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A blond woman who couldn't have been much older than fifteen sat up on the bed and with the priest's help she stood, then walked toward him. By the way she moved, Acheron knew she was drugged. Heavily.

The priest led her to a tall chair that was set over a bowl with vapors. By the scent of it, he'd guess it contained Morpheus Root mixed with Risi Opsi, a compound that created fantastic hallucinations. It was something he'd only taken once after Euclid sang its praises, but that had been enough. It'd left him delirious with nightmares for two days.

"Leave us," she snapped at the priest. "You know the law."

He withdrew instantly.

The girl pulled the cloak up on her head as she added water to the boiling herbs to make them smoke more. "You're not the prince."

He frowned at her. "How do you know?"

"I know all," she said snidely. "I'm the oracle and you're the cursed firstborn son whom the king denies."

That last bit wasn't common knowledge and it made him believe in her abilities. "Then tell me why I'm here."

She breathed in the vapors and writhed on the stool as if she heard the same voices that haunted him. When she opened her eyes, her gaze pierced him like a lance. "You can't kill him. It is forbidden for you to die."


She inhaled again. Her eyes turned a glowing shade of gold. "In the mark of the sun lies a slash of silver. Not once, not twice, but thrice. The mark of the father to the right, the mother to the left and in the center is the one who unites the two. Three lives intertwined. You are what you were though you don't know it yet. You will. The day draws near when your destiny will manifest. Walk with courage and listen. Yours is a birth of pain, but one of necessity. Akri di diyum. "

The Lord and Master will rule…

She reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Your will will make the laws of the universe."

"What are you saying?"

"He who fights destiny loses. Embrace your fate, Acheron. The harder you fight the more painful your birth." She collapsed.

Acheron barely caught her before she hit the floor. Scooping her up in his arms, he took her to her bed and laid her down. She continued to mumble nonsensical words of birds and demons coming for him.

Even more confused than he'd been before, he left her to the care of the priests and made his way back to the palace.

Her prophecy was gibberish.

It had to be. Why would the gods pick a whore to move through? Why would his will be the will of the universe?

She's drugged…

Of all men, he knew how disconcerting that was. It was nothing more than the hallucinations he'd had himself. He was nothing.

Yet in the back of his mind two words whispered over and over again.

What if?

March 3, 9527 BC

Acheron sat in the nursery, spooning strained meat to Apollodorus. The two of them had been alone most of the morning while Ryssa lay with a vicious headache. He didn't know why his nephew appeared to adore him, but the boy would follow him anywhere.

It was the only good thing in his life.

Apollodorus let out a long burp, then giggled.

Acheron lifted his eyebrows. "I think you're done, my lord."

The baby fell over and laughed. Acheron scooped him up and propped him against his shoulder.

He'd just set Apollodorus down for a nap when the doors to the nursery opened. For an instant, he feared it might be his father or Apollo, but luckily it was Ryssa entering with a tiny blond young woman.

It took a moment before he realized who she was.


"Acheron! Look who came for a visit with her mother."

Joy filled his entire being as he rose to greet her. "It's so good to see you again." He held her close.

She pulled back to look up at him with a smile. "Acheron… it's been far too long. You haven't changed a bit."

But she had. And when she ran her hand down his arm in a disturbing caress, he went cold with dread. Especially when that familiar light came into her eyes. It was as if she couldn't control herself. Damn, his curse.

Not Maia…

Stepping back, he put distance between them. "What brings you here?"

"I came here with my mother."

Ryssa gave him a wan smile that let him know her head was still paining her. "They'll be staying for a week."

That news should have made him glad, instead he dreaded it. "Really?"

Maia approached him slowly, like a stalking lioness who was hungry to take a bite of him. "You and I should get reacquainted."

Before he could respond, a maid called for Ryssa.

Ryssa grimaced in pain and pressed her hand to her temple, then glanced to them. "I'll be right back."

Maia took another step closer. "I had forgotten how beautiful you were…"

He put his hands on her shoulders to keep her back. "I was told you have a husband now."

"He's not with me." She leaned toward him invitingly.

"No," he said firmly. "I won't do this with you."

She licked her lips as she glanced up at him from beneath her lashes. "I'm not a child anymore, Acheron. I'm a woman full grown with a babe of my own."

"And I have no interest in you that way."

She reached for his groin.

Acheron grabbed her hand before she made contact. "Maia, I tended you when you were a child."

"And now I'd have you tend to me as a woman."

"Please, stop this."

"Why? You're younger than my husband is." She tried to pull her hand away from his grip. "Don't you find me attractive?"

Ryssa returned.

Acheron released her and quickly moved away. "I have to go now."

"Is something wrong?" Ryssa asked.

More than he could ever tell her. "No. I'm fine. I just need to go." He practically ran from the room and didn't stop until he was safely locked inside his own chambers.

Leaning his head back against the door, he cursed over what had happened. What was so wrong with him that everyone past the age of puberty wanted to fuck him?

He was so tired of everyone grabbing at him, winking and looking suggestively. It wasn't normal and now with Maia he realized something terrible.

He would never be able to have a normal relationship with anyone.

Father, sister, even childhood friend.

The moment someone went through puberty, it was over for him. Sick with the thought, he slid down the door and hated whatever curse the gods had given him.

June 22, 9527 BC

Tomorrow Acheron would reach his majority. One and twenty. He should be thrilled and yet the oracle's words haunted him. More than that was the look on Maia's face as she'd attempted to grab him.

"Something has to change," he said with a heavy sigh. His brother was still plotting his father's murder and here he sat doing nothing except trying to stay out of everyone's way, hoping they wouldn't even see him.


He leaned his head back to find Ryssa joining him on the balcony. She narrowed her eyes at him. "You're taking that stuff again, aren't you?"

"Only for today and tomorrow," he admitted quietly.


Because Artemis had cut out his heart and he didn't have the stamina to make it through the next two days without it.

It was their old fight. He'd asked the goddess to acknowledge him or at the very least come to him on the a

"Acheron." Ryssa gripped his chin and forced him to look at her. "Can you hear me?"

"Not really."

He saw the frustration in her eyes. "What am I going to do with you?"