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He stopped instantly.

As he started to set it aside, she stopped him. "Please keep playing."

"I only like to play when I'm alone."


"Because it makes people want to fuck me."

She tsked at his contrariness. "You shouldn't use words like that around me, Acheron. I'm a goddess. You need to show me more respect."

"Forgive me, akra."

Artemis sat back with a sigh at his subservience. She hated whenever he took that tone. It was the fire and defiance in him that she craved. Whenever he relaxed, that was the side he showed her. But the moment she corrected him, he immediately fell into this role he wore right now.

And she despised it.

She pushed the instrument toward him. "Would you play for me? There's only the two of us and I should like to hear your voice."

He returned the kithara to his lap and idly strummed it.

She leaned against his back and held him while he played. "What other talents do you have that you've hidden from me?"

"I'm accomplished at anything that entertains others."

"Such as?"

"Musical instruments, song, strega, massage, dance and fucking."

"Acheron!" She hid her smile behind his shoulder. So he wasn't quite subservient after all.

"I was only answering your question."

Sure he was… Her Acheron could be quite a handful and in more ways than one. "Can you dance as well as you play?"


She found that impossible to believe. "Show me."

"There will be no music if I stop playing to dance."

She pulled the kithara from his hands. "There will be." She used her powers to continue the song. "Now show me what you can do."

He stood up and turned to face her. Holding his hand out, he waited for her to take it before he pulled her to her feet. True to his words, he was an elegant dancer. He moved with a graceful beauty that was almost godlike.

The more they danced, the more she ached for a taste of him. Her body on fire, she jerked him into her arms, intent on stripping him naked.

"Artemis!" Apollo's call shook her.

Acheron saw the doors to Artemis's temple opening. The next thing he knew, he was falling onto the floor of his own bedroom. The stone slammed painfully into his body as he landed flat on his back. His breath rushed out of him in a loud oof.

"You could have put me on my feet or in the bed," he said from between clenched teeth.

A bright light flashed in the room an instant before the kithara landed on top of his stomach. Acheron cursed in pain. It'd been a nice thought of hers, but damn… for a goddess renowned for her aim in hunting, her aim in this left much to be desired.

He'd barely risen to his feet before his own doors swung open to show Ryssa.

"Where have you been?" she demanded in a tone he'd seldom heard her direct at him. It was anger mixed with worry.

He set the kithara on his bed before he answered. "I don't know what you mean."

"I've been looking for you. You were gone for hours."

It was strange how time on Olympus passed very differently from time here. To him, it seemed as if only minutes had passed. "I was nowhere important."

She narrowed her gaze on him as she drew near. It was a probing gaze as if she were trying to unravel a mystery. "There's something different about you."

"There's nothing different."

"Yes, there is. You don't cower as you used to. You look at me when I speak to you. There's a confidence and peace that wasn't there before. What has caused this change?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Ryssa stepped closer to him, then froze. Her gaze fastened on his neck and before he could stop her, she reached out and brushed his hair back from his shoulder. She gasped. "You've been with Artemis."

Terror filled him, but he kept it from showing as he silently cursed. "I've been with no one."

"I'm not a fool, Acheron. I know the marks left by the gods." She looked at the kithara. "I know their gifts."

Damn it. He should have thought of that. But it was too late. All he could do was lie to her and hope she'd believe him. "I have been with no one."

"Why don't you tell Father?" She turned to leave.

Acheron grabbed her arm. "Listen to me, Ryssa. I've been with no one. I know nothing of what you speak. If you love me even a little, you'll forget this moment and pretend you've seen nothing… please."

She placed a tender hand to his cheek. "I love you, little brother. I would never betray you. If you don't want me to tell him, then I won't."

He moved her hand to his lips so that he could kiss it in gratitude. "Now what had you seeking me this day?"

"I wanted to go to the market, but didn't want to go with a servant. I thought you'd enjoy the excursion."

"Why didn't you ask me?"

Acheron looked past her to see Styxx standing outside the door with a livid expression.

Ryssa turned to frown at him. "I didn't think you'd like to go. It's rather common for you, isn't it?"

Styxx curled his lip. "You'd rather be with an abomination than me?"

"Acheron isn't an abomination."

There was no missing the hurt in Styxx's eyes and it stu

"Why do you always defend him?" Styxx asked her, his voice laden with pain and anger. "Every time we turn around, you've crawled off to be with him."

Ryssa was aghast. "Surely to the gods you're not jealous?"

"Of that maggot? Never!"

But he was. Even Acheron could see it plainly.

Styxx spun on his heel and stalked off. Ryssa ran after him and pulled him to a stop in the center of the hallway. Acheron went to the door to watch them.

"Styxx… what is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong? The fact that my sister parades herself around with a whore and degrades herself by begging for his comfort when she won't even acknowledge the brother who loves her."

"You've never wanted to be with me. All you've ever done is deride me and my actions as you are now."

He shook his head. "You remember nothing, do you?"

"Remember what?"

"Anytime Acheron and I were ever crossed you ran to him to cuddle him while you ignored me. Every time I ever reached for you, you couldn't be bothered with me. Acheron is all that's ever mattered to you."

Ryssa shook her head with the same disbelief that Acheron shared. "You ca

"Don't you dare laugh at me." His eyes narrowed dangerously. "I am prince and heir. I can have you killed, sister or not."

Acheron saw the tears in her eyes over that threat and fury took him. He left the door to defend his sister. "Don't you dare talk to her like that."

Styxx backhanded him so hard, his lip and nose exploded with blood. "Don't you ever address me again, you filthy whore. I wish to the gods that you knew the humiliation you've caused me. Whenever I walk into a room, I see the snide glares, hear the whispered comments and jeers about my twin and his unrivaled skills. Because of you, I never knew my mother. I barely know my sister. I hate you with a passion so fervent that I can imagine no greater pleasure than killing you. If only the gods would grant me that one desire."

"Styxx!" Ryssa snapped. "How dare you!"

He curled his lip at her. "Don't you dare chastise me. In the end you're both nothing but whores. You're beneath me." He stormed off.

Acheron's heart bled for his sister as he saw the tears begin to flow down her face. He pulled her into his arms. "You're not a whore, Ryssa."

"Am I not? Tell me, what's the difference between us?"

"You are loved and claimed by the one who takes you to his bed. Believe me, that's a big difference."

No, his sister was kind and gently born. She was a lady. Styxx was an ass. And the only shit in the family was clearly Acheron.