothing. His eyes were drawn to the windows. The right set were shattered, glass strewn across the floor, a rope disappearing upward, being pulled from the outside.

Adam was gone.

Footsteps slapped off stone, and he saw Pam and McCollum ru

“Got slammed across the head. Two of them. Up in the choir. I took one out in the church, then they got me.”

“Why are you still breathing?”

“I don’t know, Malone. Why don’t you ask them?”

He did the math. Three down. Two more supposedly accosted McCollum. Five? Yet he’d only seen three.

He leveled the gun he was holding at McCollum. “Those guys break in here, come after us, try to kill me and Pam, but you they whack on the head and leave. A bit much, wouldn’t you say?”

“What’s the point, Malone?”

He fished the locator from his pocket. “They work for you. Here to take us out so you didn’t have to.”