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Ben stood on the lip of rock that acted as a doorstep to the chamber. He glanced over the edge to the water far below. The chamber was on the highest level and was located on the section of cliff wall above the lake. Without the scaffolding, it would have been a difficult climb, even for him.

Ashley turned to Dr. Symski, who crouched in the back of the dwelling. "When your researchers found the statue," she asked, "was the figure facing out or in?"

"Well…" He shuffled his feet. "You see, there was this accident. The first man in here knocked it over. We don't know which way it was facing."

She slapped the altar stone. "What other key details did you botch?"

Dr. Symski flushed.

Ben, feeling irritable himself with all this nitpicking, intervened. "What difference does it make? Whether it was facing in or out or lying on its freakin' back?"

Ashley, with narrowed eyes, turned to him. "It makes all the difference in the world. This is the only significant artifact in the dig. It must have once had great importance to the culture here. If it was facing out when it was found, it was probably a warding charm, to keep evil spirits away. If it was facing in, then it probably was a worship tool, used in rituals."

Ben scratched behind his ear; a trickle of sweat ran down from under his helmet. "In the bigger scheme of things, what difference does it make if it was a charm or an idol? How is that going to solve the bigger mystery of where they went?"

She opened her mouth to answer, then shut it with an almost audible snap. "I give up," was all she mumbled as she shoved past him and began climbing down.

Ben immediately regretted his remark. He knew instinctively that he had blown any progress he'd made that day impressing and charming Ashley. "Wait up," he called, climbing down after her. Dr. Symski followed.

"To hell with both of you!" she called out, not even looking back.

It was a quiet ride back to Alpha Base.


"MOM, YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THE FISH WE CAUGHT." Jason spread his arms as wide as he could reach, almost bumping Linda, who was seated next to him at the di

"That's some fish," Ashley said.

"It was phosphorescent! That means it glowed."

Ashley noticed he had chosen to sit next to Linda at tonight's di

"It was blue. With huge teeth."

"Sounds bloody weird, mate," Ben said as he entered the dining room, his hair still damp from a shower. "A real dingoling."

"Hey, Ben!" Jason said, greeting him with a mile-wide smile. "You should have been there."

"Sorry, champ," Ben said. "Had to help your mother." He sat down-a couple seats away from Ashley.

She knew why he chose to sit so far away. She shifted her peas around her plate, admitting that she had been a real bitch this afternoon.

Perhaps she should apologize for her outburst earlier. She opened her mouth to speak when the dining room door swung open and Khalid entered.

"Good evening, everyone," he said as he crossed to sit on the other side of Linda. "Sorry I'm late, but I ran into Dr. Blakely, who asked me to mention he's going to be involved with last-minute arrangements and won't be joining us for di

Ashley noticed someone else was missing. "Has anyone heard from Michaelson?"

"Yes," Linda said, holding up a hand. "Well, actually, not directly. A Marine who helped us fish today told me that Major Michaelson was housing in the military section of the base. Across that gorge."

"Why's he doing that?" Ashley said. "We've got plenty of room here. This building's practically empty."

"I guess he's getting those other two men ready for the trip," Linda said. "Our guards."

Great, she thought, two more gun-toting men along for the ride. But this was no time to grouse. It was the eve of their adventure. Besides, as leader, she should say something. Something dramatic. Something uplifting. Though her mind was blank, she set down her fork, determined to say something.

While she watched the others finish their di

Ashley cleared her throat. "I'd… like to… make a toast." She raised her water glass and stood up. The others looked at her expectantly. "Over the past few days, we've all had a lot thrown at us. And I think we're all feeling trampled on, but tomorrow we embark on a trip where the success of our mission will depend on our ability to work as a team. And as much as Blakely may get under my skin personally, I think he put a hell of a team together. So," she said, raising her glass higher, "here's to us. To the team."

"To the team!" the group echoed, hoisting their drinks.

"Yeah, to you guys!" Jason said, swigging from his cola.

Linda tousled his hair. "What about us girls?"

Jason blushed. "You know what I meant."

"I know." Linda leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks."

Jason turned an uncomfortable shade of purple.

As Ashley smiled at her son's consternation, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Ben stood behind her. He leaned and whispered in her ear. "I'd like to talk to you. Would you mind a short walk after di

"Umm…" she hedged, caught off guard. This was the last thing she had expected. "I've got to put Jason to bed."

"Well, how about after that? I just need a few moments."

"Is it important? Can't it wait until morning?"

"Well, I'd rather get this off my chest tonight."

"Sure," she agreed reluctantly, "I guess I can see you in a bit. How's half an hour?"

"Fine. I'll meet you outside the entrance. I'm go

She nodded and watched him leave. "Jason, let's head back up to our room."

Her son, more his normal shade now that Linda's attention had turned to Khalid, pushed back his chair with a loud squeak. "Can I watch cable?"

"Sure, but only for a half hour, then to bed." She collected him under her arm, squeezing him, and waved to the other two. "See you in the morning."

Linda waved back, and Khalid nodded.

After settling Jason in front of a rerun of Gilligan's Island, Ashley pulled on a yellow sweater. "I'll be back in a little bit."

Jason waved to her as she left, his eyes never leaving the screen.

Ashley pushed through the door to the outside and spotted Ben talking to a guard. He waved to the Marine and crossed over to her. "Thanks for coming."

She wrapped her arms around her chest. "So?"

"How about we walk over to that gorge?" He pointed toward the opposite end of camp. "I've heard the area is a bonzer make-out spot."

She placed her fists on her hips. "If you think… That's not why I came out here."

Ben gri

"Then what did you want to talk about?"

"C'mon. Let's walk. I really want to see this chasm. I barely caught sight of it when we crossed yesterday." He offered his arm. "C'mon."

She ignored the arm and walked past him. "I can't be away too long. Jason's waiting up."

He caught up and strode beside her. "About this afternoon-"

She held up a hand. "I know, I know. I overreacted."

"No, not at all, I was being a jackass."

She turned to him. "Is that what you think?"

"Sure do. I was butting my big nose where it doesn't belong."

She studied his serious eyes and determined jaw, limned in the lantern light of a nearby tent. "See," she said, a tightness in her throat thickening her words, "that's what's really bothering me."

"What?" He brushed a hand across hers, but she pulled away.