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Maria followed his gaze and caught a glimpse of flashing lights. Red and blue lights. A police cruiser was approaching up the highway. With a gasp Maria spilled the entire contents of the vial into her lap.

"Max, you'd better pull over," Liz said.

"Can't we just blow out the police car's tires, too?" Adam asked.

"Not a good idea," Michael answered. "They could just radio ahead and get someone else to stop us."

"Maria, can't you do something about that smell?" Isabel asked. "It's gagging me."

"We're in a Jeep. Deal," Maria snapped as Max slowed down and drove onto the shoulder.

The cruiser pulled up behind them, and Maria was stu

Is she Clean Slate? Maria thought frantically. Is that one of the Major's chemical weapons she's carrying?

"This is all we need," Isabel whispered.

The sheriff stopped next to Maria and nailed her with a cool glance that made Maria want to confess everything, even stuff she hadn't done. "Hi," Maria said in a rush. "I know we're not supposed to ride with two of us in the front seat like this, but the Jeep was the best car to take camping, and-"

"No, you're not supposed to ride like that," Sheriff Dodson said. "But that's not why I'm here." Then she handed Maria the package she was carrying. Maria just stared at it in her hands, unable to recognize it for a moment.

"It's your sleeping bag," the sheriff said. "You forgot it, and I told your mom I'd track you down and give it to you."

"Oh, thanks," Maria said. She wondered if she sounded as dumbfounded as she felt.

Then Sheriff Dodson got a whiff of the cedar oil. "That's some interesting perfume you're wearing, Maria."

Maria giggled uncontrollably. A voice in the back of her mind told her she was acting like a freak, but she was too nervous to stop. "It's cedar oil," she exclaimed through her laughter. "It was an accident! I'm going to smell like this all day! Maybe even for the rest of my life."

Shut up, she ordered herself. Please, please, just shut up and let Sheriff Dodson go.

"Are you okay?" Sheriff Dodson asked, peering through the window at the rest of Maria's friends. Maria's heart pounded. The sheriff was probably thinking her bizarre behavior was drug induced or something.

She took a deep breath. "I'm fine," she said. "I just feel like an idiot… You know, making you come out here with my bag and spilling oil all over me." She paused and looked into the sheriffs amused face. Maria blushed. "Sorry."

"That's okay," Sheriff Dodson said. She patted the side of the Jeep. "You kids have fun." Then with a small wave she turned and headed back to her cruiser.

Maria pressed her hands to her forehead and groaned.

"I feel like I just swallowed a pair of spiked heels," Isabel said.

"That was pretty intense," Max agreed. He waited for Sheriff Dodson's car to pass them before he headed back out onto the road.

"Maria," Michael said, "I'd suggest you start checking that sleeping bag for some sort of tracking device."

Maria giggled, clutching the bag to her chest.

Michael just looked at her. "I'm not kidding."

It was dark by the time Max had found a place to park and everybody had agreed on where to set up camp. Max liked the spot they'd chosen. It was a mile or so from the main cavern in an area called Whites City, out in the backcountry open desert but protected from the wind by a jagged, crumbling outcropping of dark red rock. Nearby, large serrated cacti cast eerie shadows in the moonlight.

"So, we'll just camp out tonight and then take the first tour of the caverns in the morning?" Maria asked, dropping her bag on the ground.

"Yeah," Max said. "I think we should get a sense of the place first."

"How are we going to know if DuPris is there?" Liz asked, pulling the cooler out of the Jeep. "It's not like the guide's going to point him out along with the bats and other interesting features."

"Well, with luck he'll use his powers and we'll be able to sense him," Michael said. He pulled on his jacket and handed Max his sweater.

"We're probably going to have to go into the closed-off section," Max said. "Hope everyone's ready for some spelunking."

"Some what?" Adam asked.

"He's just trying to sound like he knows what he's talking about," Isabel said. "Ignore him."

"Cave exploring," Michael explained. He shook his head. "I can't believe I actually associate with someone who uses the word spelunking in conversation." He turned to Adam. "I'm going to make a fire. Help me out?"

"Sure," Adam said. "What do I do?"

Max smiled. Sometimes Adam was like a puppy dog around Michael. And the amazing part was that Michael actually put up with it.

"Go out and collect some dried tumble-weeds-thick ones if you can find them," Michael instructed.

Soon the fire was roaring, sending up sparks and smoke into the starlit sky. Everyone gathered around the fire, pulling out food they'd brought.

"Guys? What are we going to do if we don't find DuPris?" Maria asked tentatively as she settled to the ground. "I mean, without the Stone…" She trailed off, leaving only the crackling of the fire to break the tense silence.

"Without the Stone, how are we going to bring Alex back," Max finished finally.

"We're go

"And that's the attitude we should keep," Max said, looking at each of his friends. "We're going to find DuPris, and we're going to figure out a way to bring Alex home safely. We have to believe it, or we shouldn't even bother trying."

Liz looked up at him and smiled. "Right," she said firmly. "Tomorrow we bring Alex back."

"Right," Maria repeated.

Michael slapped his hands together. "Well, now that we're all settled on that, let's eat."

"Mr. Sensitive," Isabel muttered.

"What?" Michael asked, his eyes wide. "Alex wouldn't want us to starve."

Liz laughed. "The man has a point. Alex did-" She corrected herself quickly. "Does. Alex does love his food."

"And so do I," Michael answered. He reached out and grabbed the Tupperware container filled with nachos from the cafe. "Mine," he said, cradling the nachos close to his chest and stroking the blue plastic lid lovingly. "Mine."

Max ripped open a bag of Cosmic Crunch, stuffed a handful into his mouth, and passed the bag to Liz. It's like a celebration before the apocalypse, he thought, feeling a little creeped out. Enjoy yourself now because tomorrow… who knows what will happen?

"Max? I brought jalapeno potato chips and soy sauce just for you," Liz said, holding up a bright red bag.

"Thanks," Max said with a small smile. "But I think I'll go for a walk first."

Liz's lips tightened slightly, and Max's heart responded with a sharp pang. "I'll be right back," he promised. Then he shoved himself to his feet and headed off before she could argue or volunteer to come with him.

Max found a big shrub a few yards from the campsite and took a seat on a large flat rock behind it. He needed to co


Max concentrated on shutting out the sounds of his friends and took a deep breath. He hadn't told the others about his encounter with Alex. He didn't want to worry them, and he'd been hoping against hope that the anger had died down. That Alex wasn't so terrified.

"Just let me be right," Max muttered.

He leaned back and opened himself up to the maelstrom of images hovering at the back of his mind. Then he waited for the sense of belonging that always greeted him on his immersion into the consciousness.