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Sharon Maddux and David Sinkkonen, my good friends, who know a good time and a good idea when they see one and are ready with constructive criticism on how to make either better. Their attentive reading of the manuscript early on is much appreciated.

Emily Bestler, my editor at Pocket Books, who really is the best in the business, and Heide Lange, of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates, my Lion of an agent-I will always be grateful for everything they have done. The assistants of these two ladies, Sarah Branham and Esther Sung. The L.A. Dream Team-my film agent, Angela Cheng, of Writers and Artists, and my entertainment attorney, Scott Schwimer-for their friendship, unfailing commitment, great advice, and knowledge of the proper weapon to bring to a gunfight.

T. C. Boyle, Steve Binder, Stanley Ralph-Ross, David Cosnett, and Gloria Russo, for all the things they taught me, which are too numerous to list. Scot Thor and Joseph P. Fawcett, two of the nicest “landlords,” whose hospitality and couches I relied upon heavily in the early days and who are two of my biggest heroes. To that list I have to add my father and mother, Brad Thor, Sr., and Judy Thor, without whom I wouldn’t be here today. In all seriousness, it is their love of reading and strong belief in education that has helped me reach my goals.

Finally, I want to thank two wonderful ladies. The first is my wife, Trish, who always encouraged and supported me in my dream of writing. Trish also gets a big thanks for her help with the medical sections of the novel and her willingness to read chapters over and over again until they were just right. The second wonderful lady is our dear friend Cynthia Jackson, of Pocket Books, whom Trish and I met on an overnight train from Munich to Amsterdam. Cindy was one of the first people to read and believe in my manuscript. It is because of Cindy that I found my place in the Pocket family. I can’t imagine how things might have turned out if Trish and I hadn’t taken that train. It just goes to show you that everything happens for a reason and it all works out for the best. That being said, Trish and I are pretty heavy sleepers, and I am still missing a pair of hiking boots and a couple hundred Deutsche Marks.


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