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Opening his eyes, he realized that he was no longer on the ground. He was hovering over it. He gasped, then fell back to the floor. Pain shot through him as his skin again marbled to blue. His fingernails turned black and grew long…

Something wasn't right. His body was now alien to him. He stared at the marbled skin, trying to understand why it would be such a color.

How could he hide this from his family? Do you want to? A sadistic laugh went through him as he imagined the look on his "father's" face as he told him who and what he was.

"I'm a god."

Not half, but full-blooded. One with a bounty on his head, with an entire pantheon out to kill him. It was ridiculous. It defied belief, yet here he was… blue.

Acheron tried to get up, but a wave of dizziness sent him back to his knees. He looked at his bed, wishing he could make it to it. The next thing he knew, he was under the covers.

His eyes widened as the full implication of what he was hit him. He was a god with the same powers as Artemis.

Or maybe not. How did god powers work?


He tensed at the sound of Ryssa's voice in the room with him. Glancing down, he saw that his skin was again normal and he was grateful that the blanket covered him completely. "Yes?"

"Are you ill?"

Technically no. He wasn't even drunk anymore. "I'm just resting."

He felt her sit beside him on the bed and tug at the blanket. "Will you look at me?"

Terrified of what might happen while she sat there, he uncovered his head.

She smiled. "I haven't seen you all day and wanted to give you this." She held a small box out to him.

Her gift made his throat tight. "Thank you." Returning her smile, he opened it to find a small medallion on a bracelet. It was the symbol of a sun with three lightning bolts piercing it. He frowned at the emblem that seemed eerily familiar.

"I know it's strange, but I saw it in the market and it made me think of you. The jeweler said it was a symbol of strength."

"It's Atlantean." The sun design was that of Apollymi… his mother.

I've made him sad. Why did I pick this one? Oh no…

He heard Ryssa's thoughts in his head.

"It's beautiful. Thank you."

She reached for it. "I can-"

He covered her hand with his. "I love it, Ryssa."

He's only saying that. I'm so sorry, Acheron. I didn't mean to pick out something Atlantean. How could I have been so stupid?

It was so disconcerting to hear her thoughts so clearly while she held a false smile in place.

"If you're sure…"

He nodded. "I'm sure. Thank you," he repeated.

I'm such a fool. Here I tried to make sure he had at least one gift and I've ruined it with my stupidity.

The sincere love he felt in those words brought tears to his eyes. His sister really did love him… more than he'd ever guessed.

He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. "You mean everything to me, Ryssa. You know that, don't you?"

"I love you, Acheron." And I wish I could make this day as special as it should be for you. It's not fair that you're here alone.

"Ryssa!" Her father's shout was enough to make Acheron glare at the door.

Ryssa frowned at him. Dear gods, what's wrong with his eyes?

Acheron averted his gaze, scared of what they might look like now. His body was still normal, but what of his eyes?

His door slammed opened to reveal her father. "What are you doing here? It's time to toast your brother."

She stood up and lifted her chin. "I was giving my brother his gift."

"Don't you dare be impertinent. Your presence is required. Now."

"Go, Ryssa," Acheron breathed. "Your father wants you."

You godless whore.

Acheron laughed at the king's thoughts. If the man only knew…

The last word anyone could use to describe him was godless. He had gods coming for him out of the woodwork.

The king didn't move as Ryssa stepped past him. He stood in the doorway, glaring his anger at Acheron. "So you've finally given up calling me your father?"

Acheron shrugged. "Believe me, I know you're not my father. And I'm sure your son is waiting below to hear your most precious ode to him."

He must be drunk. "You're to stay here."

"Don't worry. I have no intention of fucking up your party." Yet… Of course had his original plan worked out, the king would be mourning his beloved son right now.

I should have the bastard beaten, except it would cast a pall on Styxx's party. That smug prick… The king withdrew and closed his door.

Acheron shook his head, trying to clear it of the king's thoughts. He picked up Ryssa's gift to study it. How ironic that she would give him this tonight. It was as if his mother had somehow guided her to it.


He froze at the hesitant female voice he'd heard so many times in his life and thought himself mad. "Matera?"

"My baby. I swear I will avenge you. But we must be careful. Xiamara will return and show you how to use your powers. Leave them alone for now so that Archon can't find you. Stay hidden and when the others have ceased their machinations, she will lead you to me and I will make sure no one ever hurts you again. I swear it on my life."

He felt the lightest whisper of air against his cheek… like a small caress before the air was still again.

Clenching his teeth, he felt the pain overwhelm him. His mother loved him… His real mother.

He wanted to see her desperately. To know, just once, what it felt like to have a parent look on him the way the king looked at Styxx or Ryssa. With pride. With love.

I'm wanted.

More than that, Artemis would no longer have to be ashamed of him. While it was unseemly for a goddess to be with a whore, there was nothing shameful about being with another god.

She could love him openly…

He wanted to shout in joy. Holding Ryssa's bracelet to his chest, he smiled at the thought of telling Artemis what had happened to him. Surely she'd be thrilled.

How could she not?

Yet he still had a strange sense of foreboding that warned him he should be afraid of what tomorrow would bring.

June 24, 9527 BC

Acheron paced the floor, desperate for Artemis to appear so that he could surprise her with his newfound role. The morning had been interesting as he discovered new things about himself. He could move objects with nothing more than a thought. Like Artemis, he could teleport outside and back in. Granted his mother had told him not to use these powers, but honestly he couldn't help it. They were much more in control of him than the other way around.

And still he heard the voices from the people around him and even off in far lands. Sometimes so loud the pain of it drove him to his knees. Every single thought. The entire world was laid bare at his feet.

The only peace he had was around Apollodorus whose desires were simple. Eat, sleep and be held and loved. There was so much solace in simply holding his nephew that it eased all the other voices screaming at him and allowed Acheron to focus and ground himself.


He turned around as Ryssa exploded into his room in a flurry with Apollodorus in her arms. Apollo is such an ass. I'm so tired of being his plaything or food. He thinks I have no purpose but to come to him the moment he snaps his fingers. "I have to go for a little bit. Could you please watch Apollodorus? His nurse can't get him to stop fussing and I can't tend him right now." His father is a selfish pig who thinks I'm his trained bitch. "I hope you don't mind."

Acheron shook his head in an effort to determine what he heard with his ears versus his mind. It was extremely disconcerting. "I don't mind." He took Apollodorus from her arms.