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Frowning, she studied him as if he were some deformed curiosity. "You are beautiful. Perhaps I'd risk my godhood for you too." She reached to touch his face.

Acheron caught her hand. "You need to leave."

"I would be a kinder lover to you than Artemis is."

As if he needed that.

"Look," Satara said firmly. "I can tell by your eyes that you're a demigod like me-the fact that your blood sustains her is proof of that. And I saw how Artemis treated you. I promise you, I wouldn't be so callous. Not to mention that with the powers I have, you and I could take hers. Imagine, two demigods with the power of a god. We would be invincible."

"There's no such thing as invincible. There's always something that flaws every being no matter how powerful they are. A weakness… You recognize me as Artemis's. Someone will know yours and they'll find mine. Right or wrong, I pledged myself to her and I will not back out on my word."

She sneered at him as if he were mentally defective. "Then you're a fool."

"I've been called worse."

She shook her head. "And you're content to be her lapdog?"

No he wasn't. But what choice did he have? "Again, I gave her my word and I will not be a liar."

She snorted in derision. "Then I'm sorry I misjudged you. However, I find myself in a bit of a quandary. If she ever finds out about this, she'll kill me, niece or not. But since you appear to be a man of your word, do I have your oath that you'll never tell Artemis what I've said today?"

"I don't like plotting another's downfall, not even yours. That being said, if you ever go after Artemis, then I will tell her what you've done. So long as she's safe, you're safe. I swear it."

She cocked her head as if baffled by his threat. "You're bartering with me to protect the same sow who would sooner beat you than treat you with the same loyalty you show her?"

Acheron shrugged. "I'm protecting my best friend. Right or wrong. I will stand by her."

Satara shook her head. "You and I have an accord then. I only hope you find her worth your loyalty."

So did he. But like Satara, he somehow doubted it.

With one last warning glare, Satara left him.

Acheron raked a hand through his hair as he tried to sort this out. So Artemis had as many people plotting her demise as his father. Damn. What was it about power that made everyone covet it so? Why couldn't people be content with what they had? Why must family and friends turn on each other over something so insanely i

When love was shown to someone how could they let greed and selfishness spoil it? He just didn't understand that.

Love was so pure and i

As Artemis did with him.

As Styxx with his father.

It was why he loved his nephew so. Apollodorus asked for nothing more than attention and when he hugged and gave a sloppy kiss to the cheek it was pure, joyful love. There was no subterfuge. No giving in order to get something back.

Why couldn't the world be like that?

Then again, who was he to ask those questions? His own mother had been incapable of showing even the most basic compassion toward him.

Love, unfortunately, was a weakness squandered on those who didn't deserve it.

Acheron grabbed the wine bottle from his table and uncorked it. There wasn't much solace here, but some was infinitely better than none. The gods knew he couldn't find solace anywhere else. Maybe he should have taken Satara up on her offer.

But what price would she have exacted? There was always a price for everything in life. For that wisdom, he could almost thank Estes.

Nothing in this world ever came freely.



He tensed at the sound of Artemis's voice. She was nowhere to be seen. But, he could feel her like a whisper on his soul.

She manifested behind him. "I'm sorry, Acheron. I shouldn't have treated you that way."

"Then why did you?"

Still invisible, she nuzzled his shoulder. "I'm afraid and I let my fear direct me."

"You're a goddess."

"I'm one of many and not as powerful as others. Do you know what they do to a goddess when they strip her of her powers? They cast her to earth to exist among the humans who abuse and mock her. Is that what you'd have for me?"

Why not? It was what she would have for him.

Unfortunately, he wasn't that cruel. "No. I only want what's best for you, Artie. But I'm tired of your taking everything out on me. I'm not a mindless doll you can beat when you're frustrated."

She materialized so that he could see the sincerity in those beautiful green eyes. "I know and I'm trying. I really am. Just be impatient with me."


She frowned. "That's the wrong word, isn't it? I don't know why I mix them up sometimes."

These moments when she allowed herself to be vulnerable were the ones that endeared her to him. They were the ones that had allowed him to love her.

Cupping her face in his hands, he gave her a tender kiss.

Artemis sighed as a wave of relief went through her. She loved him so much and yet she was so terrified of what loving him meant. She truly didn't want to hurt him ever. He was the only person she could be herself around. With other gods she had to be fierce and defensive and with mortals she had to be divine and intolerant.

Acheron was the one person who allowed her to laugh. He was the only one who held her and made her feel warm inside. But the problem was, whenever she opened herself up she felt the coldness inside him and knew that even though he was loyal to her, she didn't make him happy. That hurt the most. The pain inside him that she couldn't alleviate made her want to lash out in anger and hurt him for not being as open with her as she was with him.

Why couldn't he feel what she did?

Even now there was a reservation in his touch. A hesitation and she didn't understand why.

How could she make him love her the way he had when they first met?

She wanted to punish him for not loving her like she loved him. To make him beg her for her love. But how?

Pulling back, her gaze went to his neck and she cringed at what she'd done to him while she'd fed-it was something Apollo would have done to her. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

Acheron held his breath at words that had been said to him so many times. Just once couldn't someone think of that before they damaged him?

"I'm fine." But the truth was, he wasn't. He'd never been all right with the pain. He'd merely grown used to it.

She brushed the hair back from his face. "You look so tired. I shouldn't have taken so much blood from you." She tugged him toward the bed. "You should rest."

True. There was no telling what horrors would be there for him on the morrow. Another gelding or beating, or just the emotional punching that Artemis excelled at.

He couldn't wait.

"Will you come to me tomorrow?" he asked again, desperate to not be alone while the whole world lavished well wishes on his twin brother.

Artemis hesitated. She wanted to come, but Apollo would be here for Styxx's celebration. She had to be careful. Because they were twins and gods, he could sense whenever she was near. If he felt her, he'd come seeking her and that could very well cost Acheron his life. "You know I have a festival. How can I miss it?"

He looked away and the hurt she felt from him sliced through her own heart.

"I'll visit the next day."

Acheron held his emotions in check. "I'll look forward to it then."

"Are you being sullen with me?"

"No." He was hurt. "I hope you have a good festival."