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"Ready or not, here I come," Michael whispered. He launched himself at Kyle, ru

Michael grabbed both of Kyle's wrists and pi

"You just keep eating pavement until we're finished with our little chat. You got that, Kyle?" Michael demanded. He jabbed his knee into the loser's back, just to make his point clear.

"I'm not Kyle," the guy said, his words muffled against the asphalt of the parking lot.

"What?" Michael grabbed the guy by the shoulders and flipped him over.

He wasn't lying. He definitely wasn't Kyle. This guy looked more like Michael than he did like Kyle.

For a long moment the stranger just looked at him in silence, causing Michael's adrenaline to start pumping all over again. What did this guy want?

"I'm your brother," he finally said.

[ Version History]

1.0 – sca

2.0 – July 12, 2004 – The_Ghiti – proofed in detail against deadtree format.

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